28 部电影

2000 年 06 月 09 日

  孟菲斯(尼古拉斯•凯奇 Nicolas Cage 饰)是这个世界上最高明的窃车贼,人们形容他为“gone in 60 seconds”,即只要他盯上的车停在这里,他60秒内便能连人带车一起消失得无影无踪。孟菲斯终究厌倦了窃车贼的虽然惊险刺激但重压在身的生活,宣布金盘洗手了。但他的弟弟却想步其后尘,不料很快就卷入了一次黑帮危险的交易中。孟菲斯为了救出兄弟,只好重操旧业,答应黑帮一晚内偷来60辆车。不料,警察正在密切监视着孟菲斯。当他偷得最后一辆“悍马”卡车时,警车、警察直升机尾随而至,展开了一场马路追逐……

2005 年 04 月 24 日

布莉(费莉西蒂·哈弗曼 Felicity Huffman 饰)是个性别倒错者,生就男儿身的他自幼认为自己应该是女人,因此成年后一直努力工作赚钱,一直接受荷尔蒙治疗,分步骤实行变性手术。就在最后一步正式“去势”的前夕,布莉接到来自纽约的意外消息,原来他有个儿子,是当年不小心的结果,如今快要成年,但当街卖身因此被警察拘留。布莉硬着头皮到纽约见到儿子陶比(凯文·齐格斯 Kevin Zegers 饰),隐瞒真实身份带他一路开车回家,一路相处布莉慢慢了解陶比对找到生父的执念,而陶比竟然爱上这位“大嫂”,这段古怪关系将以怎样的方式揭开真相……

2015 年 01 月 24 日

两个10岁的孩子无意间在郊外发现一部看似被遗弃的警车;结果他们居然异想天开地把车给开去兜风,但除了令人无言、毛骨悚然、自杀式的驾驶技术外,他俩对自己惹上了什么麻烦也浑然不知。   当警车的主人---小镇警长(凯文·贝肯 Kevin Bacon 饰)找上门来要回他失踪的警车时 ,情况更是雪上加霜。两个小鬼头这时才发现他们已陷入一场危险又致命的猫捉老鼠游戏中……

猫捉老鼠,警察抓小偷,交警罚违章,天经地义;当然,偶尔也会出些意外,比如警察3个礼拜抓不到偷了25辆名车的小偷,比如交警屡屡追不到开着改装车在公路上超速狂飙、在测速电子眼前留影的飞车族……但如果让哪个警长在自己的辖区里同时遇到这些意外,那这个警长有些抓狂、有些歇斯底里、有些见人就咬恐怕也能理解——小警察卡尔的上司现在就正经受着这样严峻的心理考验……   半夜,公路边,小警察卡尔正在“纠正违章”帮一名美女检修轮胎之际,身旁4辆崭新鲜红的奥迪双涡轮跑车风驰而过,职业反应明显迟钝的卡尔用他最快的速度发动警车打算驰援的0.01秒之后——缉盗的10余辆警车全部追尾,排在最前面的是卡尔的车,直升机里响彻夜空的是上司的恶毒咒骂……   转过天来,一个莺飞草长、风和日丽的日子,卡尔被降职到路边测速,随着一阵风驰电掣,卡尔的测速器飞到路边,卡尔的制服裤子竟然被劲风吹成了两片,...

1985 年 04 月 19 日

A group of careless and unlucky drivers are sentenced to attend traffic school to keep their records clean.

2005 年 06 月 09 日


1997 年 11 月 18 日

A bored motel clerk and his buddies go for a little joy ride in a woman's car. They don't realize until it is too late that she is a paid assassin and that her latest victim is in the trunk. Thus begins the clerk's descent into a shadowy world of lies and murder.

1996 年 05 月 30 日

Christoph, cop and self-confident macho, has trouble with his fiance. After a long night he wakes up in the arms of Edgar, a good-looking, gay auto-mechanic. His live gets more and more troublesome after his girl friend throws him out of their apartment and as last resort he moves to Edgars place. Working together with a new, good-looking, very self-confident, female collegue, but living with a good-looking gay guy makes him pretty uncertain about his sexuality and his role as a cop. Written by Konstantin Articus

2019 年 05 月 31 日

《寻车奇遇》讲述了一个天资聪颖但缺乏自信的女孩,她在人生的各个阶段处处逃避。她揭开神秘的骗局,从一个喜欢山羊的疯狂孟买歹徒手中找回被偷走的车。在这个过程中,她重拾自信并开始变得阳光开朗。除了因参演 Netflix 剧集《温馨点滴》而征服观众的米蒂拉·帕卡尔,阿佩·代沃尔和维贾伊·拉齐也将出演本片。《寻车奇遇》由 Vineyard Productions 的阿什维尼·亚尔迪担任制片人,萨钦·亚尔迪担任导演。

1976 年 06 月 06 日

A young woman with a long rap sheet who steals cars for a living is befriended by a public defender who tries to steer her straight. But her goal is to steal and subsequently sell enough cars (sometimes the same car more than once) to buy a new Ferrari.

2007 年 01 月 22 日

When his mother dies, a teenager takes a road-trip in a stolen car to find his long-lost brother. Along the way he discovers a profound connection with the car-owner and with himself as well.

2009 年 05 月 10 日

A rich American couple, a family of Dutch criminals, a French gay couple, a working class family from Germany and an illegal Moroccan youth and his kid brother, are all in Amsterdam, each with their own story. Different reasons make their paths intertwine, leading to a dramatic climax that changes their lives for ever.

1956 年 11 月 02 日

Story of a salesman lured into the "hot car" racket.

1950 年 05 月 12 日

A cop poses as a member of a stolen-car ring to capture the men responsible for the murder of his fiancee's brother.

2005 年 01 月 01 日

Eleven-year-old petty criminal Maroa lives with her violent grandmother Brigida in Caracas. After her boyfriend Carlos is involved in a shooting, Maroa is arrested and sent to a school where Joaquin conducts the youth orchestra, and he asks the naturally talented Maroa to join. Days now revolve around the classes that Joaquin, the shy and unconventional teacher, gives her. He is immediately interested in this talented young girl, who lacks all notion of discipline. Joaquin, the only person to offer hope in the midst of her rejection, finds that through Maroa, his world has also changed forever.

2003 年 11 月 18 日

A stripper infiltrates a ring of car thieves to avenge her murdered brother.

2007 年 11 月 15 日

An upper-middle class punk singer Andre, Magnata spends his time with his low-class friends, singing in clubs and wasting money. When he accepts a challenge to steal a Ferrari, he gets involved in a thriller that can lead him to a tragic consequence.

1967 年 03 月 16 日

One night, after disastrous road accident, the eyewitnesses were claiming that they saw a woman behind the steering wheel. It was actually three teenagers who stole Peugeot 404 to drive around for fun, but the girl who hitch-hiked them left the car in the middle of highway. They have been chased by the police and crashed fatally. The police continues their intense search to find the fourth person.

2008 年 04 月 02 日
1998 年 06 月 16 日

Two teenaged kids discover a miniature bottled city buried beneath a construction site. They must protect the tiny civilization within from reptilian alien hunters after its everlasting power supply.



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