지독한 전염병이 전세계를 휩쓸고 지나간 후, 로버트 모건 박사는 유일한 생존자가 된다. 몇 년 전 중앙 아메리카에서 박테리아를 다루던 일을 하던 중 우연히 얻게 된 면역력 덕분이었다. 그는 완전히 외톨이가 되었다고 생각하지만, 밤이 되자 사정이 달라진다. 전염병으로 희생된 사람들이 무덤에서 되살아나, 오로지 그의 피를 노리며 그를 공격하기 시작한 것이다.

7월 31, 2009

정체불명의 피를 수혈 받고 뱀파이어가 된 신부 상현. 피를 원하는 욕구와 신앙심 사이에서 갈등하던 그는 우연히 어린 시절 친구 강우와 그의 아내 태주를 만나면서 인간적 욕망에까지 눈뜨게 된다. 상현은 태주의 묘한 매력에 빠져 쾌락을 갈구하고 태주는 히스테리컬한 시어머니와 무능력한 남편에게 억눌렸던 욕망을 깨워준 상현에게 집착한다. 점점 더 대담해져만 가던 둘의 사랑은 급기야 상현이 뱀파이어라는 사실을 알게 된 태주가 자신의 남편을 죽이자고 제안하고, 상현이 제안을 받아들이면서 새로운 국면에 접어드는데...

파리에 온 젊은 연인 르네와 피에르는 북호텔에서의 동반자살을 계획한다. 피에르가 르네를 쏜 뒤, 자신을 쏘기로 하지만, 르네를 쏜 피에르는 겁을 먹고 달아난다.

여행 중이던 데이비드 그레이는 어느 여인숙에 머물게 된다. 여인숙 집안의 딸이 쇠약해져 있는 모습을 본 그는 집안의 불길한 기운에 불안을 느낀다. 경찰의 그림자는 그에게서 멀어져가고 배가 오기를 기다리던 농부는 돌연 낫을 휘두르는 죽음의 신이 된다. 이러한 악몽 같은 일들을 겪은 후 그레이는 그 여인숙을 운영하는 늙은 여자가 고대의 뱀파이어이며 자신이 위험에 처해있다는 것을 깨닫는다.

칼 테오도르 드레이어 최초의 유성 영화로 촬영을 맡은 루돌프 마테의 꿈인지 현실인지 불확실한 몽롱한 영상이 공포를 더욱 가중시킨다.

10월 1, 1982

A psychopath escapes from a mental institution and starts a murder spree, which ends in the pursuing of a young handicapped girl, who once got a blood transfusion from him.

A fugitive, dangerous madman reaches an English village where he confronts his former partner who left him for dead in the jungle after their discovery of a diamond mine. When the former partner also claims to have since lost the mine and all its wealth, which he took all for himself, and though the partmer is still living in a state of luxury , the madman takes up an offer from a crazed scientist to make him invisible, something the scientist has already done with experimental animals, so that he can take revenge.

2월 10, 1957

An agent from a distant planet has been sent to earth to ship large quantities of blood to his world, where a plague is ravaging the populace. He comes equipped with an interstellar matter transmitter, telepathic mind-control powers, and deathray-shooting eyes. Because he is also affected by the blood disease, he gains control of the town's physician and has him place a nurse at his disposal, while he collects live humans for fresh blood; but gains the nurse's suspicions, along with those of her boyfriend - a town police officer.

Hans von Arnam travels to a Flemish village to study a strange carousel located in an old windmill that displays famous murderesses and other notorious women from history. Professor Gregorius Wahl, owner of the windmill, warns Hans to stay away from his mysterious daughter Elfi, in order to keep Hans from discovering the horrible secret shared by the Professor and Elfi's Doctor.

5월 11, 1982

Roberto Hurtado suffers from a rare disease that requires massive transfusions of blood from children or adolescents. His son blackmails three employees to get blood for him and they resort to unscrupulous methods to obtain it.

12월 9, 2013

A young couple, Alexander and Livia, take off on holiday to Romania. Hospitalized after being hit by a car, Alexander must undergo a blood transfusion—with horrifying consequences: upon his return, he seems afflicted with a strange disease.

12월 16, 1925

Dick Bannister is the new field boss of the Ford Logging Company, a Canadian logging-crew during a time when conflicts with the powerful Consolidated Lumber Company, a bitter rival company, have turned bloody, like a private war. His boss, Miss Edith Ford, comes to inspect the lumberjack camp, bringing her doctor fiancé with her. Dick is attacked by his rivals and left for dead. His loss of blood is so great that he needs a transfusion, but no human will volunteer, so the surgeon uses a wolf as a source of the blood. Afterwards, Dick begins having dreams where he runs with a pack of phantom wolves, and the rival loggers get killed by wolves. Soon, these facts have spread through the camp. (via YouTube)

10월 6, 1958

A man and wife are terrorized by Mad Scientist Dr. Callistratus who was executed but has returned to life with a heart transplant. Along with his crippled assistant Carl, the 'anemic' Mad Scientist, believed to be a vampire, conducts blood deficiency research on the inmates of a prison hospital for the criminally insane to sustain his return to life.

On their wedding night, a newlywed couple find themselves menaced by a bloodthirsty vampire.

10월 18, 1925

A feisty little girl, the daughter of a beat cop, faces the challenges of growing up in a tough city neighborhood.

5월 26, 1946

A woman falls under the hypnotic spell of a resurrected madman.

Emergency medicine intern Margaux can no longer stand it. During another very hectic and patient-filled shift, she forgets a homeless woman on a stretcher who then dies. Shocked Margaux has no choice but to continue working. But suddenly, her body starts sweating blood uncontrollably.

Mad scientist brings his dead mad scientist grandfather back to life and makes a Frankenstein-type monster out of him.

A shockumentary mixtape consisting of four videos taken off the internet. Includes a real grave robbing tutorial, an actual dark look in the inside of a mortuary, a man who delivers "just desserts" to his family and a hunting video for innocent small creatures.

A sexologist gets involved with the lovely and love crazy young baroness of Gluecksburg. Originally hindered by an occupational accident, he recovers completely after a blood transfusion. Hilarious and sexy!

1월 1, 1953

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