17 部电影

1994 年 07 月 29 日

史丹利,典型好好先生,生活呆板單調,唯一值得誇耀的就只有那件光鮮的睡衣,他本身是銀行辦事員,每天在千篇一律的規律中求生存,集天下倒霉事於一身偏又遭噩運降臨,魔力莫名附身,幸運的是,這或許是他的轉戾點。 一日.奇蹟出現了,當史丹利在河裡發現古代面具,似乎象徵一切都將改觀,他甚至相信好運已經開始降臨了。當他戴上面具時,一陣旋風,奇幻的蛻變,模擬出陵峭嚴峻青色彩妝的臉孔,有雙大得嚇人還可伸縮三尺的眼球,有一見美色就不聽使喚的下巴,更驚人的是他那長的離奇的大舌頭,可像地毯長鋪桌面……。他從一個儒弱無庸的人變成能看透人心中慾望及滿足奇想的超級英雄,宛如是正義使者。就在他從狗熊變成英雄時,卻遭到黑道的追殺,意欲奪取面具為非作歹,史丹利如何發揮超感能力奪回面具,並贏得美人的芳心……

2012 年 08 月 08 日

由Barney(史泰龍 飾)所領軍的特種僱傭部隊,個個訓練有素,位位身懷絕技!一天,Barney再次收到由Mr.Church(布斯韋利士 飾)所派遣的任務。詎料,這次本應手到拿來的簡單行動,卻因為Barney的大意和輕率,導致失敗告終。 全隊人馬被Jean Vilain(尚格雲頓 飾)所統率的恐怖份子重重圍困;其中一名成員不幸陣亡,形勢極度惡劣!然而,更令Barney震驚的,是Jean Vilain手上竟持有為數達5公噸的高危「鈈」原素(Plutonium),威力足以摧毁全世界! 為了全球安危,更要替死去的戰友報仇,Barney與好拍檔Lee(積遜史達頓 飾)、YiYang(李連杰 飾)、Trench(阿諾舒華辛力加 飾)、Gunnar(龍格爾 飾),以及更多猛人伙伴,立刻披上最強武裝,誓要拼盡最後一口氣,也要剷除Jean Vilain,完成這場終極任務!

1987 年 03 月 06 日

Veteran buttoned-down LAPD detective Roger Murtaugh is partnered with unhinged cop Martin Riggs, who -- distraught after his wife's death -- has a death wish and takes unnecessary risks with criminals at every turn. The odd couple embark on their first homicide investigation as partners, involving a young woman known to Murtaugh with ties to a drug and prostitution ring.

1998 年 07 月 10 日

Officers Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh of the Los Angeles Police Department must stop a dangerous crime lord from China from getting his brother out of jail.

2005 年 10 月 21 日


1989 年 07 月 07 日

In the opening chase, Martin Riggs and Roger Murtaugh stumble across a trunk full of Krugerrands. They follow the trail to a South African diplomat who's using his immunity to conceal a smuggling operation. When he plants a bomb under Murtaugh's toilet, the action explodes!

1992 年 05 月 15 日

Archetypal buddy cops Riggs and Murtaugh are back for another round of high-stakes action, this time setting their collective sights on bringing down a former Los Angeles police lieutenant turned black market weapons dealer. Lorna Cole joins as the beautiful yet hardnosed internal affairs sergeant who catches Riggs's eye.

2005 年 02 月 18 日

《變相怪傑》的續集,第一集中一個魔法面具讓一個溫和的好好先生變成一個無所不能、無往不利的泡妞高手,這次魔法面具落入一位年輕父親的手中,泡製出一部爆笑的家庭喜劇。 當年輕的卡通畫家提姆艾佛瑞在兒子出生後,好不容易才克服了當菜鳥爸爸的恐懼,他卻很快發現他的小寶寶竟然擁有魔法面具的超能力,更慘的是他家養的小狗也覬覦魔法面具,於是和小寶寶展開一場面具爭奪大戰,把他家搞得天翻地覆、雞飛狗跳。但是他們都不知道,愛搞怪的挪威天神洛奇也跑來尋找他的魔法面具,而且願意不擇手段把它搶回來。

1986 年 11 月 21 日

A pair of adventurers try to track down an ancient Aztec/Mayan/Egyptian/Apache horde of gold.

1929 年 02 月 08 日

The vaudeville act of Harriet and Queenie Mahoney comes to Broadway, where their friend Eddie Kerns needs them for his number in one of Francis Zanfield's shows. When Eddie meets Queenie, he soon falls in love with her—but she is already being courted by Jock Warriner, a member of New York high society. Queenie eventually recognizes that, to Jock, she is nothing more than a toy, and that Eddie is in love with her.

2018 年 08 月 24 日

講述前囚犯Eddie和Paul在假釋期為一家紐約餐廳打工,他們被英國律師Katherine Rookwood招募,前往倫敦盜取一顆被稱為「藍蜥蜴」的寶石。兩人此前辦事時通常輕鬆脫身,而這次一個精神失常的小規模犯罪團夥的頭目擋了他們的路,發生一系列意想不到的事。

1941 年 10 月 10 日

Gwen Saunders teams up with her uncle's employee, Steve Bennett, in an attempt to double her $10,000 investment in the family firm. If she can reach the $20,000 mark, her uncle, T.T. Ralston, will match the figure. Steve bets that if he can spend an entire day without telling a lie, Ralston and his business partners must double Gwen's money. Bennett then earns the enmity of everyone involved in his attempt to win the bet.

1942 年 05 月 01 日

Conniving Broadway starlet Mida King has plenty of enemies, so when she's found murdered at Grand Central Station, Inspector Gunther calls together a slew of suspects for questioning. Mida's shady ex-flame, Turk, seems the most likely culprit, but when smart-mouthed private eye Rocky Custer -- also a suspect himself -- begins to piece together the crime, a few clues that Gunther has overlooked come to light.

1934 年 02 月 24 日

Two telephone repairmen have many adventures and romance a pair of blondes.

Phyllis Diller’s brand of comedy is as timeless today as it was in the 1960s, when she became a regular on popular variety and talk shows. From her outrageous costumes to wildly teased hair, Diller was a pioneer among female comediennes, paving the way for future stars. Who can forget her hilarious housekeeping and marriage tips, her beleaguered husband Fang, her cackling laugh and self-deprecating sense of humor? Phyllis Diller: Not Just Another Pretty Face highlights some of her best routines. Special guest stars such as Don Rickles and Dean Martin make this a fun trip back in time.

A girls'-night-in dinner party among three friends turns into a disaster when one of them makes a hurtful remark.

1928 年 02 月 04 日

Vaudeville act performed by husband and wife team Russ Brown and Jean Whitaker.



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