77 部电影

2013 年 07 月 19 日

尼克(萊恩雷諾斯飾)是一個能力頂尖的警察,在一次捉捕行動當中因故身亡。死後的他並沒有直接上天堂或是下地獄,而是被送往R.I.P.D,也就是驅魔局。驅魔局是專門把不願離開人世間的壞亡靈和怪物糾出來、送往他們應該被送去的地方,而不是留在人間。尼克因為辦案能力卓越而被送往驅魔局,在那裡,他被指派和一名死了很久的西部拓荒時代執法警官洛伊(傑夫布里吉飾)成為搭檔。 躲藏在人世間的壞亡靈們暗中計畫,收集一個已經破碎且四散世界各地數千年的神聖法器的碎片,一但收集完整再組合起來,就可以把無法到人間的壞亡靈們重新召回人世間,到時候,人類將無一倖免;這下子,尼克和洛伊更是責任重大。可是兩人不但辦案方式不同,個性也迥異,合作起來笑料百出,這對搭檔真的有辦法在時間限制中完成任務嗎?

2014 年 02 月 14 日

一名罹患絕症的特務,接到組織交付的機密任務,該任務可以換取搶救他生命的藥物,但他一直隱瞞家人的特務身份也將被揭穿。為了活命,特務不惜在巴黎殺出一條血路。 凱文科斯納在片中扮演最強老爸,當他想要退休與妻女共享天倫時,卻發現自己得了絕症,他的女兒由《戰爭遊戲》海莉史坦菲德飾演,安柏赫德則是扮演他的夥伴,指使他從事任務以換取藥物。 導演麥克金從拍攝廣告影片與MV發跡,2013年首部執導作品《特務愛很大》全球票房破億。這次和盧貝松合作,也企圖將《特務殺很大》打造成為一系列的全新特務電影。

2004 年 09 月 10 日

開放空間聯盟的主席艾伯碰到同一個非洲人3次,引發他對於巧合這件事背後真正涵義的疑惑,於是找上「存在偵探社」協助調查。「存在偵探」薇薇(莉莉湯姆琳 飾)和柏納(達斯汀霍夫曼 飾)在過程中,發現艾伯的對手布萊(裘德洛 飾)和消防隊員湯米(馬克華柏格 飾)也有很大的心理問題,一群人攪和在一起,能否解決各自的疑惑?

1954 年 05 月 29 日

希區考克(Alfred Hitchcock)導演的作品中少數改編自百老匯舞臺劇的一部,而且原作還是一部立體電影。全片的主要場景是一戶公寓的客廳,丈夫利用一部電話佈下陷阱謀害妻子,不料結果適得其反,警探登門展開調查,一步一步揭開事件的真相。本片的舞臺劇味道甚濃,對白亦多,但導演掌握了流暢的節奏,讓觀眾能津津有味地細聽對白的奧妙,緊張氣氛的經營更是不在話下,雷米蘭(Ray Milland)、葛麗絲凱莉(Grace Kelly)均有精彩演出。

2008 年 04 月 07 日

故事發生在車水馬龍的繁華大都市洛杉磯西區,一幫「武林高手」聚集於此,經常相互切磋技藝。其中,有一個十分不起眼的男人,他的名字叫麥克(切瓦特·埃加福特 Chiwetel Ejiofor 飾)。麥克是一名防身術教練,功夫了得,然而,平日裡習慣低調做人的他並不希望過多的展現自己的實力。

  麥克和妻子桑德拉(艾莉絲·布拉加 Alice Braga 飾)開了一間武館,以此維生,儘管武館的生意一直平平,但恩愛的夫妻兩人對於目前平靜的生活感到十分滿意。然而,一場意外的發生讓麥克無奈的被捲入了利益紛爭的漩渦之中,還背負上了纍纍的債務。為了保護家人,麥克不得不挺身而出,為自己的榮譽而戰

2002 年 10 月 04 日

本片描述一名在義大利杜靈(Turin)教書的英國女子菲莉帕Philippa(凱特布蘭琪飾),她在丈夫因吸毒過量致死後,一心希望能擊垮販毒集團的首腦,卻遭腐敗的警察官僚漠視。於是,她決定自己執行正義,在毒犯頭子的辦公室裡設下自製炸彈,不料卻誤炸電梯導致四個無辜者死亡,為此她入獄服刑... 在獄中,已甘心為罪伏法的她,卻與一名年輕的警官費利波Filippo(喬凡尼瑞畢斯飾)發展了一段奇特的戀情。他帶著她開始亡命天涯的旅程,目的是為了在這沉淪的世界裡,找尋屬於自己的陌路天堂… 《天堂奔馳》的劇本是由已故波蘭電影大師奇士勞斯基與他的長期編劇拍擋皮茲威克共同構思。原本要作為大師復出的「神曲三部曲」divina commedia(「天堂奔馳」「人間」「地獄」)系列第一部,但大師卻在96年仙逝。 遺留下的三部劇本,最後由大導演薛尼波拉克《遠離非洲》、安東尼明格拉《英倫情人》與德國當紅新銳導演湯姆提克威《蘿拉快跑》搶下版權,他們共同製作,並由湯姆提克威執導這講述著道德兩難的故事。

2013 年 02 月 10 日


2017 年 05 月 12 日

Anne is at a crossroads in her life. Long married to a successful, driven but inattentive movie producer, she unexpectedly finds herself taking a car trip from Cannes to Paris with Jacques, a business associate of her husband. What should be a seven-hour drive turns into a carefree two-day adventure replete with diversions involving picturesque sights, fine food and wine, humor, wisdom and romance - reawakening Anne's senses and giving her a new lust for life.

1991 年 10 月 25 日

A clairvoyant woman thinks that she's met her future husband because she's seen him in a dream. They marry and he takes her back to his butcher shop in New York city, where her powers tend to influence everyone she meets while working in the shop. Through her advice, she helps others and eventually finds the true man of her dreams.

2008 年 12 月 20 日

Lisa and Julien are married and lead a happy uneventful life with their son Oscar. But their life radically changes one morning, when the police comes to arrest Lisa on murder charges. She's sentenced to 20 years of prison. Convinced of his wife's innocence, Julien decides to act. How far will he be willing to go for her?

1965 年 08 月 01 日

A biker gang, led by a Vietnam veteran, rapes a veterinarian's wife. When the man decides to seek revenge and hunt down the perpetrators himself, he ends up joining forces with a Cajun woman whose husband they killed.


2013 年 12 月 06 日

Lizzie's best friend, Andie, becomes pregnant and offers to give the baby to her. Lizzie's husband, Peter, reluctantly goes along with being the child's father, and Andie moves into the guest room for the remainder of the pregnancy.

2006 年 04 月 18 日

A wife and mother is consumed by the thought that her husband's co-worker is trying to win him away from her and their family.

2016 年 11 月 25 日

The story of Singe and Kate, a couple from North Somerset, whose lives were turned upside down when Kate was diagnosed with an incurable breast cancer. Over her last few days, she created her list: writing her thoughts and memories down, to help the man she loved create the best life possible for their two sons, after she was gone.

2012 年 06 月 02 日

During her traumatic childhood with an abusive father, Emma relied on an imaginary friend for strength. She is now an artist struggling with mental illness living with her apparently loving husband, Brad. But when Emma's imaginary friend starts reappearing, she knows she's losing her grip. Desperate to save her marriage and show Brad she is in control, Emma takes drastic measures to free herself of her torment and her imaginary friend.

1944 年 08 月 21 日

A naive small-town girl comes to New York City to meet her husband, and discovers that he may be a murderer.

1974 年 08 月 23 日

In the early 16th century Italy is ruled by the powerful Borgia family, led by Cesare Borgia and his sister Lucrezia. In a ruthless power play, Cesare plots to have his sister’s husband murdered.

1958 年 10 月 01 日

Aliens from Outer Space are slowly switching places with real humans -- one of the first being a young man about to get married. Slowly, his new wife realizes something is wrong, and her suspicions are confirmed when her husband's odd behaviour begins to show up in other townspeople.

1996 年 11 月 07 日

Judge George brings his young wife, Nathalie, to a remote island for a vacation. But while George accompanies their only neighbor -- Nathalie's childhood friend Lance -- on a fishing trip, Nathalie spends time with her ex, Kent. When Kent ends up dead the next morning, Nathalie tries to hide the evidence before her husband gets home. After the body is found, the events of the previous night unravel, with unexpected revelations.

2023 年 03 月 25 日

After suffering years of mental abuse from her husband, Jules thinks she's finally free when a physical struggle ends in a fire that takes his life. However, she's soon pushed to the edge as she starts to believe she's seeing him at every turn.



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