48 部电影

1993 年 10 月 01 日

Set in the Bronx during the tumultuous 1960s, an adolescent boy is torn between his honest, working-class father and a violent yet charismatic crime boss. Complicating matters is the youngster's growing attraction - forbidden in his neighborhood - for a beautiful black girl.

1988 年 06 月 03 日

一個十二歲男孩在許願機前許下願望,翌日早晨,竟神奇地發現自己變成一名三十五歲漢子,由於童心未泯,成功被著名玩具廠垂青,在毫無心理準備下,被僱用為玩具市場研究及發展的職務。 他漸漸領略到當「成年人」的好處──自由自在、有很多錢花、更有無數玩具。而他的天真舉止,以及孩子般的純潔心靈感染了身邊許多人,讓他們尋回失落的童真。

1996 年 02 月 26 日

香港超級警察陳家駒(成龍飾)遠從香港來到美國參加他叔叔的婚禮,同時看看他和叔叔一起投資的一家超商。 叔叔去度蜜月,把超商買賣的事交給家駒。為了順利完成交易,家駒不能讓買主(梅豔芳飾)發現有人強要保護費一事,於是他留下來,趕走那些黑道人物…… 留住美國期間,家駒和鄰居一個肢障的小男孩相處得很好。有天當家駒和飛車黨打鬥受重傷,被小男孩和他的姊姊救了,才知,她姊姊是那飛車黨首領的女朋友…… 當飛車黨頻頻遭到黑道追殺時,他們求助家駒,經家駒詳細盤問下,才發現關鍵在於一包他們撿到的鑽石……問題是那包鑽石被飛車黨裡的人藏在小男孩常用的一個抱枕裡,而那個抱枕現在卻被新抱枕取代了……


2023 年 08 月 18 日

蘿絲(玫琳·愛爾蘭)是一名喜歡跟屍體打交道勝過社交互動的病理學家,她還很執迷於讓屍體復活。瑟莉(茱蒂·雷耶 斯)是一名婦產科護理師,她的生活重心就是她那活蹦亂跳又喋喋不休的六歲女兒莉拉(艾·潔·利斯特)。莉拉在某個悲 慘的夜晚突然生病過世,這兩名女子也因此而扯上了關係。她們踏上了一條黑暗的不歸路,並將被迫面對自己願意為了保 護自己珍愛的東西而做出什麼事。

1995 年 09 月 29 日

On the streets they call cash dead presidents. And that's just what a Vietnam veteran is after when he returns home from the war only to find himself drawn into a life of crime. With the aid of his fellow vets he plans the ultimate heist -- a daring robbery of an armored car filled with unmarked U.S. currency!

2011 年 08 月 01 日

繼2003年《蜜糖第一名》捧紅了杰西卡艾巴後,2011年導演比爾伍卓夫推出續作《蜜糖第一名2》。 有舞蹈天份的瑪莉亞剛從少年拘留所釋放,她找到一個舞團,在那裡能夠讓自己發光發熱,並展現自我。

2009 年 03 月 06 日

The Rizzos, a family who doesn't share their habits, aspirations, and careers with one another, find their delicate web of lies disturbed by the arrival of a young ex-con brought home by Vince, the patriarch of the family, who is a corrections officer in real life, and a hopeful actor in private.

1999 年 07 月 02 日

During the summer of 1977, a killer known as the Son of Sam keeps all of New York City on edge with a series of brutal murders.

1981 年 02 月 06 日

From the sight of a police officer this movie depicts the life in New York's infamous South Bronx. In the center is "Fort Apache", as the officers call their police station, which really seems like an outpost in enemy's country. The story follows officer Murphy, who seems to be a tuff cynic, but in truth he's a moralist with a sense for justice.


1988 年 01 月 22 日

A psychotic young man returns to his old neighborhood after release from prison. He seeks out the woman he previously tried to rape and the man who protected her, with twisted ideas of love for her and hate for him.

2006 年 06 月 09 日

Blue-collar Paulie prepares for fatherhood and his forthcoming wedding to Sue by hanging out with his groomsmen. Brother Jimbo, cousin Mike, and his pals fill the reunion with drinking, boys-will-be-boys antics and a few unexpected personal confessions. But, when the bonding devolves into accusations and regret, Paulie has to decide whether he's ready to tie the knot and take this big step into adulthood.

1956 年 06 月 14 日

An Irish cabby in the Bronx watches his wife go overboard planning their daughter's wedding.

2023 年 09 月 29 日

After running away from home, a teenage graffiti artist holds up an unsuspecting MTA worker in a robbery gone right that changes their lives forever.

1989 年 09 月 15 日

Donna and Michael are getting married. But first, they have to plan the reception, get the tux, buy the rings, and cope with their own uncertainty about the decision. Michael fears commitment. Donna has her doubts about Michael's immaturity. Both are getting cold feet.

1998 年 11 月 23 日

in 1957, black lawyer defends his nephew, who faces the death penalty for murdering a white boy.

2015 年 09 月 11 日

A legendary trainer comes out of retirement to help an underdog boxer fight his way to a better life.

1984 年 09 月 28 日

A disco owner lures a New York breakdancer away from his rapping and dancing friends.

2015 年 06 月 19 日

Through archival footage Nicholson tells the story of the real Warriors that walked the streets of New York City in the 1970s and the harsh reality of gang life in a city that seemed to be falling apart.



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