9 Filme

After the end of WWII, a young Lithuanian woman and a young Italian man from Stromboli impulsively marry, but married life on the island is more demanding than she can accept.

24. September 1932

A Portuguese tuna fisherman catches his bride with his first mate.

Bananas, eggs, and tuna: three basic foodstuffs with three wildly different points of origin. Moullet begins with these on his plate but constructs his film by working backwards and finding the sources for these items and how they reach our plates. As Moullet’s investigation deepens, however, the film moves beyond the confines of a simple exploration of food origins into more political and social realms, not only relating to food but also to the medium of film.

22. Dezember 1951

With Pete Smith providing dry off-screen commentary, we watch some serious fishing: a marlin caught near Catalina, a hammerhead shark caught then wrestled in a small rowboat near Baja, the largest (721 pounds) great white shark caught to date in California waters, Chinook Indians catching salmon at Celilo Falls in Oregon - each with his designated place on the river where his ancestors stood, and, last, a crew on a boat off Mexico hoisting and hurling tuna using unbarbed hooks (baited only with a feather) as fast as they can as long as the school is there - backbreaking work - but a $25,000 catch.

23. Dezember 1948

Film director Branko Belan follows the journey of fishermen as they set out to catch tuna around the Velebit Channel.

12. April 2012

Rick Rosenthal goes on a quest that plumbs the secrets of the legendary bluefin tuna. This fish can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and can move up to 50 miles per hour. Here he catches a bluefin tuna on camera.

From the book by the same name by Ninni Ravazza, "Diario di Tonnara" tells the story of the towns, villages, communities and adventures that dictate the daily lives of the tuna fishermen in Italy.

The director explains his love for tuna meat which was in his family for generations.

1. Januar 1957

First short film by director Jorge Grau, about tuna fishing, with a look somewhere between tourism and anthropology.

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