14 部电影

1997 年 07 月 11 日

  艾莉·爱罗维(茱迪·福斯特 饰)自幼就对无线电通讯情有独钟。长大后,她成为一名天文学家,其项目内容为接收外太空信号。她希望能借此找到宇宙其他文明的存在。天才的理想得到的却是投资者的冷眼相看,幸好有神秘人帮助艾莉继续工作。 一次偶然的机会,艾莉收到了来自织女星的频率信号,似乎证明了艾莉一直以来的工作是正确的。但这带来的不是她个人事业的成功,而是政治、社会、宗教、国家各个角度的矛盾与讨论。深陷这一切暴风中心的艾莉,更要面对与神职人士帕尔默·乔丝(马修·麦康纳 饰)的感情纠葛。 个人与世界,真相与现实,艾莉面临着远远超越学术范围的挑战。

2013 年 10 月 19 日

阿拉斯加的一名普通渔夫安因冈(奥托·伊格内修森 Orto Ignatiussen 饰)无意中收到了一则天外信号,由于言语不通,他并不知道这是瑞安·斯通博士(桑德拉·布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)在宇宙事故中发出的求救。安因冈因为联系上了陌生人而开心,不顾对方能否听懂他的语言开始诉说自己的生活,他的一只老雪橇犬似乎得了不治之症,面对爱犬他无能为力,新出生的孩子让他喜悦但是又倍感压力……面对言语不通斯通博士只能在遥远的外太空学着狗叫等待奇迹,而安因冈在失去信号后默默地走向了爱犬举起了他的猎枪……

1941 年 04 月 11 日

Father Flanagan raises funds, helps a disabled boy, and saves an older boy from reform school.

1939 年 08 月 26 日

A hobby-mad family makes their obsessions pay off.

1939 年 06 月 23 日

A newspaper reporter gets involved with shady stock promoters when he listens in on a jury room session.

1937 年 03 月 12 日

Judge Hardy faces problems at work and at home. Powerful men in town are upset with his decisions and want to see him impeached; his daughters, Joan and Marion, have romantic problems; and his son, Andy discovers Polly Benedict. As usual, Judge Hardy is concerned with everyone in the family and lends wisdom and calmness to all.

2008 年 01 月 01 日

Amateur Radio station W6RO has enjoyed over 29 years of continuous operation aboard the Queen Mary. Nearly 100 radio amateurs volunteer every month to operate from the station. Since radio was reintroduced to the ship, W6RO has presented a positive image of the Amateur Radio Service to more than four million visitors. Permanently docked at the Port of Long Beach, the Queen Mary is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Southern California. W6RO is a regular stop for visitors on the self-guided tour, and visiting radio amateurs may log in and get on the air. The former passenger liner is on the National Register of Historic Places.

1989 年 05 月 01 日


1974 年 01 月 01 日

Short film designed to introduce CB oeprators during the '70s to the wonders of Amateur Radio

2021 年 03 月 16 日
1959 年 05 月 01 日

The first televised broadcast covering the wonders of Amateur Radio presented on Johns Hopkins File 7 on the fledgling ABC network in 1959

1970 年 01 月 01 日

A short film designed to introduce the youth of America to the joys of Amateur Radio.


2022 年 05 月 12 日

A group of Montanan hams show the fading but loyal community of amateur radio, explore what it means to be a ham, and how they are trying to keep the hobby alive.

1966 年 01 月 01 日

A public service announcement on Amateur Radio, broadcast around the world in the 50s, this film produced by Hollywood producer and Amateur Radio Operator Dave Bell introduces the viewer to the world of the Ham.



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