27 филмова

26. фебруар 1993.

Фостер има надимак Д-Фенс, а добио га је по натпису на регистарским ознакама. Гужва га видно нервира и губи живце гледајући муву, која му зуји око ува. У једном тренутку, бесно излази из аутомобила и одлази у шикару, која расте уз аутопут. Долази у малено предграђе и улази неки дућан, да би уситнио новац за телефон те назвао своју супругу Бет. Власник продавнице инсистира да пре тога нешто купи, што додатно излуди већ поприлично живчаног Д-Фенса па почне манијакално да разбија по продавници бејзбол палицом. Потпуно разјарен одлази из дућана и тако почиње лудило наоко обичног човека, који у једном тренутку није успео да савлада властити бес. Његово дивљачко понашање, насиље и потенцијално самоуништење активираће и локалну полицију.

Оскаровац Мајкл Мур враћа се на велики екран са остварењем ”Кога следећег напасти?” – провокативном и урнебесном комедијом у којој Мур неће презирати ни од чега како би одгонетнуо шта је заправо потребно да Америка поново буде велика.

”Кога следећег напасти?” је експанзивна, смешна и субверзивна комедија у којој се оскаровац сукобљава са свим горућим проблемима данашње Америке и решења налази на најчуднијим местима.

Творац филмова попут “Фахренхајт 9/11” и “Жеђ за насиљем”, вратио се са великим филмом који се разликује од свега што је до сада урадио. Позив на наоружање како би се освојио и повратио амерички сан баш ту у Америци. Један од најискренијих и највреднијих патриотских филмова који је неки Американац икада снимио…

Оптимистично остварење које почива на изазовној али непроцењивој идеји: ми можемо боље.

23. новембар 2016.

In a near future, the world order has changed. With its 10 millions of unemployed citizens, France has now become a poor country. Its people wavers between rebellion and resignation and find an outlet in the shape of TV broadcast ultra brutal fights in which the players are legally doped and unscrupulous.

19. јануар 2013.

U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich tries to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap.

A woman threatens to leave her husband unless he installs a toilet in their home. To win back her love and respect, he heads out on a journey to fight against the backward society.

18. април 2015.

Through interviews filmed over four years, Noam Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality – tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority – while also looking back on his own life of activism and political participation. He provides penetrating insight into what may well be the lasting legacy of our time – the death of the middle class, and swan song of functioning democracy.

If income inequality were a sport, the residents of 740 Park Avenue in Manhattan would all be medalists. This address boasts the highest number of billionaires in the United States.

07. октобар 2004.

DEBT is the story of a frantic pursuit: the search for the responsible for the televised cry of hunger of Barbara Flores, an eight-year-old Argentinean girl. Buenos Aires, Washington, the IMF, the World Bank and Davos; corruption and the international bureaucratic lack of interest.

31. октобар 1994.

A musical documentary accompaniment to the 1994 benefit compilation album concerning AIDS in the African-American community.

05. август 2023.

Ilyas and Brahim work at a television repair shop. When the end of the day arrives, his boss sends them to bring a television to a costumer on the other side of Barcelona, hours before the much-anticipated FC Barcelona's UEFA Champions League final, endangering their friendship and their job in order to get to see the game.

13. новембар 2009.

The End of Poverty? asks if the true causes of poverty today stem from a deliberate orchestration since colonial times which has evolved into our modern system whereby wealthy nations exploit the poor. People living and fighting against poverty answer condemning colonialism and its consequences; land grab, exploitation of natural resources, debt, free markets, demand for corporate profits and the evolution of an economic system in in which 25% of the world's population consumes 85% of its wealth. Featuring Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz, authors/activist Susan George, Eric Toussaint, Bolivian Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and more.

29. април 2006.

Jamie Johnson takes the exploration of wealth that he began in Born Rich one step further. The One Percent, refers to the tiny percentage of Americans who control nearly half the wealth of the U.S. Johnson's thesis is that this wealth in the hands of so few people is a danger to our very way of life.

22. април 2013.

Why is the gap between the rich and the poor growing faster in New Zealand than in most other OECD countries? And why is inequality bad for all of us? Award winning documentary maker Bryan Bruce files his special report on what’s gone wrong with our economy and what we can do about it.

01. јануар 2012.

The film looks at men and women of color in the U.S. Merchant Marine from 1938-1975. Through chronicling the lives of these men and women who, with a median age of 82, are beset with a host of life-threatening illnesses, the movie tells how they navigated issues of racism, disparities in the workplace, gender and familial relations.

Jean-Marc Phaneuf, an unmarried electrical engineer, travels to Burundi as a volunteer for the NGO Radio du Monde. He finds a country ruined by grinding poverty, famine, war, disease and appalling social inequality. At the same time, he meets a joyful, brave people hungry for happiness, knowledge and human dignity. The camera that becomes his personal diary also helps Jean-Marc expose the shaky, ineffective workings of NGOs. His investigations turn up a few praiseworthy examples of international cooperation, but on the whole he finds himself drawn to a terrible, inescapable conclusion: humanitarian aid is a utopian mirage. After falling victim to an attack and losing whatever ideals he still had, Jean-Marc becomes entangled in an impossible relationship. He is ultimately forced to leave Africa in disgrace.

Exposes how companies are desperately rebranding as socially responsible — and how that threatens democratic freedoms.

28. новембар 2012.

The poor may always have been with us, but attitudes towards them have changed. Beginning in the Neolithic Age, Ben Lewis's film takes us through the changing world of poverty. You go to sleep, you dream, you become poor through the ages. And when you awake, what can you say about poverty now? There are still very poor people, to be sure, but the new poverty has more to do with inequality...

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