13 Filme

25. August 2022

Thirteen year old Sam Cleary suspects that his mysteriously reclusive neighbor Mr. Smith is actually the legendary vigilante Samaritan, who was reported dead 25 years ago. With crime on the rise and the city on the brink of chaos, Sam makes it his mission to coax his neighbor out of hiding to save the city from ruin.

7. Dezember 2012

A thriller that follows two siblings who decide to fend for themselves in the wake of a botched casino heist, and their unlikely reunion during another family's Thanksgiving celebration.

13. Juli 1990

With the aid of his girlfriend, Phyllis Potter, and best friend, Loomis, Grimm enters a Manhattan bank dressed as a clown, creates a hostage situation and executes a flawless robbery. The only thing left for the trio to do is make their getaway out of the city and to the airport. It sounds simple enough, but it seems that fate deserts them immediately after the bank heist. One mishap after another conspires to keep these robbers from reaching freedom.

16. August 2005

When an experienced thief accidentally makes off with a Van Gogh, his partner is kidnapped by gangsters in pursuit of the painting, forcing the criminal to hatch a rescue plan.

13. Februar 2015

Monica is desperate to be prom queen, but on the big night, her hair is an uncontrollable mess. Meanwhile, FBI agent Liz Morgan is on the hunt for a jewel thief who is looking for a stolen necklace, which Monica has in her possession. Soon, she and the agent chase the jewel thief, and she's whizzed on a wild adventure in the city.

15. Oktober 2001

Nelson puts his criminal ways behind him, having spent years as a first-rate safecracker. This resolution lasts until his brother finds himself owing money to organised crime and Nelson needs to do one last big job, with a few other professionals.

Set within the pressure-cooker confines of a bank-heist-gone-wrong. Think DOG DAY AFTERNOON meets THE THING.

12. Dezember 2022

A stranger with a mysterious past witnesses an airplane crash, and sets out to save the only survivor...a nine year old girl. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and relentlessly hunted for a crime he did not commit, the stranger must escape an army of blood-thirsty bounty hunters, as he desperately searches to save the injured child.

1. Januar 2003

After a robbery gone wrong, three criminals turn against each other and embark on a blood-soaked bullet-riddled quest for cash and revenge. An unusual contemporary black-comedy western set in Australia, chock full of action and homage to the work of Sergio Leone.

26. März 2016

A young girl named Allie decides to go to a wild get-together with her rebellious friend Violet. As the party quickly spirals out of control Allie & Violet find themselves in a life or death situation.

1. Juni 2020

A deal gone wrong, old debts and revenge - In fragments, "Brothers of the Night" tells of a maelstrom of violence in which drug lord Vince and the estranged brothers Leo & Mark find themselves.

19. November 1970

Heist movie: bank teller develops an elaborate game plan to lift money from the vault where she works.

13. August 2022

A crime gone wrong only gets worse as the criminals are forced to take two unwitting hostages caught in the back of their car.

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