6 Filme

6. August 1999

A very rich and successful playboy amuses himself by stealing artwork, but may have met his match in a seductive detective.

18. September 1971

During WWII an American soldier sent to Norway to help with the escape of a scientist working on the atomic bomb for the Germans. Before they can escape they are captured and sent to a POW prison camp in an alpine castle. Cook must find a way to escape with the scientist before the Gestapo discover the Norwegian's true identity and convinces the other prisoners to build a two person glider in which they plan to escape.

The true-life adventure of Chris Jury, a California teenager who goes from admiring the endangered condors' flight to sailing sky-high with them. Inspired by his new friends, a sailplane instructor, a NASA test pilot and a budding glider pilot, he risks it all for airborne thrills. But to earn his wings, he'll have to navigate a dangerous storm. Will he come through with flying colors?

25. Mai 2012

This Metaphysical Dark Action Comedy "A MAN CALLED NEREUS" is the debut feature of writer/director Nathan Hill, for Armored Vision. Nereus is an autistic man who is being held captive by the Filaria crime family due to his unique ability to predict the exact outcome of sporting events through time travel. However, this all changes the moment he is kidnapped by a junkie who plans to take him to Las Vegas. Now on the run, the two must weave through madmen, corrupt law enforcement and new-age terrorists.

14. Juni 1925

Bobby Vernon out camping.

Army Air Force produced documentary with footage of the IX Troop Carrier Command and the "Path Finders" and "Glider Rider" that were part of the airborne portion of the Allied invasion of Normandy.

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