29 部电影

2021 年 10 月 27 日


2021 年 05 月 14 日


2003 年 05 月 30 日

食腦大盜查理欲策劃一次完美無瑕的奪金行動。他與同黨史提芬、電腦奇才利爾、型仔車手洛、爆破專家左耳及夾萬解碼老手尊,六人鋪天蓋地潛入意大利威尼斯戒備森嚴的豪宅,盜出大批金條,過程不留一絲痕跡,但沒有人會想到在分贓之時,被自己人起尾注,殺戮兄弟獨吞金條!查理心有不甘,遂決意和死裡逃生的兄弟奪回金條,更找來爆夾美人絲蒂拉加入戰團。他們追蹤到金條輾轉被運往加州,遂部署在出擊當日,入侵洛杉磯交通控制系統,藉此操控全市交通燈號,並出動車身小巧的Mini Cooper,製造洛杉磯史上最恐怖的交通癱瘓,目的是再上演一次完美的奪金行動!

2011 年 11 月 04 日

日日營營役役捱騾仔,諗住靠華爾街巨頭投資實無死,點知退休金俾人掠晒水? 祖殊(賓史迪拿 飾) 是紐約市頂級豪宅的管業團隊精英,經驗老到、眉精眼企、服務慇勤。祖殊一心做好呢份工,以為生活安安穩穩唔駛憂。誰知豪宅大業主、華爾街巨頭邵爾涉嫌欺詐被捕!最大鑊的是,這隻金融大鱷不但呃盡大客散戶,更吞埋祖殊和豪宅管業團隊全體員工的退休金!為了給自己和眾工友討回公道,祖殊要做現代羅賓漢,計劃同工友爆入邵爾的大宅,奪回養老金!更專程找來爆格高手史拉特(愛迪梅菲 飾)教路,將這班老實打工仔訓練成一流大盜。但邵爾的大宅保安嚴密,更有FBI廿四小時全天候把守,這班爆格初哥熟知大廈每個角落機關,卻又雞手鴨腳,慌慌失失,究竟他們能否得手,成功絕地大反撃?

2001 年 06 月 15 日

Ex-safecracker Gal Dove has served his time behind bars and is blissfully retired to a Spanish villa paradise with a wife he adores. The idyll is shattered by the arrival of his nemesis Don Logan, intent on persuading Gal to return to London for one last big job.

Valencia, Spain. On a rainy morning, six armed men in disguise assault a bank. But what seemed like an easy heist, quickly goes wrong with nothing unfolding as planned, and mistrust quickly builds between the two leaders of the gang.

1972 年 06 月 14 日

In Athens a collection of emeralds is successfully stolen by a team of robbers, led by safe-cracker Azad. Things go smoothly until they miss the ship by which they planned their escape; a police chief pursues Azad while he waits for the next ship to set off.

2022 年 01 月 07 日

When blind former Olympic skier Sophie Scott cat-sits in a secluded mansion, she gets caught in the crossfire of a home invasion scheme. She must rely on a sighted Army veteran via the See for Me app to help her survive the night.

2012 年 10 月 12 日

曾為竊盜集團首腦的澳門朴(金允錫飾),計劃盜取香港黑社會老大衛鴻珍藏在澳門賭場價值連城的稀世鑽石「太陽之淚」,因此找上先前的手下卜派(李政宰飾)和團隊成員妮可(全智賢飾)、佩希(金惠秀飾)以及帕諾(金秀賢飾)和橡皮糖(金海淑飾)。而他們各有其神招奇才:百變美賊妮可專長使用飛繩飛簷走壁、佩希則是開鎖專家、帕諾負責監控掩護大家、橡皮糖擁有瞞天過海的演技及語言天份。 澳門朴更找到香港的陳哥(任達華飾)、茱莉(李心潔飾)與強尼(曾國祥飾)和安德魯(吳達庶飾),夥同一行人突破澳門賭場的森嚴警衛而準備大幹一場。身懷絕技的神偷們表面齊力斷金而團結合作,卻暗自身懷各種鬼胎,有人欲獨吞鑽石,也有人深藏此行最終目的,一場偷拐搶騙的驚險暗戰因而蓄勢待發……

1976 年 02 月 05 日

Two rich children devise a way to escape their grandfather and visit their mother. Unfortunately for two hapless safe crackers, they become part of the plan.

Best friends Peppe and Mario are thieves, but they're not very good at it. Still, Peppe thinks that he's finally devised a master heist that will make them rich. With the help of some fellow criminals, he plans to dig a tunnel from a rented apartment to the pawnshop next door, where they can rob the safe. But his plan is far from foolproof, and the fact that no one in the group has any experience digging tunnels proves to be the least of their problems.

1973 年 08 月 08 日

After serving together in the French Foreign Legion, a mercenary and a doctor leave the service and go their separate ways. Later, they are reunited and become involved with a caper involving millions in a high-security safe. The two men become locked in during a holiday weekend as they attempt to crack the safe's combination.

1956 年 08 月 24 日

In Paris, Bob Montagne is practically synonymous with gambling -- and winning. He is kind, classy and well-liked by virtually everyone in town, including police inspector Ledru. However, when Bob's luck turns sour, he begins to lose friends and makes the most desperate gamble of his life: to rob the Deauville casino during Grand Prix weekend, when the vaults are full. Unfortunately, Bob soon learns that the game is rigged and the cops are on to him.

1998 年 08 月 07 日

Two untalented singers are mistaken for a pair of major league safe crackers in Providence, Rhode Island. The two are pressed into service by the local hoodlums and quickly find themselves in conflict with their professional colleagues. Romantic interest is added by the daughter of the underworld leader who won't date the men she knows are gangsters.

1984 年 02 月 17 日

Garvey is a San Francisco pawnshop operator. His unemployed and criminal friends Dillard, Turtle and Weslake, team up with Boardwalk, a local pimp, to burgle Garvey's shop while the owner is out of town. During the elaborate planning process, Dillard falls for a Hispanic woman, the sister of a friend. Boardwalk is assigned to case a local apartment, where he meets and falls for the maid. Amidst all these romantic hijinks, Weslake puts together a burglary plan, which is executed by the makeshift gang.

1960 年 02 月 01 日

An ex-major forces a scientist to develop a invisibility formula, with which he plans to create an invisible army and sell it to the highest bidder. However there are side effects to the formula.

1978 年 10 月 25 日

A retired safe cracker is recruited by a young conman to return to the "business" for a million dollar heist.

1912 年 09 月 09 日

The physician's death orphans his two adolescent daughters. Their older brother is able to convert some of the doctor's small estate to cash. But it is late in the day, and with the banks closed he stores the money in his father's household safe. The slatternly housekeeper, aware of the money, enlists a criminal acquaintance to crack the safe. She attempts to get into the adjacent room where the sisters tremble in fear, but finds that the door is locked. The drunken housekeeper menaces them by brandishing a gun through a hole in the wall.

1938 年 04 月 23 日

The second and final Grand National Pictures film to feature The Shadow, played again by Rod La Rocque. In this version, Lamont Cranston is an amateur detective and host of a radio show with his assistant Phoebe (not Margo) Lane. Cabbie Moe Shrevnitz and Commissioner Weston also appear.

A safecracker takes a job where he must go to Istanbul and steal a scepter that once belonged to the god Gilgamesh but is now in the temple of a secret cult.



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