73 Filme

The story of WWII U.S. Marine veteran Aldo Giannini who fought in the infamous Battle of Tarawa. Enduring a shrapnel injury and witnessing a staggering 3,250 U.S. casualties, Aldo reflects on a battle which gained the U.S. very little in the war.

1. Januar 2012

This is how the US Marine Corps turns raw recruits into certified members of world’s most lethal fighting machine.


13. Juni 1971

Liegestütze zum Schlag des Metronoms. Das Zählwerk steht auf 100 und läuft rückwärts. Drei Wörter werden dazu ständig wiederholt: »dog - pig - monkey«. Die übliche Strafe für einen US-Soldaten, der einen Vietnamesen als Mensch bezeichnet.

A documentary covering the actions of the 6th Marine Division on Okinawa during WWII.

Het korps Mariniers is a documentary about the Royal Dutch Marine Corps, which Paul Verhoeven made while being assigned to the Marine Film Service as a documentary filmmaker.

15. November 2011

Buck, a Marine, has returned from the Iraq war. With physical disabilities, PTSD, and no real family to care for him, he can't seem to fit into society. His cousin David puts his own life aside to care for him. Things get heated with family and friends who argue Buck is the government's problem. David must do what is right.

19. November 1934

Expelled from his lieutenancy in the Marine Corps, Bill Traylor reenlists as a private. His unit is sent to a Latin American country where a rebel leader called The Torch promotes insurrection. There Traylor encounters again Captain Benton, the man responsible for his disgrace and his rival for the love of a girl.

19. April 2018

When Jennifer Laude, a Filipina trans woman, is brutally murdered by a U.S. Marine, three women intimately invested in the case--an activist attorney, a transgender journalist and Jennifer's mother)--galvanize a political uprising, pursuing justice and taking on hardened histories of US imperialism.

26. Dezember 1942

This short film shows U.S. Marines in training at a number of unidentified bases, with a focus on hand-to-hand combat.

This documentary is a captivating account of the defense of Wake Island by a small contingent of United States Marines and civilian contractors. From December 8th until December 23rd, 1941 the defenders thwarted an aerial attack and an attempted amphibious landing from a naval task force before finally being overwhelmed by the third attempt by the Japanese Imperial Navy.

1. Januar 2008

Horror - The story of a US Marine who has just returned home from the war in Iraq. In an ettempt to reunite with his young wife and Vietnam veteran father, he takes them back to the family cabin in Montana. - Kirk Harris, John Savage, Irina Björklund

4. März 1940

Marine lieutenants Dan and Jim fight bandits in the South American jungle, while competing for the attention of beautiful Joan Grant.

1. Januar 1966

This is a TV-movie feature edited from the 1938 Republic serial "Fighting Devil Dogs"

8. August 1938

The father of a star football player at Annapolis wants his son to follow the family pattern and join the Marines.

Steve Lockhardt hat während des Zweiten Weltkrieges das Oberkommando über eine US-Marine-Einheit, die nach Australien beordert wird. Dort verliebt sich einer der Marines, Don, in die Armeehelferin Ellen. Doch die Zeiten sind ungünstig für eine romantische Liaison. Die Erfahrung macht auch das frischverliebte Paar, denn Don wird mit seiner Einheit auf eine japanische Insel versetzt. Dort gerät er in blutige Kämpfe.

In 1945, Adele Shimanoff, with the energetic support of her family, joins the U.S. Marine Corps, as part of the large influx of women in the military. This short film tells her story.

29. Juni 1952

After Slip is drafted into the Marines, the rest of the gang volunteers so they can be with him. Sach discovers that the colonel knew his father and he is promoted. During a drill that he is putting the rest of the gang through, they find a soldier left for dead on the side of the road. Slip discovers a playing card next to the marine and traces it to Jolly Joe Johnson's gambling house. They suspect that the gambling house is cheating and set out to uncover the proof.

U.S. Marine officer, Leslie Martz, is sent to Afghanistan on a mission to work with Afghan women and gain intelligence about their Taliban husbands.

8. Juni 1938

A cocky young Marine who's alienated many of his fellow soldiers with his smart-aleck, wiseguy attitude gets a "wake-up call" when his unit comes under attack by bandits.

15. April 2014

In den Tiefen eines sagenumwobenen Sees lebt ein Monster, das alle dreißig Jahre emporsteigt und einen unbändigen Drang zum fressen und töten verspürt. Eine aberwitzige Legende? Selbstverständlich! Doch irgendwas stimmt nicht mit dem See. Eine Meeresbiologin wird von einem Institut in das Dorf geschickt um das merkwürdige Fisch-, Flora- und Fauna-Sterben am beliebten Salz-See zu untersuchen. Wer ist sie wirklich? Ahnt sie etwas? Und was hat das Militär damit zu tun? Den Ureinwohnern des Dorfes ist es schon längst klar.... Es kommt zurück! Und sie sind vorbereitet! Was wissen sie? Wer sind sie? Was haben sie vor? Und kann das grauenhafte, gut gehütete Geheimnis um Dorf und See gelüftet werden?

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