67 Filme

They were children when they left, dreaming of a life without worry: freedom and wealth. But what awaited them was a nightmare. One of them began to change, leading him to commit a lethal knife attack in Turku, Finland. By following the lives of two of the attacker’s friends, the film delves into the experiences of an entire generation of young Moroccan men who feel like they do not belong anywhere. While their families push them to travel to Europe to find a better life, Europe casts them out.

16. April 2010
29. November 2012

Piazza Fontana bombing in December 12, 1969.

Originally produced for The Learning Channel, this documentary aims to dissect the events surrounding the September 11th terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, addressing many of the questions that still continue to haunt the public. Through CGI graphics, interviews with witnesses and discussions with those who designed and engineered the buildings, this program examines the horrific incident in full detail.

25. November 2009

Survivors of the Mumbai terrorist attacks tell the inside story of the actions and decisions that helped save their lives.

Dmytro Komarov's documentary project The Year. Kharkiv Region. Dmytro Komarov will show Kharkiv in the first months of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops. Viewers will hear the stories of people who found themselves in the epicentre of the brutal attacks: at the air defence base destroyed by a Russian missile, in the residential area of the city - Northern Saltivka - which was ravaged by shelling. The journalist will talk to those who played a key role in the liberation of the Kharkiv region. One of these people is Roman Hryshchuk, the commander of the 127th separate territorial defence brigade of Ukraine. He told us how the military practice of the past - using decoys in the form of dummies - helped to identify and destroy the occupiers. How did the full-scale war begin for Kharkiv? What plans did the enemy have for Kharkiv? What united people and gave them hope in the most difficult times? Find out in the documentary project "Year. Kharkiv Region".

Ten years ago, Carina Bergfeldt covered the terrorist attack in Norway, and as one of the first reporters on-site, she gained a unique insight into the aftermath of the tragedy. For two days she lived with survivors and parents who were looking for their missing children in the hotel that was turned into a crisis centre. Now she has returned to see what happened with the families and with Norway.

31. Dezember 1989

A tabloid journalist investigates a series of bomb attacks in Stockholm.

Vier politisch engagierte junge Norweger wollen die Welt verändern, doch dann verändert die Welt sie. Sana, Henrik, Haakon und Johanne sind Mitglieder verschiedener politischer Jugendparteien. Der Film begleitet die Jugendlichen während ihrer Vorbereitung für den Wahlkampf im Herbst 2011. Die schockierenden Ereignisse am 22. Juli 2011, als die Bombe eines Rechtsradikalen das Osloer Regierungsviertel trifft und auf der kleinen Insel Utoya Teilnehmer eines Jugendcamps der norwegischen Arbeiterpartei einem Massaker zum Opfer fallen, verändern das Leben der Jugendlichen, insbesondere das Leben der Utøya-Überlebenden Johanne.

Explore the tragic truth about the massacre at the 1972 Olympic Games in Germany. Through interviews with key people such as the families of slain Olympians, German investigators and an anonymous perpetrator.

The special examines the motives behind and analysis of the shocking attacks that took place Friday in Oslo and on the nearby island of Utoya. Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian, is accused of perpetrating the twin attacks, in which 76 people died.

In April 2013, chaos erupted in Boston near the finish line of one of the world's oldest and most prestigious marathons. It was the worst terrorist attack on the United States since 9/11 and led to one of the most extensive and public manhunts in American history. Now, as the one-year anniversary approaches, National Geographic Channel presents a special two-hour event, Inside the Hunt for the Boston Bombers.

A group of terrorists puts the authorities on alert, creating hellish chaos.

Eine ausführliche Erklärung der militärischen Besetzung eines eroberten Gebiets und ihrer Folgen am Beispiel der jüngsten Geschichte Israels und der palästinensischen Gebiete, des Westjordanlands und des Gazastreifens, von 1967, als der Sechstagekrieg stattfand, bis heute; ein Bericht des Filmemachers Avi Mograbi, angereichert mit den Aussagen von Veteranen der israelischen Armee.

8. August 2006

A young man who has lost his family is swept up in extreme right wing ideology. He is mentored by a deranged professor who feeds him extreme ideology and teaches him how to make bombs. Making him the first domestic suicide bomber in history.

1. Juli 2012

A bio-attack by Islamic extremist terrorists causes a sudden zombie outbreak. A small group of survivors at a university struggles to reach a professor's lab where a possible cure to the pathogen resides.

11. September 2011

This unprecedented and exclusive insider's account by filmmaker James Hanlon and Gedeon and Jules Naudet of the World TradeCenter attack, which contains the only known footage of the first plane striking the World Trade Center and the only footage from inside Ground Zero during the attacks, will also include footage from events marking the 10th anniversary, as well as new interviews with many of the firefighters who were featured in the original program. They will discuss how their lives, families and the world have changed in the 10 years since the tragedy - some for better, some for worse. Viewers will also hear from New York City Fire Department health officials as they discuss some of the health issues that have plagued firefighters working at Ground Zero.

14. Januar 2022

Marcus, a young intelligence soldier, became a national hero after his bravery in a terrorist attack. The authoritarian regime based on mass surveillance uses his image to value its action. As he returns to his parents' home for furlough, he will be faced with the reality of this ruthless administration he has come to embody in the media.

20. August 2009

After a devastating biological disaster kills twelve million people, a hazmat team searches the contaminated wasteland for survivors. But what they find is a vicious predator hungry for human flesh.

Many years after a deadly terrorist siege in a Moscow theatre, survivor Natalya returns to the crime scene to hold a memorial evening, finally able to confront her survivor's guilt and her estranged daughter and husband.

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