18 elokuvaa

28 heinäkuu 2004

Epäonnistunut näyttelijä Andrew "Large" Largeman katselee elämäänsä rauhoittavien lääkkeiden sumuverhon läpi. Kun hänen äitinsä koulee, hän lopettaa pillereiden käytön ja palaa kotikaupunkiinsa. Kohtalo heittää hänen tielleen värikkään Sam-nimisen tytön, jonka positiivinen energia valaa Largeen rohkeutta avata sydämensä elämälle - ja rakkaudelle...

Bonnie Parker ja Clyde Barrow tapaavat, kun Bonnie huomaa, että Clyde on aikeissa varastaa Bonnien äidin auton. He rakastuvat ja aloittavat rikolliset retkensä yhdessä - ryöstävät elintarvikekauppoja ja bensiiniasemia - pankit ovat vasta sitten vuorossa. Heidän keikkansa käyvät yhä vaarallisemmiksi, otteensa yhä häikäilemättömimmiksi. He eivät kaihda edes ryöstömurhaa. Bonniesta ja Clydestä on tullut pahamaineisia lainsuojattomia...

28 syyskuu 2019

Philadelphialaispoliisi alkaa seota jahdattuaan melkein koko ikänsä arvoituksellista sarjamurhaajanaista, jonka rikoksia ei ole onnistuttu selittämään.

5 elokuu 2011

Two 19th-century opportunists become serial killers so that they can maintain their profitable business supplying cadavers to an anatomist.

29 maaliskuu 1965

An undertaker gets married to an old executioner's daughter and, although he doesn't like it, must continue the profession of his father-in-law after his retirement.

22 kesäkuu 1990

An eccentric family is re-united during the 1968 general strike in France, after the death of the grandmother.

12 marraskuu 2005

A politician's wife and the mortician who has secretly loved her for years plan to fake her death so they can run away together.

11 marraskuu 1943

In 1918, an English family is terrorized by a vampire, until they learn how to deal with it. They think their troubles are over, but German bombs in WWII free the monster. He reclaims the soul of his wolfman ex-servant, and assuming the identity of a scientist who has just escaped from a concentration camp, he starts out on a plan to get revenge upon the family.

22 heinäkuu 1959

In California, an old man grieves the loss of his wife and on the next day he also dies. However, the space soldier Eros and her mate Tanna use an electric device to resurrect them both and the strong Inspector Clay that was murdered by the couple. Their intention is not to conquest Earth but to stop mankind from developing the powerful bomb “Solobonite” that would threaten the universe. When the population of Hollywood and Washington DC sees flying saucers on the sky, a colonel, a police lieutenant, a commercial pilot, his wife and a policeman try to stop the aliens.

8 kesäkuu 1972

John Shaft is back as the lady-loved black detective cop on the search for the murderer of a client.

The Topalović family has been in the burial business for generations. When the 150-year-old Pantelija dies, five generations of his heirs start to fight for the inheritance.

1 maaliskuu 1991

A woman is plagued by dreams of being buried alive while her adulterous husband, steeped in gambling debts, hatches a scheme to drive her mad and murder her to acquire her fortune.

15 helmikuu 2011

Backwater is doomed by the regular visits of the undertaker and its dwellers blame a tramp.

5 joulukuu 2022

Set at the peak of the Australian Gold Rush, a young grave digger seeks vengeance for the death of his brother from a wealthy town Commissioner.

6 maaliskuu 2019

Reggie brings Dan into the desert to dig his own grave, but the ground is really hard and this is going to take much longer than either of them anticipated.

Deep inside a gloomy cemetery in Barcelona, the dead are coming back to life. When the local undertaker notices the unholy events unfolding before him, he embarks on a treacherous journey to hell and back as he tries to stop these bloodthirsty visitors from another dimension.

Akkaldhamayile Pennu is a Malayalam movie directed by Jairam Kailas released on 20 November 2015. The film is based on a story of a woman gravedigger. The film was produced by Kasim Arikkulam and Ashik Doha under the banner of Pearl Media and Movie Productions. Swetha Menon, Malavika Nair, Vineeth, and Sudheer Karamana had the leading roles.

10 lokakuu 1995

A documentary about the men who devote their lives to digging the graves and tending the plots of Holy Cross Cemetery. A unique behind the scenes look at the work and the art of grave digging.

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