13 部电影

2020 年 08 月 21 日

在擠塞的公路上,煩躁的年輕母親麗素(Caren Pistorius 飾)向前面的私家車車主(羅素高爾 飾)無禮響咹,觸怒了他的神經。二人在馬路上針鋒相對,各不相讓,日常生活受盡壓迫的他被撻著怒火,決定要向麗素和她的親友瘋狂報復,一場全慌位追殺遊戲正式上路。面對一殺不可收拾的局面,麗素最後能否避過車毀人亡?

2017 年 01 月 13 日

為了離開自己生活的小鎮,高中生特里普(盧卡斯提爾 飾)利用零碎的廢車零件砌了一架魔獸戰車。碰巧附近的油田發生意外,一隻隱藏地底的怪物被釋放出來,神出鬼沒嚇怕居民。特里普卻發現它驚人的速度或可幫他離家出走,於是一趟奇幻的冒險旅程就此展開……

2022 年 11 月 18 日


1998 年 12 月 30 日

An intimate story of the enduring bond of friendship between two hard-living men, set against a sweeping backdrop: the American West, post-World War II, in its twilight. Pete and Big Boy are masters of the prairie, but ultimately face trickier terrain: the human heart.

2013 年 11 月 15 日

年紀老邁、身體孱弱的老翁活地(布魯士甸 飾)突然收到贏得百萬獎金的通知,酗酒成性的他為了天降的橫財而決定穿洲過省、徒步前往1500公里外的內布拉斯加州領獎,可惜途中被警察截停並送回家。一事無成的活地得不到妻子(茱施潔比 飾)的諒解,更被嫌棄他在發無謂的黃金夢,幸得兒子大衛(韋福特 飾)願意配合老父,將中獎消息通知親屬和鄰居。一傳十、十傳百之下,中獎消息瘋傳得一發不可收拾,大衛只好硬著頭皮陪老父踏上這趟領獎之旅。一筆「意外之財」,成就了兩父子一次真心交流、重新檢視彼此關係的機會。

2013 年 09 月 20 日

The tragic death of a beautiful young girl starts a tense and atmospheric game of cat and mouse between hunter John Moon and the hardened backwater criminals out for his blood.

1981 年 04 月 01 日

Ambitious young Jodie wants more out of life than the small Texas country town she lives in has to offer. Jodie realizes that in order to pursue her dreams she will have to leave Texas and move to the big city. However, her shiftless factory worker boyfriend Kyle wants to stay in Texas.

2022 年 09 月 29 日

A couple of tough girls from the Brazilian countryside race their pickup truck to win a bet and prove that they're better than the boys.

2015 年 09 月 01 日
2020 年 09 月 25 日

A whisper among the sprawling forests and mill towns of central Newfoundland. A body found on the side of a river brings together a reclusive fur trapper and a heartsick mother-to-be. Scott is lonely and desperate to give himself meaning. Mona is strong-willed, but frustrated by her fragility. As a reluctant dependence blossoms the pair find themselves wading into violence, answering for the debts of a dead man. Stalked by outlaws, they plan an exit.

2018 年 07 月 10 日

Pickup trucks are essential to the American way of life; manufacturers compete to outsmart, outmaneuver and outlast each other; experts, designers and historians weigh in on the most influential innovations in the truck world over the past 120 years.

1997 年 06 月 01 日

Filmmaker S.R. Bindler profiles Texas contestants trying to win a truck by keeping one hand on it longer than everyone else.

Spike waves to a young woman driving a red pickup truck through the desert of Needles, California every day; it is the highlight of his day. In this combined animated and live-action special, we meet an aerobics instructor, Jenny, who wants to be a big city jazz dancer. She and Spike drive around looking at the desert scenery and spending some time at a roller rink. However, when Spike is accidentally thrown out of the skating rink he runs off and is pursued by people on a nighttime coyote hunt.



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