54 部电影

2023 年 06 月 23 日


2009 年 08 月 14 日

二十多年前,外星人首度造訪地球。人類以為外星人會發動攻擊,或是帶來超先進科技造福地球,結果兩者皆無。其實這些外星人是逃離家鄉的難民,人類對他們的處置方法仍然爭論不休,政府決定先將外星人安頓在南非的”第九禁區”。然而人類對外星人的同情漸失,將這些維持治安的工作發包給民營的「國聯總部」(Multi-National United ,簡稱MNU),這家公司根本不顧外星人的福利。倘若MNU可以修好外星人強大的武器,他們便能從中獲利,卻至今都不成功。而啟動該項武器需要外星人的DNA。外星族群與人類的衝突已經發展到最嚴重的關頭,因為MNU開始驅除外星族群離開第九區,該公司的探員負責要將它們遷移到新營地。國聯總部的當地負責人魏克斯染上外星人的病毒,DNA發生變化。魏克斯很快就成為通緝要犯,也是最有價值的逃亡者,因為他就是解開外星科技秘密的關鍵。如今魏克斯遭到排斥,眾叛親離,只能逃往第九禁區。

在《從地心竄}》第一集中逃過蟲吻的硬漢厄爾(Fred Ward 飾)與柏特(Michael Gross 飾)再次攜手合作,加上美麗的地質學家(Helen Shaver 飾),三人一起對抗這隻邪惡的地心怪物,好將牠們永遠消滅,他們最後能成功嗎? 狗衛續貂的續集 少了凱文貝肯(Kevin Bacon)的挑樑演出 佛烈華德(Fred Ward)孤掌難鳴 內容也明顯貧血失色 就好像【大白鯊】系列 .....

1980 年 12 月 25 日

A research scientist explores the boundaries and frontiers of consciousness. Using sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic mixtures from native American shamans, he explores these altered states of consciousness and finds that memory, time, and perhaps reality itself are states of mind.

2001 年 10 月 23 日

16歲的金潔是名易怒且固執的女孩,她與15歲的妹妹布里琪,不僅在學校不受歡迎,就連在家裡也不被父母所認同。一心想要有所作為的姐妹倆,經常自拍假死照片自娛。此時,卻發生一件讓她們始料未及的事。在一個滿月的夜晚,金潔遭到野獸攻擊,原本必死無疑的她,竟奇蹟似地逃過一劫。 不久,金潔發現自己的身體開始產生異常變化,不僅在已經癒合的傷口上長出毛髮,就連尾椎後也長出一截怪尾巴!面對這樣的情況,布里琪決定尋求山姆的協助。但眼見下一個滿月夜晚,也就是萬聖節到來的時間越來越緊迫,布里琪該如何避免獸性大發的姐姐到處攻擊,順利解除鎮民即將面臨的空前危機呢?!

1983 年 09 月 02 日

The warrior Deathstalker is tasked by an old witch lady to obtain and unite the three powers of creation - a chalice, an amulet, and a sword - lest the evil magician Munkar get them and use them for nefarious purposes. After obtaining the sword, Deathstalker joins with other travelers going to the Big Tournament to determine the strongest warrior. The false king holds the true princess in captivity, and plots to have Deathstalker killed, and Deathstalker must fight to free the princess.

1962 年 05 月 10 日

Shipwreck survivors found on the presumably uninhabited Infant Island leads to a scientific expedition that discovers a surviving native population along with the Shobijin, tiny twin fairy priestesses of the island's mythical deity called Mothra. After the fairies are kidnapped by an exploitative businessman named Clark Nelson, Mothra sets out to rescue them.

2013 年 04 月 12 日

Syd March is an employee at a clinic that sells injections of live viruses harvested from sick celebrities to obsessed fans. When he becomes infected with the disease that kills super sensation Hannah Geist, Syd becomes a target for collectors and rabid fans. He must unravel the mystery surrounding her death before he suffers the same fate.

1966 年 04 月 06 日

Harry and Valerie Spalding arrive in the remote Cornish village to an unwelcoming and suspicious population. Harry's brother dies suddenly, bitten by a lethal reptilian bite. They befriend a young woman Anna whose tyrannical father controls her life and, as they discover that others in the village have suffered a similar fate, their investigations lead to Anna. What they uncover is a victim of the most terrifying legacy... a destiny of mutilation and murder.

2019 年 03 月 29 日


1959 年 10 月 30 日

The head of a major cosmetics company experiments on herself with a youth formula made from royal jelly extracted from wasps, but the formula's side effects have deadly consequences.

After the explosive demise of their last subject, scientists must look for a replacement on whom to continue their bizarre experiments with brain-altering drugs.

2004 年 12 月 28 日

Pinocchio 964, lobotomised cyborg sex slave, is thrown out onto the street by his owners because of his inability to maintain an erection. He is befriended by a criminally insane, memory-wiped, homeless girl. Meanwhile, the corporate entity who manufactured and sold him plots to kill him because of his malfunction.

1953 年 06 月 19 日

A scientist develops a formula which will cause animals to regress to the form of their primitive ancestors, and tries it on himself with disastrous results.

1990 年 04 月 25 日

A geneticists working on a drug to stop ageing tries it upon himself with horrendous consequences.

2007 年 01 月 01 日

In the Seventeenth Century, while Hungary is fighting the Turks, the population of a small village in...

2021 年 10 月 15 日

A Mexican biologist living in New York returns to his hometown, nestled in the majestic butterfly forests of Michoacán. The journey forces him to confront past traumas and reflect on his hybrid identity, sparking a personal metamorphosis.

2017 年 08 月 21 日

Jacques Blanchot loses everything: his wife, his home, his job. He gradually alienates himself from the world around him. Until the day when the owner of a pet shop takes him in.

Tale - this is what is everyone from childhood. Give yourself a chance to once again return to the magical world created by Alexander Pushkin. Adventures brave Tsarevich Guidon, beautiful Swan-Tsar Saltan reminded of that love, loyalty and the spirit always wins!

As Gregor Samsa wakes up one morning from unsettling dreams, he finds himself transformed in his bed into a monstrous vermin.



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