14 部电影

1995 年 12 月 29 日

在1996年時人類被致命病毒侵襲,直到2035年地球上只有在地底存活下來少數的人類。科學家們為了追查當年病毒擴散的原因,讓囚犯占士·科爾(James Cole,布斯·韋利士飾演)作為志願者透過時間旅行回到1996年去調查,線索是該年一則提及「12猴子軍團」的電話留言錄音,並設法阻止事件的發生。 第一次傳送出現錯誤,科爾被送到1990年的巴爾的摩。因為他向人們描述6年後將有50億人口死於一場病毒災難,而被精神病醫生嘉芙蓮·雷莉診斷為精神思·裂和妄想症,並送入了精神病院。幸好科學家們將他傳送回了2035年。隨後,科學家們又一次將他傳送回1996年,科爾發現病毒的發源地是在費城。他挾持了嘉芙蓮開車送他到費城,並找到了12猴子軍團。起初,嘉芙蓮不相信他的話,但是隨着一些事件的發生,她逐漸相信並愛上科爾,並決心幫助他挽救人類的命運。 他們發現12猴子軍團原來是個動物解放運動協會,它的組織者是六年前科爾在精神病院的病友謝菲(Jefferey Goines,畢·彼特飾演),謝菲之父為著名的病毒專家科蘭德。科爾一度以為是自己當年在精神病院中關於病毒襲擊的談話啟發了謝菲毀滅世界的靈感,嘉芙蓮也偶然間留下一段電話留言警告12猴子軍團的可能威脅(這就是前述被未來科學家反覆研究的線索)。 然而,後來謝菲及其12猴子軍團成員的大行動其實只是將科蘭德捆送動物園囚禁以抗議其動物活體實驗,並釋放關在動物園的動物任牠們在費城四處遊蕩。當科爾發現那場致命的病毒根本與12猴子軍團無關後,他和嘉芙蓮決定不再理會,並打算飛離費城享受平淡美好的生活。在機場兩人卻發現科蘭德博士的助手彼得斯才是世界末日的罪魁禍首,當時他正準備運送病毒到最早爆發疫情的幾個城市。但是正當科爾準備開槍阻止彼得斯時,他卻被趕到的警察當場擊斃,而彼得斯則已開始了散佈病毒的行動。在科爾臨死時,幼年的科爾正好經過此處,老科爾才發現自己被殺的這一幕原來就是自己經常在夢中夢到的場景。

2002 年 09 月 20 日

A young woman, recently released from a mental hospital, gets a job as a secretary to a demanding lawyer, where their employer-employee relationship turns into a sexual, sadomasochistic one.

2012 年 10 月 05 日

1969年,傑克鄭遜(碩克艾佛朗飾)被大學開除,回到老家佛羅里達的雷特利鎮後,給他父親經營的報社做送報童。他哥哥華特(馬修麥康納飾)是邁阿密時報的名記者,與拍檔雅迪艾文(大衛奧伊羅飾)特地為調查被判殺人罪的希拉利韋特(尊古鍚飾)回到小鎮。 莎樂比思(妮歌潔曼飾)是華特和雅迪前來調查鱷魚獵人希拉利的主要原因。她確信此人被錯判,希望兩名記者能為他洗雪冤情幫他出獄。在傑克幫忙下,華特和雅迪致力寫一篇能令其事業更上一層樓的報導,也希望藉此披露佛州的腐敗和司法不公。 但案件的真相漸趨撲朔迷離,就像小鎮周圍的沼澤地一樣幽深莫測。莎樂比思對三人總是曖昧不清,尤其對已經深愛上她的傑克。華特開始行事鬼祟,而雅迪也變得不顧事實投機取巧。在華特還未能確信希拉利清白的情況下,雅迪私自刊登了文章,致使希拉利獲釋,一如莎樂所願。然而事實上,現在才是悲劇的開始。

1973 年 01 月 01 日

Two Los Angeles detectives are assigned to track down and arrest a brutal rapist-murderer terrorizing the city. Their job is complicated by the fact that the killer is able to avoid capture because he can pose as a woman.

2010 年 10 月 01 日

When the son of an alleged killer inherits a "blue movie" that may be the key to solving a 50 year old murder, he finds himself drawn into a forbidden world of sexual obsession. But the closer he gets to the heart of the mystery, the more the past threatens to reach out into the present and reveal terrifying truths that lead him to the brink of madness.

1972 年 10 月 04 日

Rancher Cole Hillman is fed up of rabbits plaguing his fields. Zoologist Roy Bennett conducts an experiment to curb their population, but it gives rise to giant rabbits that terrorise the town.

1968 年 02 月 14 日

In a small island off the American coast, the Whateleys live in an old mill where a mysterious bloody being creates an atmosphere of horror. After her parents get killed by lightning, young Susannah is sent to New York by her aunt Agatha, who wants her to avoid the family curse. Years later Susannah, now married, persuades her husband to spend a holiday in the abandoned mill. Once on the island, Susannah and Mike soon find themselves exposed to the hostility of a gang of thugs led by Ethan, Susannah's brutal cousin.

After many adventures, young female switchboard operator starts a love relationship with a serious young man. But while he's away on business, she gets lonely and succumbs to her colleague's passes.

1990 年 01 月 01 日

A cop sets up his girlfriend as a target in order to trap a serial killer.

1970 年 01 月 01 日

The 25th in a series of Norwegian commercial compilations addressed to "the modern housewife".

2012 年 01 月 01 日

A beautiful, blonde American girl arrives in London ostensibly to join a band, but discovers that the band have disappeared leaving her stranded and alone in a strange city.

A fugitive bursts into the home of two Catholic nuns. In an attempt to save his life, they hide him from the marauding military patrols, despite the danger they face if they are caught.

Aoi Niwa of ○○ University, who won the Grand Prix with an outstanding smile consisting of entertainer-class looks, appeared in a shocking semi-nude work! ! She exposed everything in front of the camera. stay tuned!

1968 年 09 月 06 日

A young woman gets sexually used and abused by every man she meets while on her way to rising to the top of Hollywood's entertainment industry.



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