31 filmų

1980 gegužės 23

Novelistas Jackas Torrance`as tampa Overlook viešbučio prižiūrėtoju aukštai vienišuose Kolorado kalnuose. Būdamas šeimos žmogumi, jis kartu su savimi pasiima ir žmoną bei sūnų. Pradeda dėtis keisti dalykai, kai sūnus Danny`s pamato baisius paveisklus varomus jėga, vadinama "švytėjimu". Tai labai paveikia Jack`o psichiką. Praradęs kūrybinį įkvėpimą ir medžiojamas viešbučio demonų, jis patiria psichologinį lūžį. Įvykiai pakrypsta į dar blogesnę pusę.

1992 rugpjūčio 7

Tam tikruose sluoksniuose Viljamas Manis buvo žinomas ir vertinamas, tačiau ilgainiui pradėjęs bodėtis savo gyvenimu, samdomas žudikas tapo fermeriu ir su vaikais apsigyveno atokioje fermoje. Nauja patirtis ir naujos problemos sukėlė dar didesnę sumaišti herojaus gyvenime. Pastovus pinigų stygius pastūmėjo Viljamą Manį vėl imtis ankstesnės veiklos. Jis sutinka nužudyti du kaubojus, juolab kad jie pagal Laukinių Vakarų įstatymus nusipelnė tokio atpildo. Elegiškas ir anti-vesterniškas filmas apie Laukinius Vakarus - keturių Oskarų laureatas.

Tanjiro Kamado, joined with Inosuke Hashibira, a boy raised by boars who wears a boar's head, and Zenitsu Agatsuma, a scared boy who reveals his true power when he sleeps, boards the Infinity Train on a new mission with the Fire Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku, to defeat a demon who has been tormenting the people and killing the demon slayers who oppose it!

2006 spalio 27

2006-ųjų Helovyno naktį vienu metu visose pasaulio šalyse startuos trečioji siaubo trilerio dalis, kuri tik gegužės pradžioje buvo pradėta filmuoti Toronte ir kaip tik šiuo metu yra montuojama. Kūrinio pradžioje žiūrovai sužinos, kad žiaurusis maniakas Pjūklas kažkur paslaptingai pradingo, tačiau garsas apie jo siaubingus žaidimėlius vis tiek nenutyla. Policijos pareigūnai išsiaiškina šokiruojančią žinią, kad kruviną darbą sėkmingai atlieka visiems pažįstama Amanda, kuriai ne kartą buvo pavykę išsigelbėti iš negailestingų spąstų ir tapti didvyre. Bet dabar sutrikusios psichikos mergina pasirinko visiškai kitą kelią ir nusprendė pratęsti savo mokytojo nesveikų fantazijų įgyvendinimą. Būtent ji pagrobia savo pamainą ligoninėje užbaigusią gydytoją Lyn Denlon ir nugabena į apleistą rūsį, kuriame naujosios aukos jau laukia žiaurusis Pjūklas.

2005 birželio 10

Best friends Marie and Alexia decide to spend a quiet weekend at Alexia's parents' secluded farmhouse. But on the night of their arrival, the girls' idyllic getaway turns into an endless night of horror.

A young woman inherits an old hotel in Louisiana where, following a series of supernatural "accidents", she learns that the building was built over one of the entrances to Hell.

A continuation of the epic adventure of plucky Riko and Reg who are joined by their new friend Nanachi. Together they descend into the Abyss' treacherous fifth layer, the Sea of Corpses, and encounter the mysterious Bondrewd, a legendary White Whistle whose shadow looms over Nanachi's troubled past. Bondrewd is ingratiatingly hospitable, but the brave adventurers know things are not always as they seem in the enigmatic Abyss.

Kiekvienas iš mūsų gyvenime buvo ir bus priverstas rinktis tarp keleto dalykų, iš kurių nė vienas nepatinka. Bet kažką vis tiek reikia pasirinkti. Blogiausia, kad nežinai tarp ko renkiesi.

2019 rugpjūčio 9

A rare family night for Jay takes a brutal twist when he awakens in a basement with three other prisoners. As their vengeful captor runs riot, Jay engages in a twisted battle to solve the puzzle to his past and save his family's future.

Seven episodes, each taking place on a different day of the week, on the theme of suicide and violent death.

1976 lapkričio 3

Sardu, master of the Theatre of the Macabre, and his assistant Ralphus run a show in which, under the guise of 'magic', they torture and murder people in front of their audience. But what the punters see as a trick is actually real.

1987 kovo 29

Twins Todd and Terry seem like sweet boys -- that is, until one of them takes an axe to the face of a fellow patron at the local drive-in.

1988 sausio 8

An ophthalmologist's assistant with an unhealthy interest in human eyeballs goes on a killing spree to collect eyeballs for his overbearing mother's collection. Reality soon takes a bizarre turn, both for the characters and the audience.

2007 spalio 19

A couple becomes lost in a massive storm and seek refuge at a nearby farmhouse, only to be captured by deranged killers.

Reincarnation is the second of two theatrical compilation movies that preceded the release of "Kamen Rider Amazons: The Last Judgement" feature film. Reincarnation compiles the events of Season 2, it's been five years since the conclusion of season 1, the existence of the Amazons has become public knowledge, putting Nozama Pharmaceutical out of business. In their place is 4C (Competitive Creatures Control Center), a new government organisation tasked with hunting down and containing the Amazons threat. However, the Amazon Cells have mutated into a strain capable of infecting humans, transforming victims into insane and bloodthirsty monsters.

Awakening is the first of two theatrical compilation movies that preceded the release of "Kamen Rider Amazons: The Last Judgement" feature film. Awakening compiles the events of Season 1, which follows a mysterious Amazon hunter named Jin Takayama, who transforms into Kamen Rider Amazon Alpha; the heavily-sheltered Haruka Mizusawa, who transforms into Kamen Rider Amazon Omega; and the Nozama Pest Control Service, a small group of mercenaries contracted to hunt down the awakening Amazons.

1971 balandžio 14

The accidental unearthing of Satan’s earthly remains causes the children of a 17th-century English village to slowly convert into a coven of devil worshipers.

2007 sausio 30

In a modern retelling of Tod Browning's "Freaks" (1932), "Freakshow" tells the story of a group of criminals who chose to hide out by working security at a traveling circus. At first, they plot with an insider to steal the ticket sales, but the wily Lucy has bigger plans. She convinces the gang to let her seduce and marry the aging circus owner, Lon, in order to secure the entire circus fortune after he "suffers an accident". "People die all the time," Lucy says. The freaks are on to their scheme, however, and when the youngest of them is caught by the ruthless gang, they show no mercy to ensure her silence. When the circus folk find the child's remains, they swear vengeance, and no one is safe from their fury--least of all, the wily Lucy.

1990 vasario 1

Crawldaddy and her two kids are travelling across the country on the search for victims. The dysfunctional family has the disturbing habit of skinning people alive before killing them. When their van breaks down, they are put up by a friendly couple.

A schoolboy Nicholas always worries about something. When he goes on a school skiing trip, all his visions and nightmares take him over.

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