12 elokuvaa

13 maaliskuu 1987

Ash on jumissa mökillä, kun hänen tyttöystävänsä Lindan tappanut pahuus piileksii ympäröivässä metsässä yrittäen saada hänetkin hengiltä. Lisäksi mökille saapuu neljä muuta ihmistä ja taistelu selviämisestä hengissä alkaa...

14 kesäkuu 2016

Kun uransa alussa oleva malli Jesse muuttaa Los Angelesiin, joukko nuoria naisia, joille kauneus on pakkomielle, käyttävät kaikki keinonsa saadakseen sen, mitä hänellä on. Drive-elokuvan ohjaajan Nicolas Winding Refnin (mm. Drive, Only God Forgives) uutta elokuvaa tähdittävät Elle Fanning, Christina Hendricks, Keanu Reeves, Jena Malone, Bella Heathcote, Abbey Lee ja Karl Glusman.

12 huhtikuu 2019

A young woman faces her darkest fears with seven other unwilling participants in a deadly game — a game that can only have one winner.

1 lokakuu 1976

An insane surgeon finds himself up to his armpits in eyeballs after guilt prompts him to begin removing the eyes of abducted people in hopes of performing transplants on his daughter who lost her own in a car-accident he caused.

A doctor uses special eye drops to give himself x-ray vision, but the new power has disastrous consequences.

20 huhtikuu 2010

While filming in Transylvania, a crew unearths celluloid images of a woman’s murder and unleashes the wrath of evil spirits.

28 helmikuu 2015

In this "lost slasher film from 1978," a masked killer wages an unrelenting spree of murder, cannibalism, and necrophilia. But when his tortured past comes back to haunt him, he plunges to even greater depths of madness and depravity, consuming the lives of a young woman and those she holds dear.

A group of American tourists is traveling through Spain when two of them are murdered by a mysterious serial killer who removes an eyeball from every one of his victims. The tour presses on as the murders continue, with the travelers and the police trying to deduce which one of them is the killer.

1 tammikuu 1999

A mad scientist's experiment goes awry, turning a homeless man's eyeball into a giant killing machine that has an insatiable appetite for young women.

Young women disappear one after another in drizzling rain. They all hear the “cursed song” of the Cage Song before they vanish into thin air. Kitaro and his friends investigate these mysterious cases when they meet Kaede Hiramoto, a high school girl who finds herself involved in this mystery. With the help from the librarian of Yokai Library, they find out that the curse was caused by an evil Yokai that was released from 1,000 years of sealing. To save Kaede, they are to gather the 5 ancient musical instruments and perform the ritual to seal the evil Yokai again, which has to be done within 48 hours!

8 tammikuu 1971

A New York artist gouges eyes out with a spoon after the same is done to him.

16 kesäkuu 1992

Do you wear glasses? Do you hate it? Good news! With this specialized ocular aerobics workout video video you can train your eyes back to perfect vision! Based on the work of Dr. W.H. Bates an opthalmologist who believed that most vision difficulties are associated with the eye muscles. Exercises to improve eye muscle tone and blood circulation to the eyes are demonstrated.

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