22 elokuvaa

Kun Grahamin perheen matriarkka Ellen kuolee, hänen tyttärensä perheelle alkaa selvitä salaperäisiä ja yhä karmivampia salaisuuksia suvun historiasta. Mitä enemmän Grahamin perhe saa selville sukunsa synkästä menneisyydestä, sitä kiihkeämmin he yrittävät paeta pahaenteiseksi ja periytyväksi osoittautuvaa kohtaloaan, joka tuhoaa hitaasti kaiken ympäriltään.

24 marraskuu 1999

New York City 1979. Manhattanilla sijaitsevassa sairaalassa syntyy vauva, jolla havaitaan epätavallinen syntymämerkki. Lähtölaskenta on alkanut. Vauvasta kasvaa Christene, kaunis nuori nainen. Kun salaperäinen mies ilmestyy hänen elämäänsä 29. joulukuuta 1999, huomaa Christine joutuneensa vasten tahtoaan pirulliseen peliin, jonka panoksena on koko ihmiskunnan kohtalo. Vain yksi mies, potkut saanut poliisi Jericho Cane, voi estää katastrofin. Painajaismaisten tapahtumien alkaessa vyöryä ylitseen Cane tajuaa Christinen syntymän toteuttaneen kauan sitten annetun ennustuksen ja huomaa tytön olevan avain taivaallisiin voimiin, jotka ylittävät ihmisen käsityskyvyn. Tuhon hetki on käsillä ja kaiken inhimillisen säilyminen on kiinni yhdestä miehestä.

25 huhtikuu 2006

Years ago, a cruel and merciless nun turned a boarding school into a living hell for her students until they could no longer bear the abuse, and she mysteriously disappeared. Now the alumnae are being brutally murdered one by one.

21 elokuu 2015

Nuori äiti muuttaa kaksospoikiensa kanssa asumaan taloon, jota vainoaa kuolettava kirous. Suositun kauhuelokuvan jatko-osan takana on mm. Paranormal Activity ja Puhdistuksen yö -elokuvien tuotantotalo Blumhouse.

Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain, 2019. Two corpses appear in the crypt of the Old Cathedral. Police officer Unai López de Ayala, an expert in criminal profiling, must hunt down the ritual murderer who has been terrorizing the city for two decades.


8 lokakuu 1982

New York police are bemused by reports of a giant flying lizard that has been spotted around the rooftops of New York, until the lizard starts to eat people. An out-of-work ex-con is the only person who knows the location of the monster's nest and is determined to turn the knowledge to his advantage, but will his gamble pay off or will he end up as lizard food?

A film inspired by terrifying true events. When the tenants are members of a dark cult, they terrorize the homeowner, looking for their next prey to sacrifice.

Eräs nuori poliisimies joutuu pienen pojan verisen rituaalimurhan silminnäkijäksi. Tämä kauhea kokemus saa hänet täysin pois tolaltaan.

Psykologi Cal Jamison ottaa tapauksen hoitoonsa, tosin epäluuloisena. Mutta pian hän joutuu itse mukaan paholaisenpalvonnan, kirousten ja ihmisuhrien peloittavaan maailmaan. Kauhukseen hän saa tietää, että hänen oma 7-vuotias poikansa on lahkon seuraava uhrilammas.

A young professor travels to Budapest to locate a lost colleague. Once there, he gets tangled up in a supernatural mystery.

14 kesäkuu 2019

Newcomer Evan joins a group of teens on a getaway in Joshua Tree. While exchanging ghost stories around the campfire, Evan reads aloud a mysterious chant from an internet site. From that moment, someone--or something--is among them.

4 marraskuu 2017

As a rookie detective struggling to find acceptance in a police department defined by a culture of bullying and intolerance, things go from bad to worse when the chief suspect in a series of brutal ritualistic murders takes a personal interest in her. A game of cat and mouse ensues which sees Rebecca’s grasp on reality beginning to spiral out of control, leading to a terrifying climax where she needs to fight for her sanity, her life and maybe even her soul.

John, a new student at an exclusive private school, is having trouble with a group of bullying jocks who are jealous of his friendship with beautiful classmate Mary. He's intrigued, then, when enigmatic misfit Luc offers him a chance to get back at them using witchcraft - but doesn't realise that the price of his new-found power may be his life.

Terror has escalated on the Wind River reservation as a series of ritualistic murders remain unsolved. The FBI therefore enlists the aid of Hanson, a newly minted tracker for the U.S. Fish & Game, who becomes embroiled in a desperate and dangerous fight between the authorities, a vigilante and the Reservation he calls home.

3 elokuu 2017

Accused of the ritualistic murder of his best friend, a vice detective bent on finding the truth is plunged into Hell when he goes undercover and discovers that demons might be real.

13 lokakuu 2014

A group of friends set out on a road trip to "the party of the century" in the middle of nowhere, but on the way, they break down and find themselves being hunted for a satanic ritual.

Somewhere in upstate New York, a young woman is terrorized by a group of rural farmers primarily interested in a harvest of blood.

5 elokuu 1992

In a totalitarian future, in a nightmare metropolis, inhabited only by criminals and police, Erik Lonnrot, a gifted detective, investigates a series of strange murders and disappearances that seem to implicate a insane crime lord. (Re-released in 1996 as a feature film, 86 minutes.)

14 tammikuu 2024

Jake Wilcox grows cannabis for the notorious steam-punk gangster, Mr. P. When the entire crop is burnt, Jake goes on the run with his accomplices, Tony and Dominic. They are quickly captured, tortured, and driven to the middle of nowhere to dig their own graves. Mr. P orders Jake to commit a heinous act. To repay the debt owed to Mr. P, Jake must travel to the Isle of Baga to find his friend Harvie, who knows the whereabouts of a rare strain of cannabis called Saber-Tooth. Professor Moses accompanies Jake to the Isle of Baga, where an annual rock festival is held. But when Jake and Professor Moses' search for Harvie is suddenly pulled into a dark world of ritualistic murder, rune magic, and an evil cult of vampires, will they survive until sunrise ?

1 tammikuu 1994

Three sorority girls play a prank on their creepy neighbor, Hugo. He is accidentally shot and killed, but returns to life in order to kill them as human sacrifices in order to grant himself immortality.

An inside look at Satanism from its origins to its victims. Shot on location in Richmond, Virginia, to San Francisco, California, this program will enlighten and inform. By becoming aware, you will be able to spot the danger signals. You'll hear historical facts regarding the beliefs of Satanists, and witness the mental pain as survivors of Satanic groups tell their tales of horror and abuse. Learn why the number 3 is so important in the worship of Satan.

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