8 Filme

Ausgerechnet im Garten einer braven Durchschnittsfamilie hat sich das Böse eingenistet. Durch eine zufällig ausgesprochene Zauberformel öffnet sich ein Tor zur Hölle und dämonische Wesen aus der Unterwelt terrorisieren die Kinder der Familie. Doch die bedrohten Freunde nehmen all ihren Mut zusammen und stellen sich den Mächten der Finsternis.

4. Januar 1930

Claire Tree spends the night in the hotel room of her friend and confidante, saying goodbye to him before her impending marriage the following day. When she returns to the hotel with her husband the following night, the house detective accuses her of prostitution and throws them out. Now Claire must explain everything to her unsympathetic husband.

7. April 2024
13. November 2013

At the break of dawn, teenagers Axel and Love are on the way home after a night out partying. As the sun rises, they start to see each other in a whole new light... Elin Övergaard's remarkably tender portrait of the struggle to say what you mean to the person you care for the most packs a considerable emotive punch in only just a few minutes.

A short documentary film that captures the city (Cairo) in its most tranquil and calm state, from 5 am to 7 am.

Rescue police receives a report on the killing of a leftist journalist in her apartment. The prosecutor moves to the scene of the incident and tries to reach the murderer.

18. September 2023

A formally free poetic documentary filmed through a summer depression in northern Portugal.

27. April 2019

In the Moroccan desert night dilutes forms and silence slides through sand. Dawn starts then to draw silhouettes of dunes while motionless figures punctuate landscape. From night´s abstraction, light returns its dimension to space and their volume to bodies. Stillness concentrates gaze and duration densify it. The adhan -muslim call to pray- sounds and immobility, that was condensing, begins to irradiate. And now the bodies are those which dissolves into the desert.

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