22 juni 1984

Daniel is nieuw in de stad, en wordt gepest door de plaatselijke 'bullies', die allemaal bekend zijn met karate. Vastbesloten om voor zichzelf op te komen besluit Daniel om zichzelf karate te leren, tot hij ontdekt dat er een karate-meester in zijn flat woont. Mr. Miyagi stemt toe om Daniel te trainen, en hij leert hem dat er meer is dan het gebruiken van geweld.

Danny en zijn leraar, Mr. Miyagi, zijn terug in L.A. en verlangen naar een rustig leventje. De rust wordt echter snel verstoord als Danny gedwongen wordt te vechten tegen de 'bad boy' van karate; Mike Barnes. Mr. Miyagi weigert echter Daniel te helpen

De voormalige bokser Zach, de getalenteerde Mixed Martial Arts-vechter Tim, de veel getreiterde winkelbediende Justin en de worstelaar Mike hebben allemaal een verschillende achtergrond. Maar ze delen allemaal dezelfde passie: vechten. Ze worden al snel loyaal aan hun gezamenlijke, onorthodoxe trainer Case, een voormalig UFC-kampioen die zijn beste tijd heeft gehad. Case leert hen veel meer dan alleen vechten en bereidt hen voor op een wedstrijd genaamd de 'Beatdown', die gerund wordt door een lokale schooljongen en de impressario Max. Wanneer hun mentor erin geluisd wordt door een stel foute agenten, slaan de mannen de vuisten ineen om de verrader te vinden.

22 maart 1985

Een zwart martial-arts talent, is zo bezeten van zijn hobby dat hij zich precies kleedt en zich precies zo gedraagt als wat hij denkt dat de Chinese traditie is. Hij wordt verliefd op een sexy zangeres, maar gangsters verstoren hun leventje wanneer een crimineel zijn eigen zangeresje wil promoten ten koste van alles.

9 augustus 1991

Jake's broer Sean wint het Thaise kickbokskampioenschap. Kort daarna wordt hij op straat op brute wijze vermoord door de verliezer Khan. Jake was toen 14 jaar oud, nu, 10 jaar later, is hij een van de beste undercoveragenten in New York. Jake krijgt van Interpol de opdracht om in Bangkok een illegale filmproductie op te sporen die ervoor zorgt dat mensen sterven tijdens gevechtscènes. Jake ontmoet de producent van de “Death Films” en krijgt de kans om deel te nemen. In de eerste gevechtsscène komt hij oog in oog te staan ​​met Khan, de moordenaar van zijn broer. Het zal een gevecht op leven en dood zijn.

17 december 1992

An otherwise rejected or ignored boy creates a fantasy pal from his martial arts movie hero.

Hu Te et al. escape the burning Shaolin temple after the Qing soldiers destroyed it in Shaolin Temple. The group of 5 decide to develop secret codes to identify fellow patriots, enlist those patriots and eventually meet up again to escape to the south away from the Qings, and also identify the traitor who sold out Shaolin temple. Ma Fu Yi, joins the Qing top fighters to eliminate the rebels but is exposed by Ma Chao-Tsing who gets captured by Ma Fu Yi. Hu meets up with a group of Shaolin men secretly posing as bandits to rescue Ma as their leader is killed in the process, thus the bandits join the rest of the Shaolin patriots.

9 december 2011

Akane is the youngest of three daughters for Soun Tendo. Her father Soun Tendo runs a dojo for martial arts. Akane hopes to carry on her father's dojo into the distant future. Meanwhile, Akane has been selected to marry Ranma, the son of her father's long time friend Genma. Akane and Ranma's relationship has developed into a love and hate relationship. Also, Ranma isn't your typical boy. While on a training journey Ranma fell into the Spring of the Drowned Girl and now changes into a women whenever cold water is splashed on him. Warm water will allow him to revert back to a male. Problems arise when Akane's father declares that the successor to their dojo must be a male. Now, Akane and Ranma (being a man only half of the time) must find a secret spring that can cure him of his curse.

12 oktober 1993

Kickboxing champ Rick Quinn decides to retire from the ring, but his main adversary, Denard, wants him to fight again and murders Quinn's wife. Quinn suspects Denard, but can't do anything. Three month later, Quinn is jailed after a drunken bar brawl; a rich man named Le Braque bails him out and asks him to fight for him.

Set at the time of Italian explorer Marco Polo's historic expedition to China ,during the reign of Monogol ruler Kublai Khan, it stars American actor Richard Harrison as Polo. Taking considerable liberties with the historic record, the film has Polo turning up as an Imperial Inspector assigned to root out Chinese rebles in the south, but eventually being won over to their cause.

1 januari 1998

A young kenpo karate martial artist returns home after ten years in reform school on a quest to find out who murdered his father. He is befriended by an old monk and a local Irish beauty. His search takes him to the prestigious Bealtaine Martial Arts Tournament. Together with his past, the good guy is drawn into conflict with the local drug baron and his son, and the conflict makes the young man face his father's death in a way he could never have imagined.

Although injured, a martial-arts expert teaches an orphan his methods.

The documentary project follows the young students of a small daoist kung fu school in Wudang, China. The documentary focuses on their daily life and training, and the viewer also gets to join them on their performance trips.

1 januari 2000

Tofiq and his father watch Snake in the Eagle's Shadow, and because of their differences they get into a debate; to settle it, they decide to have a showdown. Tofiq loses and, because of it, is forced to leave their house and go into the city. There he encounters someone else and they start having beef, and this goes on until the end of the movie.

Director Miho Niikura examines the modern practice of tee (Okinawan karate), and its attractiveness to Westerners—some of whom travel thousands of miles to study the venerable martial art in its birthplace, Okinawa.

1 april 2005

Let the sun shine in! Ramel Rones gently guides you through the morning with a series of powerful mind/body exercises that awaken the senses, stimulate the mind, and fill your body and spirit with abundant energy. This simplified, short t'ai chi ch'uan sequence is practiced to both the left and right for balance. This video is intended to be a comprehensive introduction to tai chi. Rones also offers suggestions to intermediate and advanced students.

7 mei 1976

Een documentaire uit de jaren 70 waarin verschillende vechtstijlen van vechtsporten worden belicht, met de Afro-Amerikaanse vechtsportmeester Ron Van Clief, ook bekend als 'Black Dragon'.

18 december 2018

Two chickens start a new chapter in their lives by learning a mysterious martial art. As they train, it is obvious they don't exactly fit in until evil weasels threaten the chickens' way of life, and the town has to band together to defeat them.

Learn the ancient and noble art of fighting with the long- or "hand-and-a-half" sword according to the teachings of the medieval fencing master Johannes Liechtenauer! Reconstructed from 14th - 16th c manuscripts and illuminations, the highly effective fighting techniques and principles of this elegant and deadly martial art are now available for everyone. A valuable treasure trove for everyone interested in historical swordsmanship, by respected martial artists Hans Heim and Alex Kiermayer.

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