38 部电影

1970 年 12 月 24 日


1988 年 11 月 18 日

《奧麗華歷險記》(英語:Oliver & Company),是一部由華特迪士尼於1988年製作並發行的動畫電影。它的上映日期是1988年11月18日(香港則於1990年1月18日上映),為第27部華特迪士尼經典動畫長片。 故事大致改編自英國作家狄更斯的小說《孤雛淚》,但背景從倫敦改為紐約市,主角也換成一隻無家可歸的橙色小貓咪奧麗華,他加入了一群流浪狗在街上生存。劇情即圍繞在奧麗華與同伴間的冒險故事。


2016 年 04 月 29 日



2017 年 01 月 08 日

在古老又神祕的伊斯坦堡城市裡,數以萬計的街貓在城市居民的生活中穿梭,陪伴人們度過數千年的歲月,牠們的存在成為伊斯坦堡不可或缺的象徵。不受豢養的伊斯坦堡街貓們雖非家貓卻也不是野貓,牠們挑選自己喜愛的人類並且寵幸他們。在這裡,貓咪就像是一面反映了人類的生活樣貌的明鏡。 在《愛貓之城》這部魅力十足的紀錄片中,有位居民是這麼說的:「沒有貓,伊斯坦堡就失去了一部分的靈魂。」 電影鎖定其中七隻伊斯蘭街貓,截然不同的牠們有著不同的個性,也帶出了城市居民的七種生活樣貌,隨著這七隻可愛貓咪的視角,我們得以認識這個遙遠又古老的城市。

1948 年 10 月 30 日

Tom, complete with mortarboard, is teaching a kitten the basics: "cats chase mice." But Jerry keeps subverting this lesson at every opportunity.

1969 年 06 月 18 日

A man and his girlfriend plan to rob the mansion of the man's eccentric but wealthy aunt. However, the aunt keeps dozens of cats in her home, and the man is deathly afraid of cats.

1952 年 04 月 19 日

Someone drops off three cute little kittens; Tom is put in charge of them while Mammy goes shopping. But behind her back, the three little angels are real devils.

1935 年 10 月 26 日

Three orphan kittens are entering a society house in winter and ruin the furniture. But when they're caught by the maid, the young daughter of the house "rescues" them from the cold outside.

2020 年 10 月 21 日

A "documentary film crew" captures history unfolding, as a disgraced, but kind-hearted fertility specialist, Dr. William Han, tries to restart his career, embarking on a breakthrough medical trial in which four women will give birth to kittens!!!

The cartoon tells about the adventures of a kitten with the unusual name of Woof and his friend - the puppy of Sharik. Woof constantly gets into ridiculous situations and finds adventures as soon as he leaves the house. He is sure that it is necessary to go to meet the trouble, because the old cat told him: "You are waiting for some troubles!". He also knows how to properly share sausages, why a secret language is needed and why one should be afraid of thunderstorms together with a friend in the attic.

1952 年 02 月 02 日

A bulldog adopts an adorable kitten, but he can't let his owner know.

1958 年 12 月 20 日

Bulldog Marc Anthony, guarding a construction site, finds a kitten, Pussyfoot, to whom he affectionately gives a wiener for lunch. A hungry grown cat sees and is determined to have the wiener.

1964 年 12 月 08 日

Tom enjoys the role of top cat until an adorable red-and-white-haired kitten is brought into the house of a young blonde woman.

1948 年 11 月 06 日

Elmer Fudd takes in Sylvester Cat and an orange kitten during a cold winter night. He'd like to adopt both, but can only keep one. He decides to go to bed and make up his mind in the morning. Sylvester and the kitten both want to be the one who is adopted, so each tries framing the other for noisy misdeeds.

1935 年 04 月 12 日

A kitten runs off to be a robber with a dog.

2019 年 03 月 23 日

MEOW is a bloodstained genre mash offering life lessons in demonic cats, dubious landlords and overbearing mothers.

1953 年 02 月 21 日

Marc Antony must convince his owner that Pussyfoot is a great mouser to keep him in the house.

1936 年 02 月 08 日

Mama cat is teaching her kittens to catch mice. Meanwhile, across the basement, mama mouse is teaching her little ones how to avoid cats.

2014 年 06 月 02 日

It is believed that cats are just indifferent and egotistic; but they are more complex, interesting and even cuter than is commonly imagined. The astonishing process by which a newborn kitten becomes a fully grown cat reveals the amazing and true secret life of cats.



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