9 Filme

26. Juli 1940

Maisie becomes attached to a dirt-poor farmer and his family as they try to make ends meet joining hundreds of others digging for gold in a previously panned-out ghost town.

17. Oktober 1935

Sheriff John Higgins quits and goes into prospecting after he thinks he has killed his best friend in shooting it out with robbers. He encounters his dead buddy's sister and helps her run her ranch. Then she finds out about his past.

1. Oktober 1958

Celebrated detective traces and finds beneficiaries to the will of a gold prospector murdered by bushwhackers.

10. Dezember 1994

A woman struggles to survive in the Alaskan frontier after separating from her family because of an earthquake.

26. November 1917

A hard-working prospector enters the town of Bakeoven to stake his claim, only to have his rights stolen and his face on "Wanted" posters. He plans reprisal.

1. Januar 1983

An avant-garde examination of the relationship between women and money in society. Mixing musical, silent melodrama, and philosophical treatise into a post-punk, heady brew.

5. März 1941

This short film presents three legends of hidden gold in California's Death Valley.

16. April 1942

A would-be prospector becomes involved in a plot to deceive an old prospector of his cache, but falls in love with his daughter instead.

2. November 1935

Porky and Beans are prospectors during the Gold Rush, but when a villain steals Porky's bag of loot Beans races to get it back so he can marry Porky's daughter Little Kitty.

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