29 elokuvaa

Salamyhkäisen menneisyytensä taaksensa jättänyt McCall palaa kostamaan niille, jotka sortavat heikompiaan.

Suuri puhallus 2 -elokuvassa The Four Horsemen -taikuriryhmä palaa uudella aivot solmuun saavalla seikkailulla, joka sekoittaa illuusion ja toden rajat ennennäkemättömällä tavalla ja vie ryhmän matkalle ympäri maailman.

Vuosi sen jälkeen kun ryhmä onnistui päihittämään FBI:n ja voittamaan yleisön puolelleen Robin Hood -tyylisillä taikaesityksillään illusionistit tekevät paluun näyttämölle paljastaakseen teknologia-pohatan epäeettiset toimet. Heidän katoamistemppunsa takana on itse Walter Marby, IT- ihmelapsi, joka kiristää ryhmän suorittamaan tähänastisen uransa mahdottomimman ryöstön. Heidän ainoa toivonsa on esittää yksi viimeinen uskomaton temppu puhdistaakseen nimensä ja paljastaakseen kaiken takana lymyävän rikollisneron.

Aluksi Martin Burney vaikuttaa Lauran unelmamieheltä. Hän on komea, menestyksekäs ja viettelevän puoleensavetävä. Mutta Lauralle selviää heidän mentyään naimisiin, että hänen miehensä onkin naisen pahin painajainen; painostava, kontrolloiva ja vaarallisen väkivaltainen. Elettyään kolme vuotta pelon ja kauhun vallassa, Laura alkaa suunnitella pakoaan. Tietäen, että vain hänen kuolemansa estäisi Martinia jäljittämästä häntä, Laura lavastaa hukkuvansa veneonnettomuudessa ja pakenee keskilännen pikkukaupunkin. Uudesta henkilöllisyydestä huolimatta Laura elää pelon vallassa, Martinin raa'an muiston vainoamana. Muiston, joka herää karmealla tavalla henkiin, kun Martin saa selville Lauran olevan elossa. Mielipuolisen pakkomielteen valtaamaa Martinia ei pysäytä mikään, ennen kuin hän löytää vaimonsa ja saa tämän maksamaan petoksestaan...

25 tammikuu 2023

A soldier caught by enemies and presumed dead comes back to complete his mission, accompanied by old companions and foes.

30 tammikuu 1987

Refined actress Lauren Ames finally has a chance to study with the great theatre professor Stanislav Korzenowski. Sandy Brozinsky, a brash, loud actress, decides through happenstance to also study with Korzenowski. The two women end up dating the same man (who turns out to be a double agent) and follow him across the country to force him to choose between them.

An Englishman with a grudge against an insurance company for a disallowed claim fakes his own death and escapes to Spain, but is soon pursued by an insurance investigator.

24 joulukuu 1943

Sherlock Holmes investigates a series of so-called "pajama suicides". He knows the female villain behind them is as cunning as Moriarty and as venomous as a spider. Based on "The Sign of Four" and the short stories "The Dying Detective", "The Final Problem", "The Speckled Band" and "The Adventure of the Devil's Foot".

Wah Li, known as Fat Boy to his friends, lives with his great-uncle the priest (Uncle). Together with his oddball friends Lai Li and Momo, Wah Li helps Uncle to run the local funeral services. When the body Ma Lun Chio is brought back to the village by a new wife and her "brother", Wai Li is suspicious. He sets out to find out how his friend died, but things are not what they seem.

25 maaliskuu 2023

After suffering years of mental abuse from her husband, Jules thinks she's finally free when a physical struggle ends in a fire that takes his life. However, she's soon pushed to the edge as she starts to believe she's seeing him at every turn.

29 syyskuu 2017

Michael and Madison Roland planned to spend the rest of their lives together, but Michael's controlling ways turn their perfect marriage into an abusive roller-coaster ride that no woman could survive. With the help of her best friend, Madison fakes her death to escape and start a new life — but soon realizes it's impossible to outwit her obsessive husband.

A young, nonconforming woman named Tessa gets entangled in a cat-and-mouse chase in the by-lanes of Kerala, hunting for a mysterious artist who previously lived in her apartment.

20 tammikuu 1936

Dr. Janos Rukh discovers a certain type of radium that has almost magical healing properties. But the element has a dangerous side, too, and it has already started affecting Rukh. Consumed by paranoia, he begins to suspect that his wife is having an affair. Wild for revenge, Rukh hatches a deadly plot...using his own poisoned body as a weapon to kill.

12 joulukuu 1931

To avoid the rigors of the law, Gilda flees New Orleans and hides on a Caribbean island where the worst criminals can ask for asylum. Besieged by the scum of the earth, Gilda will soon find out that she has found refuge in hell.

13 maaliskuu 2015

After false reports of his demise put him and his work on the map, an artist decides to continue the charade by posing as his own brother. Soon, a reporter enters his life and has a profound effect on him.

9 kesäkuu 1948

A man listens to his wife and fakes his own death so that she can get her hands on his insurance policy.

5 helmikuu 1934

When her husband, who founded the town's crusading local newspaper, doesn't come back from the French battlefields of World War I, a woman struggles to raise her two sons and keep the newspaper going. Matters are complicated by the fact that, several years later, one of the sons wants to turn the paper from its position as a hard-fighting champion of the working-class into an upscale society paper catering to the rich and powerful. Matters are complicated even further by rumors that their father was in fact NOT killed in France during the war but took another man's identity and is still living there.

27 toukokuu 1951

Despite a 'No Trespassing' sign, an irritable gopher, and an obvious lack of skill, Woody is determined to play some croquet.

Celluloid Cortex is your normal, everyday video store in 1999. The owner stays in back, the general manager gives no shits, the clerks are sometimes friendly and occasionally helpful, the local FCC has a fit... oh, and the ghost of a porn star lives in the basement.

15 lokakuu 2016

A man fakes his death. At his funeral he discovers he has a son and attempts to find him.

Two singers at the height of their powers—radiant soprano Nadine Sierra and tenor sensation Benjamin Bernheim—come together as the star-crossed lovers in Gounod’s sumptuous Shakespeare adaptation, with Met Music Director Yannick Nézet-Séguin on the podium to conduct one of the repertoire’s most romantic scores. Bartlett Sher’s elegant staging also features baritone Will Liverman and tenor Frederick Ballentine as the archrivals Mercutio and Tybalt, mezzo-soprano Samantha Hankey as the mischievous pageboy Stéphano, and bass-baritone Alfred Walker as Frère Laurent.

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