34 部电影

2014 年 12 月 19 日

安妮(奎文赞妮·瓦利斯 Quvenzhané Wallis 饰)是一位年幼的孤儿,生活在当今的纽约市,她在养母汉尼根小姐(卡梅隆·迪亚茨 Cameron Diaz 饰)照料下,过着举步维艰的日子。有一天,安妮的命运终于出现了转机。威尔•史塔克(杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx 饰),一位正在竞选市长的固执大亨,在他精干的副总裁格雷斯(萝丝•拜恩饰)和投机倒把的幕僚盖 (鲍比·坎纳瓦尔 Bobby Cannavale 饰)的建议下,将安妮拉入自己的竞选阵营,计划出一个“纸包不住火”的竞选方案。史塔克坚信自己是安妮的守护天使,但安妮自身固有的自信、积极向上,坚信“柳暗花明又一村”的性格与生活信念,或许正证明了她对史塔克的意义。

1990 年 11 月 09 日

公仔杀人事件经媒体报道后,引发制作“楚其”的玩具公司对市场前景的担忧,玩具公司将楚其的残骸收回并加以修复,试图向股东证明杀人玩具不过是谣言一场,然而在修复完成时,楚其随即复活,它引发混乱,并最终逃脱。另一方面,安迪(艾力克斯·文森特 Alex Vincent 饰)和母亲分别接受心理治疗,一对好心夫妇暂时照顾安迪。根据灵魂转移的符咒要求,楚其如果要避免与公仔一同人格化的命运,就必须寄宿到第一个知晓它秘密的人——也就是安迪身上,楚其剩下的时间已经不多,它再度找到安迪准备侵占其身体。安迪为了躲避找上门的楚其,用尽办法得到的却是周围大人的不理解与训斥,和安迪一起被收养的少女凯莉也卷入了这场公仔夺取安迪身体的非常事件……

2017 年 10 月 14 日


2018 年 11 月 08 日

Fresh out of foster care at age 18, a young drifter turns to petty crime to survive, and discovers an impossible love in an unlikely friend.


2018 年 12 月 05 日

一个被遗弃的婴儿,三段交错的人生。 刚出生的宝宝提欧被送到了儿童社福机构,他的生母自愿放弃扶养,并将他交给社福机构安置。就在社福机构尽力帮提欧寻找领养父母时,工作倦怠的尚成为暂时的扶养人。同时,无法生育的艾莉丝也积极的寻找领养机会,就在完善的社福体系以及社工们的努力之下,提欧与艾莉丝的人生终于交会,也连带影响了每个参与者的生活。

2013 年 08 月 23 日


2018 年 05 月 18 日


2009 年 11 月 01 日


2009 年 09 月 25 日

You don't choose your family. You choose your friends. Vegas is the story of Thomas, Marianne and Terje - three teenagers with nowhere to go.

1979 年 12 月 22 日

A dedicated social worker organizes a train trip for a group of slum orphans in 1894, taking them from New York City to the Midwest in search of new families and new lives.

1934 年 11 月 23 日

Anne Shirley, an orphan, is fostered by farmer Matthew Cuthbert and his sister Marilla, who were expecting a boy to be sent them to help with their farm work. They accept Anne, who quickly endears herself to them and to the local villagers.

1952 年 01 月 10 日

新泽西夫妇 Anna 和 Poppy Rose 成为了几个出生在不太幸运的环境中的孩子的养父母,其中包括一个极度不幸的 13 岁女孩和一个容易陷入严重麻烦的身体残疾男孩。


1932 年 04 月 17 日

Mrs. Doray sits with a Juvenile Court Judge to learn more about problem children and what to do about them. One of the cases involves 13 year old Arthur, "the worst kid in town", who moves cars away from fiire-plugs without the knowledge of the owners. The judge gives Arthur and friend Nutty another chance. However they run into further trouble when they break into Mr. Doray's drugstore to get medicine for Nutty's grandmother. Mr. Doray is not sympathetic and completely against his wife's plan to become Arthur's guardian. More incidents occur with Mr. Doray quick to judge prior to getting all of the facts. Mrs. Doray must choose between her marriage and Arthur.

2012 年 11 月 08 日

Cathy, 6, is taken by a social worker to a foster home in the countryside, where she slowly gets used to the strict rules imposed by her foster mother Réjeanne. Fortunately, her foster father, Reynald, is kind and gentle with the girl and patiently helps her break through her shell. Kayla, 12, is sent to a group home where she gets to know Morgane, a rebellious teenager who’s planning to run away. At about the same time, Manu is released from the system on the day she turns 18, but she finds it difficult to adjust to her solitary existence outside of the system. All four meet up at a reception honoring a foster family with whom they’ve all previously lived.

2004 年 01 月 09 日

A determined teenager must rely on her own wits when her fractured family abandons her.

2000 年 11 月 03 日

The arrival of a beautiful new stranger in town prompts two boys to spend their summer holidays enticing the young woman to act in a short-film. However their motivation is purely that of seeing her naked.

1984 年 03 月 17 日

A precocious child has a profound effect on the lives of a successful Broadway producer and her husband.

2014 年 07 月 20 日

In writer/director Paolo Rotondo’s debut feature, three teenagers on the run break into a deluxe Waiheke Island home and find themselves caught in a tense psychodrama with the conflicted owner.



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