22 部电影

1955 年 12 月 22 日

《茜茜公主》系列影片包括《茜茜公主》、《年輕的皇后》和《皇后的命運》三部曲。作為系列影片的首部,該片講述了茜茜公主(Romy Schneider 飾)與奧地利國王弗蘭茲·約瑟夫(Karlheinz Bohm 飾)邂逅相戀的故事。茜茜出生在 巴伐利亞的貴族之家,她美艷動人,性格活潑。姨媽蘇菲打算安排自己的兒子,即奧地利王位繼承人弗蘭茲,在他的生日慶典上與茜茜的姐姐海倫訂婚。母親和姐姐帶著茜茜赴奧地利參加慶典,調皮的她偷偷溜出去釣魚,不料卻與英俊的國王弗蘭茲相遇。茜茜動人的微笑深深擊中弗蘭茲,讓他徹底愛上了天真純情的茜茜,並不顧一切違背母親蘇菲的旨意,在生日慶典上宣佈茜茜才是自己的皇后。雖然有情人終成眷屬,但這段浪漫純真的愛情卻是剛剛面臨考驗。

1999 年 09 月 13 日

The story of a Jewish family living in Hungary—through three generations—rising from humble beginnings to positions of wealth and power in the crumbling Austro-Hungarian Empire. The patriarch becomes a prominent judge but is torn when his government sanctions anti-Jewish persecutions. His son converts to Christianity to advance his career as a champion fencer and Olympic hero, but is caught up in the Holocaust. Finally, the grandson, after surviving war, revolution, loss and betrayal, realizes that his ultimate allegiance must be to himself and his heritage.

2023 年 03 月 30 日


1969 年 05 月 04 日

1848年,匈牙利爆發了由Kossuth領導的反抗奧地利Hap***urg統治的民族運動。不幸的是,這次革命失敗了,奧地利人的霸權重新確立了起來。為了徹底根除傳說中的Sandor Rozsa遊擊隊,軍隊把嫌疑人集中關押在野外一個孤零零的工事中。當權者並不知道遊擊隊的首領長得什麼樣子,但知道他就在這些囚犯中。於是他們對囚犯們展開了刻意設計的真假難辨的精神折磨。 他們找了些在農民暴動中殺過人的俘虜,加以威逼利誘。誰能在其他俘虜中找出比自己殺人更多的,或者能指出遊擊隊首領,誰就會被赦免。長著一張懦弱面孔的主人公就是其中一個。他並不知道誰比自己殺了更多人,於是就利用一切機會瞭解別人,就像是軍隊派進俘虜中的奸細。他倒也不全是亂指認,有一次通過交談,他瞭解到某個俘虜比自己多殺了一個人,於是馬上報告給軍隊。那個俘虜被處死了。不過,這一行徑終於被俘虜們察覺,他自然難逃厄運。 這是米克洛什楊索(Miklós Jancsó)的第一部故事片,帶有鮮明的匈牙利色彩。它以現實主義為基調,平和樸素,但又默不作聲地把形式主義融入其中。並且由於當時特殊的社會環境,它和許多東歐影片一樣,以史喻今的意圖非常明顯——軍隊對俘虜的逼供方法和1960年代匈牙利政權的所作所為非常相似。

2009 年 12 月 16 日

The Austrian Emperor Franz Joseph falls in love with the young Elisabeth. It's love at first sight but Franz Joseph's mother Sophie doesn't approve this love.

1985 年 10 月 08 日

Set during the fading glory of the Austro-Hungarian empire, the film tells of the rise and fall of Alfred Redl, an ambitious young officer who proceeds up the ladder to become head of the Secret Police only to become ensnared in political deception.

2019 年 03 月 22 日

有時候該相信自己的直覺勇氣… 還是旁人的流言緋語? 第一次世界大戰前夕的1913年,心念已逝父母的伊莉絲決定回到故鄉布達佩斯,希望能到父母所創的高端女帽店工作。然而,曾被喻為歐洲中心的布達佩斯已物是人非,家族店鋪早已易主,倔將的伊莉絲在城裡四處探問,意外得知自己有一位哥哥,自此展開找尋親人和自己過往的旅程。政局與社會風雨飄搖,伊莉絲單身闖入城市邊緣的地下社會,置身充滿謠言與敵意中的她最終能與哥哥相逢嗎?

1974 年 09 月 06 日

After the 1815 Restoration, an aging revolutionary finds himself reluctantly involved in an attempted insurrection in Southern Italy while growing increasingly disillusioned with his cause.


1978 年 09 月 13 日

The film tells the story of a regiment of Hungarian hussars stationed in Poland. The hussars, mostly ordinary men, have heard news of the uprising and wish to return to the homeland to defend the newly independent country. The Empire, on the other hand, is firmly resolved that all Hungarian troops in the imperial army should be kept as far away from the trouble spot as possible, knowing that most soldiers would be loyal to Budapest rather than Vienna.

1966 年 05 月 20 日

At an Austrian boys' boarding school in the early 1900s, shy, intelligent Törless observes the sadistic behavior of his fellow students, doing nothing to help a victimized classmate—until the torture goes too far. Adapted from Robert Musil's acclaimed novel, Young Törless launched the New German Cinema movement and garnered the 1966 Cannes Film Festival International Critics' Prize for first-time director Volker Schlöndorff.

1965 年 04 月 17 日

The story of the Trotta family during the rise and fall of the Austrian-Hungary empire. Based upon the novel by Joseph Roth.

In pre-WWI Austria-Hungary, a physician struggles with his decision about which woman will he marry.

When Gavrilo Princip killed Franz Ferdinand, Austrian future king , the World War I began. What will Gavrilo Princip do? He has to choose, hard jail untill death, or hanging. There are so much things happening in Bosnia.

1974 年 03 月 20 日

The manager of a whorehouse is in love with a young woman who works as a maid, there. He believes that his feelings are reciprocated, but the woman chooses instead to marry a rich man who has also been courting her. Punctuating the story of this romance are a magician's show, and an earthquake.

The life and struggles of Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph Maria of Habsburg-Lorraine (1832-1867), emperor of the Second Mexican Empire as Maximilian I of Mexico from 1864 to 1867 (under the wing of Emperor Napoleon III and the French Empire), his tragic confrontation with Mexican leader Benito Juárez, the defeat of the will and the end of a dream.

September 11, 1898: The imperial family’s personal physician, Dr. Herman Widerhofer, is deeply shocked by the news that an anarchist has assassinated Empress Elisabeth in Geneva. He then shuts himself up in his private rooms and recalls the empress’ fateful life. We learn the truth about Elisabeth, as the doctor knew more about her than anyone else.

The film tells the story of Laxenburg from 13th century, when it was used for hunting and fishing trips by the imperial Habsburg family, to modern day, a popular summer resort and a bustling international community.

Today Laxenburg is also home to IIASA, the Austrian Film Archive, and the International Anti-Corruption Academy. The film will also feature these organizations, their history, and the important work they do in the field of research and diplomacy that goes far beyond Austria's borders.

Elisabeth of Austria is a German movie with Lil Dagover as royalty Elisabeth who has many men to choose from.

2013 年 12 月 15 日

This documentary visits cities and towns and captures stunning landscapes along Europe's majestic Danube at Christmastime. Locations covered include Passau, Germany; Salzburg, Oberndorf, the Wachau Valley, and Vienna in Austria; Bratislava, Slovakia; and Budapest, Hungary. Along the way the viewer learns relevant history.



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