16 elokuvaa

Sam Wheat ja Molly Jensen ovat onnellinen ja rakastunut pari New Yorkissa. Kun Sam ammutaan ja kuolee, hän jää maan päälle haamuksi, joka ryhtyy selvittämän selvännäkijän avulla kuolemaansa johtaneita syitä. Samalla hän yrittää auttaa Mollya, jotta tämä välttyisi samalta kohtalolta.

21 lokakuu 1990

A Brooklyn widow (Susan Lucci) traces the past of her boxer/sculptor husband (David Soul), gunned down on their wedding day.

16 toukokuu 1969

A man lives with his family in a small community. He is seen as a deviant, abnormal person by society.

8 kesäkuu 1965

A killer on the run is found lying flat on his face in a wet clay bank. He is rescued by potters who shelter him within their community. There he falls in love with a woman. Unfortunately, another man who has been calling upon the woman gets jealous and turns the fugitive in to the cops. The woman gets revenge.

2 tammikuu 1947

A look at a family living in Stoke-on-Trent in the 1940's and what it's like working in the pottery factories that Stoke is famous for.

The Emmy-winning story of how an American treasure hunter and a Mexican artist transformed a dying desert village into a home for world-class art.

In a poetic hour and a half, director Mani Kaul looks at the ancient art of making pottery from a wide variety of perspectives.

The future Edward VIII enjoys a stately procession and visits the Taj Mahal before meeting senior Indian royalty.

1 tammikuu 1925

A little girl watches the craftsman at work while inter-titles explain the particulars of pottery-making.

Raymundo Gleyzer's documentary on o community of Pottery Makers in the west of Cordoba province in Argentina who create pieces to sell to the tourists.

1 tammikuu 1933

A short, silent documentary by Robert J. Flaherty about pottery in England.

1 tammikuu 2007

The Shipibo-Konibo people of Peruvian Amazon decorate their pottery, jewelry, textiles, and body art with complex geometric patterns called kené. These patterns also have corresponding songs, called icaros, which are integral to the Shipibo way of life. This documentary explores these unique art forms, and one Shipibo family's efforts to safeguard the tradition.

In this short drama, Peter accidentally breaks a glass bowl intended as a birthday gift for his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Deichmann and their daughter Anneke, all artisans in clay, come to the rescue and make him one of their designs while Peter watches. Every stage, from the first turn of the potter's wheel to the final glazing and baking, is shown.

1 tammikuu 1964

Documentary about pottery from Barcelos.

Through an intimate conversation, Steph Jane, age 28, shares the struggles and lessons her second diagnosis of stage-4 cancer has taught her. From being genuinely present and savouring simple moments to thoughts of the future and what really matters, Steph reveals beauty and wisdom which transcend appearance and years.

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