2 movies

June 8, 2010

Set in New York's gay "bear" scene and taking a cue from the popular HBO franchise "Sex and the City," BearCity follows a tight-knit pack of friends experiencing comical mishaps, emotionally sweet yet lusty romantic encounters and a cast of colorful, diverse characters as they gear up for a big party weekend

Kōhei is a former competitive swimmer who lives an ordinary life with his wife and high school daughter. One day, his wife suddenly asks him for a divorce. He then has a fateful encounter in Tokyo’s gay district, Shinjuku Ni-chōme, with a beautiful boy named Yūtaka. Yūtaka dreams of becoming an animator while working as an online chat boy. At the same time, he is struggling to tell his father that he is gay. They are both confused but eventually become attracted to each other. Then, they have sex. One day they make love, and the next day they hurt each other. Through these emotional ups and downs, their relationship grows deeper and deeper.

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