29 편

브로드웨이 뮤지컬 '컬러 퍼플'을 영화화한 작품. 1985년작 '칼라 퍼플'과 마찬가지로 앨리스 워커의 동명의 소설이 원작이다. 1985년 영화에 소피아 역으로 출연한 오프라 윈프리와 제작진이었던 스티븐 스필버그, 퀸시 존스가 프로듀서로 참여했다. 연출은 블랙 이즈 킹의 공동 감독 블리츠 바자울레가 맡았다.

8비트 게임 ‘다고쳐 펠릭스’에서 건물을 부수는 악당 주먹왕 랄프. 30년째 매일같이 건물을 부수며 직업에 충실해왔지만, 악당이라는 이유로 누구도 그를 좋아하지 않는다. 모두에게 인정 받는 영웅이 되고 싶은 마음에 급기야 자기 게임을 이탈하여 다른 게임으로 들어가는 랄프! 슈팅게임 ‘히어로즈 듀티’를 거쳐 레이싱 게임 ‘슈가 러시’에 불시착하는 랄프는 과연 게임 세계의 새로운 영웅이 될 수 있을 것인가! 그리고 랄프가 떠난 후 고장 딱지가 붙은 ‘다고쳐 펠릭스’ 게임은 오락실에서 퇴출될 위기를 넘길 수 있을까?

전미학생 가라데 선수권 대회에서 우승한 다니엘(Daniel Larusso: 랄프 마치오 분)은 생활속에서 많은 변화를 겪게 된다. 사랑하던 애인은 프랑스로 유학을 가고 어머니는 연수받으러 LA로 간다. 그 때 사부 미야기(Miyagi: 팻 모리타 분)는 고향 일본 오사까로 부터 부친이 위독하다는 편지를 받게 된다. 그러자 외롭게 지내던 다니엘은 사부 미야기와 함께 일본으로 출발하는데 그곳에서 40여년간 원한의 칼날을 갈며 살아온 사또(Sato: 대니 카메코나 분) 일당이 엄청난 흉계를 꾸미고 그들을 기다리고 있었다.

대담하고 반항적이며 기운찬 마리아 알바레스는 콜롬비아의 보고타 북쪽에 위치한 시골마을에서 자라났다. 그녀의 직장, 가족 그리고 동네는 지루하고 재미없을 뿐 아니라 그녀와는 도무지 맞지않는다. 대도시로 직장을 구하러 간 길에 만난 한 상냥한 도시 젊은이는 그녀에게 모험을 해보지않겠느냐고 제안한다. 친한 친구 블랑카와 함께 그녀는 미국으로 가는 비행기를 타게 되고 얼마 지나지 않아 마리아는 자신의 힘과 용기 그리고 인간성을 시험하는 상황들에 맞닥뜨리게 된다.

성격 유쾌하고 입담좋고 능력도 좋은 잘나가는 패션 디자이너 재즈민 빌트모어. 그녀의 단 한 가지 고민은 남들에 비해 육중한 자신의 몸매. '쭉쭉빵빵'의 세상 속에서 살다보니 그 컴플렉스는 더욱 심해질 뿐이다. 그 와중에도 사랑을 찾기위해 고군분투하던 그녀에게 어느날 '무조건 큰 것이 더 낫다'는 문화를 가진 곳에서 살다온 꿈에도 그리던 멋진 남성을 만나게 된다.

11월 4, 2003

자신의 아름다운 양털에 자부심을 느끼던 양이 양털을 깍이게 되자 자심의 초라한 모습에 낙심하게 된다. 그러던 중 지나가던 큰 뿔 사슴의 있는 그대로의 삶을 즐기라는 충고에 희망을 잃지 않고 즐겁게 살아간다는 이야기이다.

9월 19, 2003

Joy Brown (Billie Dean) is a 40-something woman with little confidence, less self-esteem and a burning desire to realise her dream of being a singer/songwriter. But she cant sing. When Joy takes in a stray dog, Raffi, her life immediately changes. Her best friend, the tarot card reading Tessa (Janet Watson Kruse), moves in, Joy changes her name to Luna Starr, and she meets Peter Wolfman (Andrew Einspruch). When Peter encourages her to perform with him at the local pizzerias folk music nights, Joy sings sort of hiding behind masks of wigs and silliness. Despite the singing, Peter and Joys relationship blossoms. But there are lots of hiccups along the way -- ex-wives, ex-husbands, frightening performances, and bucket loads of doubt. Set to the backdrop of the folk music scene in an arty country town, the film celebrates universal themes of friendship, low self-esteem, love relationships, and the joy of dogs.

9월 23, 2005

In a blue-collar American town, a group of teens bands together to form the Dandies, a gang of gunslingers led by Dick Dandelion. Following a code of strict pacifism at odds with the fact that they all carry guns, the group eventually lets in Sebastian, the grandson of Dick's childhood nanny, Clarabelle, who fears the other gangs in the area. Dick and company try to protect Clarabelle, but events transpire that push the gang past posturing.

4월 10, 2000

Joanna is a woman secure in the knowledge of who she is: a perfect wife, a successful magazine journalist and a woman who's just celebrated her 10th wedding anniversary with her husband, Dale. But when Dale suddenly leaves her for another woman, Joanna's world collapses. Her self-esteem shattered, Joanna questions her attractiveness as a woman and her value as a human being. How did this happen to her? Follow Joanna as she escapes to Paris and learns the many secrets of seduction under the tutelage of Madame Simone. Slowly, empowered by her newfound knowledge and self-confidence, Joanna comes to understand her true self-worth.

One winter night, Pilar runs away from home. With her, she takes only a few belongings and her son, Juan. Antonio soon sets out to look for her. He says Pilar is his sunshine, and what's more, "She gave him her eyes"...

3월 20, 1984

The world of female bodybuilding provides the backdrop for this tale of an aspiring young actress who initially becomes interested in the sport as a means of self-defense following a physical attack by two men, but then finds that while concentrating on building up her body her relationship with her parents, with whom she is living, and her new-found boyfriend, a young cop, is breaking down. Several noted bodybuilders and iron-pumpers, male and female, put in appearances to give this production an added authenticity.

9월 20, 2003

An inside glimpse of how it feels to be a teen in today's disconnected world. PURGATORY HOUSE chronicles the after-life journey of Silver Strand: a lonely teen who abandons her life of turmoil and drug addiction, only to find herself caught somewhere between heaven and hell. There, she must choose whether she will accept her drab existence or discover within herself the power to change.

When a storm washes a canoe bearing an infant boy ashore upon a small South Pacific island, he is at first well-received as a gift from the heavens, even to the point of the tribal chief adopting him as a successor. However, with time as hardships are blamed upon Tama (as he is named), he is finally outcast to live with the poorest people on the island, Mahana and her drunken father. Mahana is considered homely and undesirable, but Tama feels differently, so when he is old enough to build a craft to sail away, he vows to return for her one day. A lucky stroke brings him to land upon the island of the legendary Johnny Lingo, the wealthiest trader in the islands, and after years of service to him, Tama has learned much about life and himself as he dreams of honoring his pledge to Mahana.

8월 16, 2019

A lonely house-wife’s plan to end it all takes an unexpected turn when her last hurrah begins a radical journey of sexual exploration and personal re-invention.

3월 17, 2005

Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.

5월 3, 1992

A five-year-old named Grace creates an imaginary friend, because her parents only pay attention to the new baby, Tony. Now at 35, his sole friend reappears to help her.

A girl who believes she is too fat is invited to the "Kingdom of Slimbuttlandia".

5월 15, 2007

Virgin School follows the emotional and physical journey of 26-year-old virgin James as he embarks on a unique four-month course for sexually inexperienced men in Amsterdam

Ricky and Nelly decide to take part in arm wrestling competition during their summer holiday.

Ville has a new hobby, larping, which he loves even though he knows it’s not cool. When the girl of his dreams wants to meet him Ville decides to keep his hobby to himself. The date is still a disaster until Ville gets help from an unexpected ally.

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