6 Serien

30. Mai 1988
8. Januar 1980

A 1980 documentary series exploring the establishment and development of the Hollywood studios and its impact on 1920s culture.

9. Oktober 1991

Spanish documentary series.

A series about the life, career and works of the movie comedy genius.

24. Dezember 2003

Mammamia! is an Italian television series that aired between 2003 and 2004 , written and directed by Maurizio Nichetti. The series unfolds in thirty episodes of eight minutes each, and no dialogue. The heroine is Angela Finocchiaro, who plays the part of a mother struggling with the problems of the daily life of her children of 4, 7 and 13 years.

Paul Merton profiles some of the great stars of silent comedy, examining their lives and works, and uncovering seldom-seen material

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