11 部电影

1985 年 06 月 14 日

一年前,幾名攝影工作者深入亞馬遜叢林,企圖尋找消失的食人族部落,沒想到幾人從此卻一去不回。為了查明真相,一位勇敢的教授(羅伯特•卡曼 Robert Kerman 飾)在電視臺的資助下出發前往該叢林探究他們失蹤的原因,最後,教授歷盡千辛萬苦找回了當時那些攝影工作者留下來的一批影片,上面真實紀錄了這些攝影者的整個探險過程!他們先是深入到叢林深處,不想卻冒犯了當地的原始部落,最後竟被當地的原始部落食人族活活吞食!


「艾迪」從小就是個玩牌高手,所以他與三個好朋友,「肥皂」、「湯姆」及「培根」決定各湊五千英鎊,讓艾迪去參加一場黑社會高額賭金的牌局。艾迪從頭到尾不知情,其實整個賭局根本是個大騙局,於是艾迪不但輸光所有的錢,還倒欠賭場主人十萬英鎊。如果艾迪在一星期內不能還清,他的手指將不保。艾迪一夥想盡各種可能的湊錢方法,最後決定搶劫隔壁的毒梟。而隔壁的毒梟同時也正計劃搶劫他們的毒品供應商。艾迪一夥的計劃聽起來十分容易,但執行時卻狀況百出。臨檢車輛的警察突然出現,艾迪一夥人不得不綁走他。隔壁的毒梟誤以為賭場主人才是搶劫的主謀。 突發的狀況讓這夥人不由得越陷越深,事情變得十分複雜,場面變得十分混亂,這幾個年輕小夥子發現整個事件已經發展超出他們的想像,於是極力想脫逃⋯⋯

2014 年 07 月 15 日


2006 年 04 月 27 日

When a group of tourists on a New Orleans haunted swamp tour find themselves stranded in the wilderness, their evening of fun and spooks turns into a horrific nightmare.

2021 年 03 月 29 日

A young couple on a romantic weekend in the Australian bush are terrorised by a psychopathic family.

2019 年 06 月 11 日

A group of "Ghost Hunters" coming back from an old ghost town and a bachelorette party returning home from Las Vegas stumble across the "Clown Motel" located in the middle of nowhere. Though no one is there to greet them, the two groups decide to stay for the evening. After a wild night of partying, they awake to find their vehicles sabotaged, leaving them stranded, left to discover if this motel is truly abandoned, or if it is home to souls of the clowns who once lived there.

2014 年 01 月 01 日

Hypnotherapy and drugs are used to help an amnesiac horror writer, but are the terrifying images that surface real or imagined?

2007 年 02 月 27 日

The legend of Jack The Ripper becomes reality when one of his descendants revives him.

2014 年 11 月 18 日

On Laura's 27th birthday, her and six friends are trapped into a closet by a psycho killer. It turns out they're part of a twisted game, where fans watch the murders live over an internet webcast.

1978 年 02 月 28 日

Horror movie about three wicked sisters and their equally unsavory husbands who all arrive at a remote inn where they mean to attend the reading of their uncle's will. One by one, the heirs are dispatched by an unknown killer.



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