11 filmų

1960 spalio 13

Vienas garsiausių epinių istorinių filmų režisieriaus S. Kubricko duoklė istorinio filmo žanrui, kuris buvo itin populiarus Holivude 6 - 7 dešimtmečiais. Jaunas ir maištingas vergas Spartakas atsisako tapti gyvuliu Romos gladiatorių arenose. Meilė jaunutei Varinijai, pasibjaurėjimas žeminančiu mokytojų elgesiu, žiaurios draugų mirtys uždega laisvės troškimą stipraus vyro širdy ...

Mailsas – vaikystėje daug svajonių turėjęs vyras, kurioms nebuvo lemta išsipildyti. Dabar vėjais leisdamas dienas jis tūno internete ir erzina kitus internautus įžūliais pareiškimais, bandydamas visų kantrybę. Vieną dieną jis užeina į naujo žiauraus internetinio žaidimo „Skizm“ puslapį, kuriame susirinke internautai mėgaujasi tikromis žudynėmis. Visai to nenorėdamas jis patraukia „Skizm“ žmonių dėmesį ir užsitraukia jų nemalonę.

2014 vasario 21

Išsiveržus galingajam Vezuvijui ir Pompėjai griūnant tiesiog akyse, Mailo turi suspėti išgebėti savo meilę iš pragaro tiesiogine to žodžio prasme. Tačiau prieš tai jis privalo pabėgti iš gladiatorių kovų arenos. Prasideda tikros mirties lenktynės su laiku ir su nevaldoma, gaivališka stichija.

2004 balandžio 18

Sentenced to spend out the rest of his adult life laboring in the harsh deserts of Egypt, the Thracian slave Spartacus gets a new lease on life when he is purchased by the obese owner of a Roman gladiator school. Moved by the defiance of an Ethiopian warrior, Draba, Spartacus leads a slave uprising which threatens Rome's status quo. As Spartacus gains sympathy within the Roman Senate, he also makes a powerful enemy in form of Marcus Lucinius Crassus, who makes it a matter of personal honor to crush the rebellion.

1974 kovo 13

Female gladiators fight to the death. Inspired by the story of Spartacus, follow the adventures of a bevy of slave girls who, upon finding themselves thrust into the gladiator ring, mount a vicious rebellion to fight their way to freedom.

A Roman warrior leads a revolt against an evil ruler. A young, diminutive ruler makes a big decision to unseat a nobleman whose ego has outgrown him. But can the 10-year-old take on such an impressive nemesis?

While fighting in Britain, Roman forces commanded by Caligula capture the noble warrior, Glaucus. Seeing in him gladiator material, Caligula takes Glaucus back to Rome along with other hostages including Glaucus's girlfriend, Ena. A man seeking to restore the Roman Republic then assassinates Caligula after which Claudius is proclaimed emperor. Messalina -- Claudius's beautiful but evil wife -- then maneuvers to replace Claudius with her lover, Silio. She forces Glaucus to help her in this quest by threatening to harm the enslaved Ena. Written by dinky-4 of Minneapolis

1990 rugpjūčio 8

It's an ordinary date night for Billy (Kevin T. Walsh) and Alison (Camille Carrigan) until mysterious forces whisk them away to an underground arena, where Billy must fight other captives for the wagers of wealthy men and the pleasure of Queen Diana (Erika Nann). When he's not battling for his life or protecting Alison from Diana's lecherous bodyguards, Billy attempts to rally his fellow slaves into a full-blooded revolt.

2021 rugsėjo 28

A story of forbidden love. An LGBTQ drama set in Ancient Rome. Arena tells the incredible true story of adopted son of one of Rome's cruelest emperors who must choose between his life as the future ruler of the Ancient world or a love and friendship once forcefully forgotten.

2018 spalio 14
2021 rugpjūčio 19

During ancient Greece, Marcus, a winemaker, was haunted by his past as a gladiator.

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