19 filmų

Majoras Dikensas, kurį šiame filme vaidina Džonas Travolta, niekaip negauna paaukštinimo. Vis atsiranda vertesnių ir gudresnių už jį. Pilotas nusprendžia bent jau pasipelnyti iš jį skriaudžiančios vadovybės ir pagrobia atominį ginklą. Vagies su pagrobtosiomis raketomis puola ieškoti buvęs Dikenso draugas.

2020 gegužės 5

Kyle and Swin live by the orders of an Arkansas-based drug kingpin named Frog, whom they've never met. But when a deal goes horribly wrong, the consequences are deadly.

Naujai susituokusi pora Markusas ir Emilė pakviečia savo netrukdomus geriausius draugus Roną ir Kylą kartu su jais atostogauti, kai Markusas išvyksta į visas išlaidas apmokamą kelionę į Karibų jūros kurortą.

Kai įkalintas Kylos tėvas Reese'as išleidžiamas į laisvę ir nepranešęs pasirodo kurorte, viskas tampa nebekontroliuojama, sugriauna geriausius Markuso planus ir puikią atostogų draugų kelionę paverčia visišku chaosu.

Žavi moteris su šeima nutaria leistis į įspūdingą kelionę šėlstančia upe Kanados pasienyje. Paskutinę akimirką pasirodo jos vyras, pasiryžęs keliauti drauge ir užglaistyti tarpusavio nesutarimus. Šeima nė nenumano, kas jos laukia - ne tik laukinės upės šėlsmas, bet ir paslaptingi banko plėšikai. Taigi teks grumtis už savo gyvybę.

2010 rugsėjo 17

Two young wolves at opposite ends of their pack's social order are thrown together into a foreign land and need each other to return home, but love complicates everything.

1976 gegužės 21

An eighteen-foot grizzly bear figures out that humans make for a tasty treat. As a park ranger tries rallying his men to bring about the bear's capture or destruction, his efforts are thwarted by the introduction of dozens of drunken hunters into the area.

1998 kovo 27

Two surfers end up as Yellowstone park rangers and have to stop a former ranger who is out for revenge.

1991 kovo 1

A California forest ranger seeks his bride and discovers, with his artist friend, her dark sides.

1988 birželio 29

In the Australian outback, a park ranger and two local guides set out to track down a giant crocodile that has been killing and eating the local populace..

2006 rugpjūčio 26

A park ranger must protect hikers from an invasion of meteor-spawned aliens and hunters that want to eliminate the creatures - and any witnesses to their arrival on earth.

2024 gegužės 9

A man returns to the burnt forest where he last saw his brother.

2017 rugpjūčio 24

A couple hiking out in the woods, disturb a nest of vampires.

2022 rugpjūčio 14

Connie, a park ranger, brings her niece into the woods near the site of several past tragedies and hate crimes, one of which involved her. Her attempt at closure is interrupted by a sinister, deadly presence that is still lurking nearby.

1965 spalio 29

An altruistic park ranger stumbles upon a beautiful but feral young girl who spent most of her life being raised by a pack of white wolves. But his plans to tame her wild ways are cut short when an enterprising trapper hears about her story and sets out to sell her as a freak to a traveling side show.

1951 gruodžio 14

Sylvester Cat leaves a trailer in a National Forest Camping Ground to go bird hunting and discovers an egg in a nest. Sylvester decides to sit on the egg to hatch it, and when it hatches, out crawls Tweety Bird! Sylvester chases Tweety into a geyser and down a river in a boat toward a waterfall.

2002 balandžio 25

Boo Boo wants to befriend a new gang of bears that moved into the park but they decide to bully him instead leaving Ranger Smith to come to the rescue.

Over the course of his four decades observing wolves in the wild, including 28 in Yellowstone National Park, retired ranger Rick McIntyre has recorded over 100,000 wolf sightings, more than any other person on the planet. A renowned wolf behaviorist, he was one of the first park rangers to work on the Yellowstone Wolf Reintroduction Project and educate the public about the park’s wolves.

2018 birželio 22

A short horror film about a Girl Scout troop leader who discovers the truth about the terrifying legend of Bull Mountain.

2020 spalio 30

A 94-year-old Glacier National Park ranger confronts the decline of the park he calls home as he reflects on his life and the legacy he will leave behind.

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