59 Serien

22. September 2009

Alicia Florrick boldly assumes full responsibility for her family and re-enters the workforce after her husband's very public sex and political corruption scandal lands him in jail.

19. September 1996

Raised in a secret facility built for experimenting on children, Jarod is a genius who can master any profession and become anyone he has to be. When he realizes as an adult that he's actually a prisoner and his captors are not as benevolent as he's been told, he breaks out. While trying to find his real identity, Jarod helps those he encounters and tries to avoid the woman sent to retrieve him.

4. Oktober 2006

Der überdurchschnittlich intelligente Highschool-Schüler Light Yagami findet eines Tages ein Notizbuch (Death Note), mit dessen Hilfe er jeden beliebigen Menschen umbringen kann. Er braucht nur den Namen seines Opfers in das Buch schreiben. Anfangs benutzt er das Buch, um Kriminelle zur Strecke zu bringen, nach und nach aber immer mehr, um die Welt nach seinen Vorstellungen zu formen. Das ruft den jungen Meisterdetektiv „L“ auf den Plan. Da man, um jemanden zu töten, den realen Namen der Person benötigt, ist „L“ gezwungen, den Verursacher der mysteriösen Morde zu finden, bevor dieser seine Identität aufdeckt und ihn womöglich auslöscht. Ein spannendes Katz-und-Maus-Spiel beginnt.

17. November 2017

Ein ehemaliger Marine befindet sich auf einem Rachefeldzug gegen die Mörder seiner Familie und wird in eine militärische Verschwörung hineingezogen.

16. März 2010

A character drama based on the 2001 Elmore Leonard short story "Fire in the Hole." Leonard's tale centers around U.S. Marshal Raylan Givens of Kentucky, a quiet but strong-willed official of the law. The tale covers his high-stakes job, as well as his strained relationships with his ex-wife and father.

22. März 2017

A media storm sets off when an African-American cop kills a white teenager in a small North Carolina town.

21. Januar 1998

ACP Pradyuman, Daya and Abhijeet are an elite trio of officers who work for the CID. They seek the help of professional forensic expert Dr Salunkhe and solve various criminal cases.

25. September 1998

The Crow: Stairway to Heaven was a 1998 Canadian television series created by Bryce Zabel spun off from the The Crow film series starring Mark Dacascos in the lead role as Eric Draven, reprising the role originally played by Brandon Lee in the 1994 film The Crow.

The mysterious disappearance of a girl brings together seven people from all different walks of life. They all have an intertwined connection to her disappearance in the most horrific, unfathomable, and despicable way. As money drives them to their greed, lies, and delirium, they face divine retribution as they struggle for their lives in a picturesque revenge. How far will they go to claim their innocence, and will anyone make it out alive?

10. September 2018

As a child, Kate Ashby was rescued from the horrific aftermath of the Rwandan genocide and brought to the UK. But the tragic shadow of her past proves impossible to escape.

22. September 1984

Cover Up is an American action/adventure television series that aired for one season on CBS from September 22, 1984 to April 6, 1985. Created by Glen A. Larson, the series stars Jennifer O'Neill, Jon-Erik Hexum, Antony Hamilton, and Richard Anderson.

Es sind besondere Fälle, angelehnt an tatsächliche Begebenheiten. Sie fesseln, weil sie von den gängigen Kriminalfällen abweichen und aus einer neuen, modernen Perspektive erzählt werden. Moritz Bleibtreu spielt den Anwalt Friedrich Kronberg, der seine Mandanten verteidigt, indem er die Rechtslage zu deren Gunsten auslegt. Die Serie legt nahe, dass abhängig von den Umständen jeder zum Mörder werden kann. Sie fesselt, weil sie besondere Kriminalfälle in einer neuen Erzählweise zeigt.

Burdened with visions of the future in their dreams, a young woman and two men try to prevent horrible events before they actually happen.

22. August 2016

In this realistic and touching series told in an innovative format, seemingly independent plots intertwine to show how justice can sometimes be a personal matter.

Some have big feet or a sniffly nose, others are clumsy or too sweaty but these kids soon discover their mini problems can become superpowers.

Madhav Mishra is back to fight his toughest case yet nothing is simple and straightforward. Will justice win?

7. Februar 2024

A star rookie police officer must grapple with the limits of the justice system as she fights to exonerate her politician father and serve her diverse hometown of Surrey.

3. Januar 2022

The true story of the courageous families of four young gay men who lost their lives to killer Stephen Port. Facing police failings, they fought for justice for their loved ones.

“The White Slave”, is a production which narrates the story of Victoria, a woman who everyone knows as a marchioness who arrived in America to marry a prosperous merchant from the region. However, the truth is different, because years back in that same city, she was rescued from death and raised in secret by some slaves who became her family. She was taken from the arms of her loved ones and sent to Spain because according to the society of the time, a white woman could not live with slaves. Victoria is an indomitable woman and she will come back pretending to be someone else to seek justice and liberate her family. This woman is determined to face anyone who gets on her way to free her loved ones from slavery, confront her parents killer and reunite with the man she would give her life for. For Victoria everyone is the same colour which is why she won’t rest until she claims justice and becomes a heroine.

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