26 部电影

2007 年 12 月 07 日


1962 年 06 月 13 日

影片將洛麗泰年齡由十二歲提高為十五歲,藉以避免太大爭議。劇情描寫英國教授(James Mason 飾)到美國大學任教,中途住在寡婦夏綠蒂(Shelley Winters 飾)家裏,沒想到卻被她女兒洛麗泰(Sue Lyon 飾)的青春胴體深深迷戀上。 教授為了留在洛麗泰身邊,於是答應了對他一見鍾情的夏綠蒂求婚,並趁著洛麗泰參加夏令營悄悄舉行婚禮,不久後,夏綠蒂發現了教授日記裡寫滿了對女兒的愛慕....。 電影由蘇聯名作家艾迪梅爾.納布可夫親自改編他的爭議性小說《洛麗泰》,是庫柏力克(Stanley Kubrick)移居英國後第一部拍攝的影片,小說於1953年完成經過兩年才得已出版,講述一名四十歲中年男子與十二歲年幼繼女的戀情,在六十年代初期曾引起相當熱烈的議論。

1988 年 06 月 15 日

這是一部幽默風趣、半寫實主義的影片。在所有描寫棒球運動的體育片中,此片可謂是佼佼者。片中出色的比賽場面,足以令任何體育報導黯然失色。凱文·柯斯特納(Kevin Costner)扮演主人公克拉什(Crash)。他年屆三十,只是一家小球隊的投手。作為一名職業運動員,克拉什早已告別了棒球生涯的巔峰時代,之所以還在從事這項運動,完全是出於對它的熱愛。因為對於他來說,棒球是生活的全部意義所在。紐克·拉盧什(Nuke Laloosh)(由蒂姆·羅賓斯Tim Robbins飾)的出現打破了他平靜的生活。紐克是一名極具潛力的投手,但卻有著諸多怪癖。每次上場,他都要穿著女友的內衣,否則就無法全力以赴地參加比賽。在克拉什的細心調教下,紐克的技術一天天地提高。可兩人卻同時愛上了一個熱情奔放的姑娘。它也是個準棒球迷(由蘇珊·薩蘭登Susan Sarandon 飾)。柯斯特納出色的詮釋了一個處在人生十字路口的棒球選手的複雜心態。影片最終,紐克還是被一家大俱樂部挖走了,克拉什因此被球隊老闆解僱。但一段全新的人生也由此開始……

2007 年 10 月 05 日

Eddie, the 40-year-old confirmed bachelor finally says "I do" to the beautiful and sexy Lila. But during their honeymoon in Mexico, the woman of his dreams turns out to be a total nightmare, and the guy who could never pull the trigger realizes he’s jumped the gun.

2004 年 11 月 05 日

In Manhattan, the British limousine driver Alfie is surrounded by beautiful women, having one night stands with all of them and without any sort of commitment. His best friends are his colleague Marlon and his girl-friend Lonette. Alfie has a brief affair with Lonette, and the consequences force Alfie to reflect on his lifestyle.

2000 年 04 月 28 日

The Flintstones are at it again. The Flintstones and the Rubbles head for Rock Vegas with Fred hoping to court the lovely Wilma. Nothing will stand in the way of love, except for the conniving Chip Rockefeller who is the playboy born in Baysville but who has made it in the cutthroat town of Rock Vegas. Will Fred win Wilma's love?

1996 年 11 月 11 日

Max is a former playboy who has decided to settle down by marrying his current love, Muriel. However, when Max catches a glimpse of the great lost love of his life, he becomes obsessed with rekindling their relationship.

1959 年 12 月 05 日

A World War II submarine commander finds himself stuck with a damaged sub, a con-man executive officer, and a group of army nurses.

1978 年 11 月 11 日

Holidaymakers arriving in a Club Med camp on the Ivory Coast are determined to forget their everyday problems and emotional disappointments. Games, competitions, outings, bathing and sunburn accompany a continual succession of casual affairs.

2007 年 03 月 16 日

A fanciful battle of the sexes ensues when the relationships of the staff and patrons of a quirky London café are unexpectedly turned upside down by sudden revelations of terribly embarrassing secrets having to do with their sexual misadventures. The food is not that good, but you can be yourselves and show yourselves for what you are: maniacs, perverts, gays, cheaters, violent old women, cross-dressers, whining singers, broken hearts... Come in, there is room!

年輕貌美的寶蓮和性感嫵媚的堂姐瑪莉詠來到海邊度假,碰上三個年齡、心智、感情觀截然不同的男人大獻慇勤。是不是壞男人一定比癡情漢吃香?或者老練的堂姐就絕對比稚嫩單純的寶蓮更能夠看得清愛情真相?導演侯麥再度以悠閒的夏日假期作為絕妙情境,搬演了三男兩女的愛情習題,亦對不同世代的情慾見解,做出慧黠且反諷式的詮釋。 這部影片是攝影大師阿曼卓斯和侯麥的最後一次合作。他的表現依然出色,他以一貫的簡練,用柔和、幾乎是不落痕跡的影調,緊緊扣住了人物情感曖昧、細膩的狀態,卻絲毫不顯山露水。

2002 年 09 月 10 日

Teenager Jones has opted not to go to college and is instead renting a room in a boarding house to work on his writing skills. Soon, Jones finds himself dividing his time between two women: a young actress named Lisa and a photographer named Jane. After Jane's ex-boyfriend arrives to help her recover from a car accident, Jones begins to understand just how much he cares for her.

2005 年 10 月 25 日

It all begins at a party in Santiago, Chile, when a seemingly innocent gesture -- the offer of a ride home -- ends in a passionate night of lovemaking and intense conversation for young singles Bruno and Daniela. Shacked up at a flea-bitten motel for a one-night stand, the pair lingers deep into the night, alternating between powerful physical encounters and an ever-deepening emotional connection.

A semi-documentary experimental 1930 German silent film created by amateurs with a small budget. With authentic scenes of the metropolis city of Berlin, it's the first film from the later famous screenwriters/directors Billy Wilder and Fred Zinnemann.

Jan is an absolute heartthrob and a diehard Hertha fan. Katrin is attractive, just as successful and an incorrigible romantic. Chance makes the two the ideal couple. At least almost. Everything would be perfect if the two flagship models of their species did not lapse into primeval behavioral patterns. And so Jan sinks a little too deep in the cleavage of his secretary Melanie, and Katrin can not resist the adventurer Jonathan's lead role.

2009 年 09 月 29 日

In the middle of nowhere, in Flesh, TX, lives a crazed and disturbed inbred family, the Barleys. When Donna Parker (Eleni Krimitsos) and her daughter Tabitha (Jada Kline) stop for gas, little do they know what really goes on there. Once Tabitha disappears from the gas station, Donna summons the help of the local sheriff (Dale Denton) who is not all he is cracked up to be. Donna becomes convinced that somehow everything in this crazy town is connected; after she encounters Sugar Barley (Kathleen Benner), the local prostitute, the hunt to find her daughter is on. Will she have to visit the Barley house on the edge of town? No human should ever have to see what happens in the Barley house in Flesh, TX....pop.666

Set in pre-World War II Zagreb, the story is seen through the eyes of 6-year-old Perica Šafranek (played by Tomislav Žganec). A dandy from Zagreb, Mr Fulir (played by Relja Bašić), starts flirting with Perica's mother during a family picnic. At first, Perica's father doesn't notice anything, but wants to marry off Perica's aunt, so he invites the man to their residence. After multiple rendezvous, Perica's father becomes aware of Fulir's attempts to seduce his wife.

Lucas, a wealthy, 43 year-old divorced businessman, is irresistibly attracted to Elsa, a 38 year old renowned sculptor from whom he has commissioned a piece to decorate the reception at his office.

Martin is 25 years old and very reserved about work. Together with his buddy Henry, he lives in their Schwabing apartment in the day. But everything changes when he falls in love with the attractive Barbara and observed a slump: For when he gives up the police report, the officials themselves suspect him of the crime. In addition, he still owes a text to the hit producer Viktor Block. Suddenly Martin is up to his ears in chaos.

2016 年 07 月 23 日

Two young strangers meet in Naples and begin to flirt and dance in the street.



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