17 sarjaa

Lukion toista luokkaa käyvä Kusuo Saiki vannoi lapsena pitävänsä psyykkiset voimansa piilossa muilta, mutta silti ne hankaloittavat elämää.

4 kesäkuu 2009

Toby Logan is a highly skilled paramedic with a secret – he can read minds. Toby never really knew his parents and grew up in foster care, this coupled with his secret, which he shares with no one, has made him a bit of a loner. Until now, Toby has kept his ability hidden, exploring its possibilities only with his long time mentor and confidante Dr. Ray Mercer.

5 kesäkuu 2015

Yksi laukaus, yksi kuolema. Yksi hetki sitoo kahdeksan ihmistä peruuttamattomasti toisiinsa. He ovat eri puolilla maailmaa, mutta nyt heidän elämänsä ja salaisuutensa on kytketty yhteen ja he ovat suuressa vaarassa. Heistä on tullut sensaatteja.

30 huhtikuu 1973

Born to human parents, an apparently normal child might at some point between childhood and late adolescence experience a process called 'breaking out' and develop special paranormal abilities. These abilities include psychic powers such as telepathy, telekinesis, and teleportation. However, their psychological make-up prevents them from intentionally killing others.

In his quest for a bride to break his immortal curse, a 939-year-old guardian of souls meets a grim reaper and a sprightly student with a tragic past.

Children of Dune on kolmiosainen mini-TV-sarja, joka perustuu Frank Herbertin menestyskirjoihin. On kulunut kaksitoista vuotta keisarin kuolemasta ja fremenien armeija on vallannut kaikki tunnetut planeetat, tappaen miljoonia valloitustaisteluissaan. Aavikkoplaneetta Arrakis eli Dyyni on noussut valtakunnan keskukseksi rohtomonopolinsa ansiosta. Paul Muad’Dibin kaksoset saavuttavat iän, joka uhkaa muuttaa valtasuhteita, mutta valtaistuimesta on kiinnostunut moni muukin…

9 kesäkuu 1999

Crusade is an American spin-off TV show from J. Michael Straczynski's Babylon 5. Its plot is set in AD 2267, five years after the events of Babylon 5, and just after the movie A Call to Arms. The Drakh have released a nanovirus plague on Earth, which will destroy all life on Earth within five years if it is not stopped. To that end, the Victory class destroyer Excalibur has been sent out to look for anything that could help the search for a cure.

3 joulukuu 2000

Frank Herbert's Dune is a three-part miniseries written and directed by John Harrison and based on Frank Herbert's 1965 novel Dune.

23 tammikuu 2024

Sparks begin to fly when a telepathic woman who'd given up on love meets a kindhearted Korean student who thinks in a language she can't understand.

Muukalaislaji valtaa englantilaisen pikkukylän, minkä seurauksena kylän naiset tulevat raskaaksi.

20 syyskuu 1997

Night Man is an American action/adventure/sci-fi series that aired in syndication from September 15, 1997 to May 17, 1999. The series is loosely based on a comic book published by Malibu Comics and was created by Steve Englehart and developed for television by Glen A. Larson.

It stars Matt McColm as the title character, a superhero whose real name was Johnny Domino, a saxophonist. Englehart would write three episodes of the series. Night Man is also one of the few series to cross over with characters from Larson's previous series: in the episode "Manimal", Johnny allies with Professor Jonathan Chase, the star of the short-lived 1980s' series Manimal.

Umika is a sweet yet shy high school girl. She has trouble speaking to others and dreams of having a friend from another planet. But her lonely school life takes a cosmic turn when she meets transfer student Yu, an alien with telepathic powers! The two become close and promise to go to space one day. So, they decide to build a rocket and shoot for the stars, making new friends along the way.

Kusuo ja hänen ystävikseen julistautuneet palaavat yliluonnollisten sotkujen pariin. Aivan kuin Kusuolla ei olisi jo tarpeeksi ongelmia, ja nyt niitä satelee vielä lisää.

9 huhtikuu 1994

Monster Force was a 13-episode animated television series created in 1994 by Universal Cartoon Studios and Canadian studio Lacewood Productions. The story is set in approx. 2020 and centers on a group of teenagers who, with help of high tech weaponry, fight off against classic Universal Monsters and spiritual beings threatening humanity. Some of the crew have personal vendettas, while others fight for Mankind out of a sense of altruism. Universal Studios Home Entertainment will release the first seven episodes to DVD on September 15, 2009.

A suspense story about a girl with an ability to read people's mind. Together with her psychic friends, Nanase, the telepath, tries to save others from danger and fight those who threaten her power. The drama deals with friendship and social tendency to exclude strangers.

A manga artist, He Jie has entered into his own manga “Crystal Love” and he must complete the mission of saving the evil second female lead, turning her into a better person before he can return back to the real world. He ended up having to keep on filling up the loopholes of his own manga again and again, forming a funny lovestory.

When four young, idealistic marine biologists try to make their mark at a prestigious oceanographic institute, they discover that one of them possesses a secret power with the potential to change the world.

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