118 部电影

2008年經濟危機爆發時,華爾街一家投資銀行的分析師皮特·蘇利文(扎克瑞·昆圖 Zachary Quinto 飾)發現公司的財產評估有著巨大的漏洞,即將導致銀行的破產。公司高層連夜開會希望挽救公司。富有經驗的股票經紀人山姆·羅吉斯(凱文·史派西 Kevin Spacey 飾)、證券經紀人賈德·科恩(西蒙·貝克 Simon Baker 飾)、金融危機分析師薩拉·羅伯特森(黛米·摩爾 Demi Moore 飾)、老總約翰·圖爾德(傑瑞米·艾恩斯 Jeremy Irons 飾)都來到了會議現場。會議決定,銀行要以極低的價格拋售債權和股票。但此一舉雖能使銀行能得到暫時的安穩,但卻會引發一系列連鎖反應

2011 年 06 月 30 日

賴瑞(湯姆漢克斯飾)已適逢中年,卻慘遭工作已久的公司裁員,人生頓時失去方向及重心,因此他決定前往當地的社區大學就讀,重新展開新人生…。在校園裡,他認識許多新朋友,這裡面大多數是社會邊緣人、一事無成者或者毫無存在感的人們,他們時常結伴出遊,一邊騎車到處亂逛,一邊思考自己未來的人生方向。 雖然努力體驗生活,但對於自己未來仍感到徬徨的賴瑞,某日,在一堂演講課上遇見了令他心動不已的女教授瑪西蒂絲(茱莉亞蘿勃茲 飾),讓他的人生開始有了新的契機…。 樂觀親切的賴瑞不斷地向瑪西蒂絲示好,也改變她原本已對工作和婚姻漸漸失去熱情的心態,兩人愛苗逐漸滋長,進而發展出一段浪漫交織的深刻情誼。 為了這部愛情喜劇,影帝湯姆漢克斯不只豁出去,更展現了十足的喜感,在劇中不論是騎著小綿羊凸槌奔馳、不小心露出白色內褲或是大肚子等等笨拙而滑稽的片段,都讓人期待不已。

2010 年 10 月 08 日

曾以《後反恐惡夢》榮獲奧斯卡最佳紀錄片提名的Charles Ferguson,再度推出辛辣新作,直指全球經濟衰退幕後大黑手。 全球經濟衰退的代價上升至超過20萬億美元,造成了幾百萬人失業和流離失所,透過對金融業者、政治人物和記者深入的調查和訪問,本片回顧了罪惡行業的出現,揭露了腐敗政治和官商勾結。



本片根據安隆事件暢銷書The Smartest Guys in the Room攝製,運用訪談畫面、錄音、企業內部資料製作而成,甚至揭露布希家族可能涉案的內幕﹐內容具有高度政治爆炸性。

1989 年 09 月 01 日

A documentary about the closure of General Motors' plant at Flint, Michigan, which resulted in the loss of 30,000 jobs. Details the attempts of filmmaker Michael Moore to get an interview with GM CEO Roger Smith.

2015 年 05 月 29 日

Film from Andrew Morgan. The True Cost is a documentary film exploring the impact of fashion on people and the planet.

2010 年 10 月 01 日


2011 年 11 月 04 日

Humanity’s ascent is often measured by the speed of progress. But what if progress is actually spiraling us downwards, towards collapse? Ronald Wright, whose best-seller, “A Short History Of Progress” inspired “Surviving Progress”, shows how past civilizations were destroyed by “progress traps”—alluring technologies and belief systems that serve immediate needs, but ransom the future. As pressure on the world’s resources accelerates and financial elites bankrupt nations, can our globally-entwined civilization escape a final, catastrophic progress trap? With potent images and illuminating insights from thinkers who have probed our genes, our brains, and our social behaviour, this requiem to progress-as-usual also poses a challenge: to prove that making apes smarter isn’t an evolutionary dead-end.

2004 年 06 月 04 日

Since the late 18th century American legal decision that the business corporation organizational model is legally a person, it has become a dominant economic, political and social force around the globe. This film takes an in-depth psychological examination of the organization model through various case studies. What the study illustrates is that in the its behaviour, this type of "person" typically acts like a dangerously destructive psychopath without conscience. Furthermore, we see the profound threat this psychopath has for our world and our future, but also how the people with courage, intelligence and determination can do to stop it.

2013 年 01 月 19 日

U.S. Labor Secretary Robert Reich tries to raise awareness of the country's widening economic gap.

2013 年 01 月 18 日

Documentary about the modern apocalypse caused by a rapacious banking system. 23 leading thinkers – frustrated at the failure of their respective disciplines – break their silence to explain how the world really works.

2015 年 04 月 18 日

Through interviews filmed over four years, Noam Chomsky unpacks the principles that have brought us to the crossroads of historically unprecedented inequality – tracing a half-century of policies designed to favor the most wealthy at the expense of the majority – while also looking back on his own life of activism and political participation. He provides penetrating insight into what may well be the lasting legacy of our time – the death of the middle class, and swan song of functioning democracy.

The same movie with the same characters, cast and crew as I am Curious (Yellow), but with some different scenes and a different political slant. The political focus in Blue is personal relationships, religion, prisons and sex. Blue omits much of the class consciousness and non-violence interviews of the first version. Yellow and Blue are the colors of the Swedish flag.

2015 年 01 月 30 日

A historical perspective to understand Neoliberalism and to understand why this ideology today so profoundly influences the choices of our governments and our lives.

2009 年 09 月 01 日

An investigation of "disaster capitalism", based on Naomi Klein's proposition that neo-liberal capitalism feeds on natural disasters, war and terror to establish its dominance.

2009 年 11 月 06 日

From the acclaimed director of American Movie, the documentary follows former Los Angeles police officer turned independent reporter Michael Ruppert. He recounts his career as a radical thinker and spells out his apocalyptic vision of the future, spanning the crises in economics, energy, environment and more.

2020 年 10 月 05 日

A journey through Greece and Europe’s past and recent history: from the Second World War to the current crisis. It is a historical documentary, a look into many stories.

«If Democracy can be destroyed in Greece, it can be destroyed throughout Europe»

Paul Craig Roberts

2004 年 09 月 22 日

In suburban Buenos Aires, thirty unemployed ceramics workers walk into their idle factory, roll out sleeping mats and refuse to leave. All they want is to re-start the silent machines. But this simple act - the take - has the power to turn the globalization debate on its head. Armed only with slingshots and an abiding faith in shop-floor democracy, the workers face off against the bosses, bankers and a whole system that sees their beloved factories as nothing more than scrap metal for sale.

2005 年 11 月 04 日

This documentary takes the viewer on a deeply personal journey into the everyday lives of families struggling to fight Goliath. From a family business owner in the Midwest to a preacher in California, from workers in Florida to a poet in Mexico, dozens of film crews on three continents bring the intensely personal stories of an assault on families and American values.



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