18 Filme

10. Juni 2005

After five (or six) years of vanilla-wedded bliss, ordinary suburbanites John and Jane Smith are stuck in a huge rut. Unbeknownst to each other, they are both coolly lethal, highly-paid assassins working for rival organisations. When they discover they're each other's next target, their secret lives collide in a spicy, explosive mix of wicked comedy, pent-up passion, nonstop action and high-tech weaponry.

11. Mai 2018

Jen's romantic getaway with her wealthy married boyfriend is disrupted when his friends arrive for an impromptu hunting trip. Tension mounts at the house until the situation culminates in an unexpected way.

6. September 1996

An undercover police officer named Rock Keats befriends a drug dealer and car thief named Archie Moses in a bid to catch the villainous drug lord Frank Coltan. But the only problem is that Keats is a cop, his real name is Jack Carter, and he is working undercover with the LAPD to bust Moses and Colton at a sting operation the LAPD has set up.

An assassin goes through obstacles as he attempts to escape his violent lifestyle despite the opposition of his partner, who is secretly attracted to him.

Lieutenant Danny Roman ist in Chicago der beste Vermittler zwischen Geiselnehmer und Polizei. Gerade hat er wieder einen Fall erfolgreich abgeschlossen, da wird sein Partner Nathan erschossen, kurz nachdem dieser Danny in einen Fall von Korruption und Betrug eingeweiht hat. Es gibt nämlich Individuen in den eigenen Reihen, die sich aus dem Invaliditäts-Fond bedienen. Danny wird beschuldigt, Nathan's Mörder zu sein und anscheinend will ihm niemand zuhören, offensichtlich will man ihm den Mord in die Schuhe schieben. Nathan sieht in der Eile und Panik keine andere Möglichkeit, er nimmt sich vier Geiseln, unter anderem den Leiter der Dienstaufsicht Terence Niebaum und dessen Sekretärin. Als Führer der Verhandlung fordert er den auswärtigen Spezialisten Chris Sabian an, denn er weiß, daß nur ein aussenstehender Licht in die Sache bringen kann und er nur einem Fremden trauen kann. Die zwei beginnen zu verhandeln...

27. Oktober 2006

In Babel, a tragic incident involving an American couple in Morocco sparks a chain of events for four families in different countries throughout the world.

13. Oktober 1971

Clay Lomax, a bank robber, gets out of jail after an 7 year sentence. He is looking after Sam Foley, the man who betrayed him. Knowing that, Foley hires three men to pay attention of Clay's steps. The things get complicated when Lomax, waiting to receive some money from his ex-lover, gets only the notice of her death and an 7 year old girl, sometimes very annoying, presumed to be his daughter.

Will Penny, ein in die Jahre gekommener Cowboy - vom Pech verfolgt. Ohne Arbeit, ohne Geld wird er von einer Bande skrupelloser Gesetzloser in der Wüste eingekesselt, wo sie ihn sterben lassen wollen. Will steht kurz vor dem Tod, da rettet ihn eine schöne junge Frau: Catherine, die gemeinsam mit ihrem Sohn nach Westen fährt zu ihrem Ehemann. Während Catherine Will gesund pflegt, lernt er ein ihm unbekanntes Leben kennen. Plötzlich hat Will zwei Probleme: Er liebt die Frau eines anderen und die Bande ist ihm hart auf den Fersen - um ihn endgültig zu beseitigen.

10. April 1993

Murakawa, an aging Tokyo yakuza tiring of gangster life, is sent by his boss to Okinawa along with a few of his henchmen to help end a gang war, supposedly as mediators between two warring clans. He finds that the dispute between the clans is insignificant and whilst wondering why he was sent to Okinawa at all, his group is attacked in an ambush. The survivors flee and make a decision to lay low at the beach while they await further instructions.

13. November 2020

Amid the dust storms and economic depression of Dust Bowl Era Oklahoma, Eugene Evans finds his family farm on the brink of foreclosure. Discovering fugitive bank robber Allison Wells hiding in his small town, he is torn between claiming the bounty on her head and his growing attraction to the seductive criminal.

9. Oktober 2015

A young Spanish woman who has newly moved to Berlin finds her flirtation with a local guy turn potentially deadly as their night out with his friends reveals a dangerous secret.

3. Dezember 2013

War in Abkhazia, 1992. An Estonian man Ivo has stayed behind to harvest his crops of tangerines. In a bloody conflict at his door, a wounded man is left behind, and Ivo is forced to take him in.

14. Dezember 1989

Ko Chun, an extremely talented and well known gambler. On the eve of a big confrontation with a famous Singaporean gambler, Ko walks into a trap set by Knife, an avid but a so-so gambler, meant for an Indian neighbour. Struck on the head, Ko suffers from amnesia and regresses to a child-like state. Knife takes care of Ko and begins to exploit Ko's gambling talents.

15. April 2011

Danish soldiers are sent to Afghanistan in 2009 for 6 months, to help stabilize the country against the Taliban. They're stationed on Armadillo military base in Helman province. Unlike other war movies, this is the real deal – no actors.

23. Mai 2006

The story of Salvador Puig Antich, one of the last political prisoners to be executed under Franco's Fascist State in 1974.

1. Mai 1966

A young man stalks his mother's killers.

10. Dezember 2020

To escape the outback, a young Afghan cameleer falls in with a mysterious bushman on the run with stolen Crown gold.

Two soldiers, Daniel and Jerome, flee a war we don’t see and we know nothing about. Jerome is badly injured, he will die, he says it, he knows it, he is afraid. Then Jerome confesses to Daniel his last will: he does not want to die a virgin, he wants to die loved…

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