18 部电影

2011 年 09 月 09 日

湯米 於海軍陸戰隊退役後,始終無法擺脫過往的不幸的回憶,下一步不知該往哪裡走的他決定返回老家,投靠酒鬼老爸,藉由父親的訓練,已參加MMA綜合格鬥的競賽,希望可以拿下冠軍,並贏得高額獎金。 正當湯米一路過關斬將,卻遇上曾為MMA選手,但多年來與家人不合的哥哥布蘭登 也重回競技場,實力堅強的兩人最後終難逃手足相殘的局面,而結果到底又會如何呢?

2010 年 04 月 08 日

稅務律師菲爾·福斯特(史蒂夫·卡瑞爾 Steve Carell 飾)與房地產經紀人的妻子克萊爾·福斯特(蒂娜·費 Tina Fey 飾)是居住在新澤西州的一對普通中年夫婦,育有兩子,每日生活疲累而按部就班。受朋友分居的影響,菲爾心血來潮決定將每週末的晚餐約會改到城裡,去曼哈頓新開張的一家海鮮餐廳就餐。沒有預約的二人頂替了他人的位子,卻沒曾想吃到中途被兩名陌生人挾持出餐廳,用槍威脅他們歸還一個閃存。不明就裡且嚇得半死的福斯特夫婦想辦法逃脫,找到克萊爾過去一位名叫霍爾布魯克(馬克·沃爾伯格 Mark Wahlberg 飾)的客戶幫忙,卻依然無法擺脫追殺。二人甚至還得假扮皮條客與舞女闖入黑幫頭子喬·莫雷托(雷·利奧塔 Ray Liotta 飾)的脫衣舞廳周旋,洋相百出

2016 年 06 月 22 日

The Vigilante Diaries is a high octane action-adventure film featuring 90's movie heroes, explosive action, and international espionage. The film revolves around a team of black-ops agents turned crime-fighters, led by a brooding anti-hero, known only as "The Vigilante." These jam-packed missions of rescue and revenge take us from the mega-mansions and underbelly of Los Angeles to far away places like Iraq, Armenia, Russia, and The United Kingdom to introduce us to a cast of colorful, dangerous, and hilarious characters. From Beverly Hills filmmaker Mike Hanover, to a trio of Asian femme fatales, to ruthless Armenian mobsters, and at the top, a pair of deep cover super spies hell bent on throwing the world into chaos.

2017 年 10 月 06 日

When Werner Herzog was still a child, his father was beaten to death before his eyes. His mother was overwhelmed with his upbringing and thereupon shipped him off to one of the toughest youth welfare institutions in Freistatt. This was followed by a career as a bouncer in the city's most notorious music club and an attempt to start a family. Today, the 77-year-old from Bielefeld lives with his dog Lucky in a lonely house in the country. Despite adverse living conditions, he has survived in his own unique and inimitable way.

Upon his return from battle in the previous film, the great warrior Hercules learns that his lover, Daianara, has lost her senses. Acording of the oracle Medea, Dianara's only hope is the Stone of Forgetfulness which lies deep in the realm of Hades. Hercules, with two companions, Theseus and Telemachus, embarks on a dangerous quest for the stone, while he is unaware that Dianara's guardian, King Lico, is the one responsible for her condition and plots to have the girl for himself as his bride upon her revival.

Two muscle-men come up against a tribe of Amazon women.

1996 年 02 月 23 日

Scuba-diver turned beach-bum Jonathan Slade is forced back into his previous milieu - the world of international espionage - in order to retrieve Black Boxes from an American jetliner that crashed under mysterious circumstances into the Black Sea. With his computer-hacker younger brother, Slade travels to a resort on the Russian-Turkish border to begin his quest. To his surprise and dismay, he's now joined by another secret agent, a beautiful but highly-skilled woman named Alex. As they begin diving in search of the downed jetliner, Slade and Alex begin to suspect they're being manipulated by higher-ups who may not be committed to American interests.

Maciste arranges for himself and his new friend Bangor to be captured by a mysterious band of white-clad marauders and taken to an underground city. There the two are forced to turn an enormous wheel along with other captives as part of a gold-and-diamonds mining operation. The underground city's queen, Halis Mosab, takes note of the handsome, muscular Maciste and chooses him to be her consort if he can meet such challenges as saving the kidnapped Princess Saliura from a gigantic ape. Maciste kills the ape and carries Saliura back to the aboveground world. The white-clad marauders can't follow them if it means being caught in the sunlight which instantly dissolves them. Maciste then returns to the underground city to save the other captives. Meanwhile, high priest Kahab informs his son, Katar, that their queen is not one of them but, unbeknownst to her, was kidnapped as a small child from the "world above." If Katar can marry her...

Maciste travels to Hell to find a witch and make her undo a curse she put on the surface world.

2000 年 01 月 21 日

A review of Dragon Ball Z from the Saiyan Saga all the way to the Trunks Saga.

2009 年 06 月 28 日

Ever wondered what men get up to alone at home? More than a few great minds have worked up a head of steam over this one. Here is a surprisingly sexy hymn to domesticity and the male state.

2005 年 02 月 01 日

A documentary which focuses on steroid abuse and focuses primarily on Gregg Valentino, a bodybuilder whose claim to fame is having the largest arms in the world.

2021 年 06 月 15 日

David is a young bodybuilder who obsessively trains to become his artist mother's muse. As he dedicates himself to further developing his physique, he goes through an identity crisis that will mark his destiny.

1997 年 10 月 24 日

FBI agents attempt to protect a woman who is testifying against her gangster boy friend. However, an army of assassins are after her in an endless series of shootouts.

Wilhelm Emter demonstrates individual muscles and muscle groups of the shoulder region, chest region, torso and abdominal region and the arm in practice on his extremely trained body.

2006 年 04 月 12 日

The second part of the series also sees sexy men drop their clothes and bare their taut muscles.

2006 年 04 月 12 日

Highly attractive, ripped men take off their clothes - and reveal themselves just like God designed Adam. Well-trained, muscular young guys - normally you only dream of them, but here you can see them!

Spend an evening with the most exciting male entertainers con tour in Europe and appearing in several German TV shows! Not only excerpts from the stage show, but also scenes in various exotic locations are shown: in the Wild West, in the hot sand, phantoms from the paradise of your imagination, in leather or in the silk of a bed that seems to be made for two...



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