57 部电影

  斯科特·皮尔格林的生活是令人羡慕的、也是非常精彩的。23岁的他居住在多伦多,他的工作是在一个名为"性感炸弹"(Sex Bob-omb)的摇滚乐队里担任贝斯手。最近,斯科特有点春风得意,因为他刚刚邂逅了他的梦中女神——还是高中生的可爱女孩,劳梦娜·福尔劳斯。他们俩现在正在甜蜜的约会阶段,看起来一切都那么美好。随着斯科特和劳梦娜的关系越来越好,斯科特和劳梦娜的7个前朋友发生了"遭遇战",其中有我玩滑板的高手、有素食主义的摇滚明星、还有长得一模一样的双胞胎。为了能和劳梦娜长长久久地相处在一起,斯科特必须在他们消灭自己之前消灭他们。

2010 年 03 月 19 日

 在20世纪70年代以前,摇滚乐还是男性的天下,即使它的影响力以遍及世界各地,但全女子的摇滚乐团却从未出现。18岁的琼·杰特(克莉丝汀·斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 饰)是一个狂迷摇滚乐的叛逆女孩,她始终渴望组建一支女子摇滚乐团。在经纪人金·弗利(麦克·谢农 Michael Shannon 饰)的帮助下,他们找到了15岁的切丽·柯里(达科塔·范宁 Dakota Fanning 饰)——与琼同样来自南加州且喜爱大卫·鲍伊的女孩——担任主唱。在此之后,吉他手丽塔·福特(Scout Taylor-Compton 饰)、鼓手珊蒂·韦斯特(Stella Maeve 饰)、贝司杰基·福克斯先后入队,全女子乐队“逃亡”正式成立。女孩们由此展开了多姿多彩、忧喜相伴的音乐之旅……

2004 年 01 月 23 日

  伊恩·温德姆(保罗·尼科尔斯 Paul Nicholls 饰)与女友萨曼莎·安德鲁斯(詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 Jennifer Love Hewitt 饰)像任何一对平凡的情侣一样,每天忙着自己的生活,很少时间独处。一次争吵过后,前来道歉的peter犹豫着要不要上出租车,因为这份犹豫女友选择离开。不到一分种,出租车 在前面街口与一辆卡车相撞,女友香消玉陨。




2000 年 10 月 06 日


2009 年 03 月 20 日

  彼得(保罗·路德 Paul Rudd 饰)和佐伊(拉希达·琼斯 Rashida jones 饰)订婚了。在佐伊兴奋地向姐妹们报喜之时,彼得却发现自己居然找不出可以来做伴郎的死党。在走投无路的情况下,彼德开始了寻找伴郎的“相亲”过程。  寻找伴郎的过程并不顺利,直到他遇到了神奇希德尼(杰森·西格尔 Jason Segel 饰)。希德尼激发出来不善于交际的彼得内心深处的潜能,俩个人成为无话不谈的朋友,曾至还组成了一个乐队。他们没完没了的聊天、打游戏、遛狗,几乎每天24个小时都粘在一起,这种狂热的关系最终影响到了彼得和未婚妻佐伊的感情。佐伊受不了自己的未婚夫满脑子装着另外一个男人,于是向他发出最后通牒,让他在哥们和自己中做出一个选择。

2007 年 03 月 02 日

  波兰著名的鸟类学家科诺尔(Piotr Adamczyk 饰)与当红话题女星爱莉西娅(Magdalena Boczarska 饰)的婚事轰动全国,引来万千民众的关注。然而婚礼当天突生变故,宣誓之时爱莉西娅悔婚,转而亲吻一旁观看的周刊记者塞巴斯蒂安(Maciej Stuhr 饰)。她的举动将教堂变成混乱的格斗场。


1993 年 05 月 19 日

A 12-minute documentary about the house of RHCP guitarist John Frusciante. The film's main purpose was to depict the chaos & instability in his life.

2014 年 12 月 27 日

利兹(詹妮弗·比尔斯 Jennifer Beals 饰)一直以来都饱受精神疾病的困扰,前不久才因为精神崩溃而被送进了医院,这会儿刚刚出院不久。除了精神痛苦外,利兹和儿子以及丈夫之间的关系也很紧张。儿子正值叛逆期,全身上下都笼罩着生人勿进的气场,而丈夫呢,一直以做音乐人为梦想的他已经很久没有收入了。 在这令利兹焦头烂额的节骨眼上,一个名为卡特琳(凯瑟琳·麦克纳马拉 Katherine McNamara 饰)的女孩敲响了利兹家的门,卡特琳声称自己是利兹丈夫和曾经的情人所生的私生女,在误打误撞之中,利兹不得不收留了这个女孩。随着时间的推移,利兹开始怀疑,这个女孩到底想要干嘛。©豆瓣

2015 年 08 月 21 日

The life and times of famed Paraguayan musician Agustín Pío Barrios, from the years of his youth to his international success.

A group of high school friends starts a rock band during the 1950's.

2014 年 05 月 11 日

Headly, a 15-year-old teenager, thinks her mother has mourned her father's death long enough, so she decides to find her a new husband by the end of the summer.

1975 年 10 月 19 日

Filmed live at London's Rainbow Theatre in December 1972, the innovative group Yes performs its progressive rock symphonies -- epic compositions that influenced new trends in contemporary music. "Yessongs" provides a visual record of the concert tour that became a groundbreaking tour de force in rock music. This unique concert video of Yes was filmed during their record-breaking tour and features the talents of the five original band members. The massively popular band defined the prog rock movement with their mystical epics which infused both a Medieval and Classical sound into rock music. Titles performed include "Close to the Edge," "All Good People," and "Roundabout."

1997 年 09 月 12 日

Tony gets fired from his job. He's not really sad about this because he prefers writing songs and playing the guitar. He meets the drummer Charlie and they decide to start a band, although Tony is afraid of playing in front of other people. He can't even play in front of Charlie. They find another guitarist, Wynn, who enjoys fishing if he's not playing the guitar. The final member of the band is Eric, the bass-player who is often unpredictable in his actions. They name the band Circus Monkey and want to get famous and rich. However, after some successful gigs, they begin to realize what all the big music and show business is about

2020 年 10 月 01 日

Mike Figgis’ enthralling documentary about the turbulent life and career of Ronnie Wood, legendary rock guitarist and long-time member of The Rolling Stones.

2021 年 10 月 22 日

A female talent scout takes a down-on-his-luck construction worker under her wing and helps him rise to his potential as a singer/songwriter.

1998 年 08 月 07 日

Vietnam veteran Archibald Wright is a house painter hired to work on a Beverly Hills mansion where he becomes involved in the life of the resident family. The owner Elaine left her husband J.P. while he was serving in Vietnam, causing him to become an alcoholic hobo living in downtown Los Angeles. Archibald tries to help their daughter Tory to continue her relationship with her father, even though Elaine is strongly against it.

1964 年 09 月 24 日

A young man eagerly prepares for triumph as a boxer in a neighborhood gym with the firm intention of escaping poverty to marry his girlfriend, who sings in a nightclub.

1962 年 11 月 01 日

An affable drifter on the lam for a murder he didn't commit hides out in a circus.

2009 年 03 月 15 日

Glavni junak je Piksi. Med počitnicami v kleti najde bratove kasete in tri dni posluša posnetke rocka, kar mu spremeni življenje. Odloči se, da bo ustanovil svoj punk rock bend. V njem so Piksi (električna kitara), Pejo (bas kitara), Sani (bobni) in Edi (vokal). Najprej so se imenovali Avtsajders, nato pa Ilegalci. Njihov idol pa je Johny Thunders. Piksi ima očeta, ki ves čas poležava pred televi

Inspired by real events, The Last Executioner is the story of Chavoret Jaruboon, the last person in Thailand whose job it was to execute by gun. A rock musician who adored Elvis, but took a 'respectable' job to support the family he loved devotedly, and then constantly tried to reconcile the good and bad karma that came from this decision.



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