26 elokuvaa

26 helmikuu 2021

Anthony on oikukas ja tavattoman itsenäinen 81-vuotias Lontoossa asuva mies. Anthony ei lainkaan kaihda näyttää kerta toisensa jälkeen ovea hoitajille, joita hänen tyttärensä Anne palkkaa ikääntyvän isänsä avuksi. Kun Anne joutuu muuttamaan Pariisiin, on avuntarve akuutti, mutta kuinka saada itsepäinen isä hyväksymään tilanne? Kun Anthony yrittää ymmärtää mitä kaikkea hänen ympärillään tapahtuu, hän ajautuu epäilemään läheisiään, omaa muistiaan ja sitä mistä pala palalta murenevassa arjessa onkaan kyse.

1 syyskuu 2003

When Isabelle and Theo invite Matthew to stay with them, what begins as a casual friendship ripens into a sensual voyage of discovery and desire in which nothing is off limits and everything is possible.

Päähenkilö Baxter on vakuutusvirkailija, joka omaa uraansa edistääkseen lainaa asuntoaan esimiestensä syrjähyppyihin. Elokuva on tragikomedia uskottomuudesta, rakkaudesta ja juonittelusta.

16 joulukuu 2011

Kaksi keskiluokkaista ja keski-ikäistä pariskuntaa tapaa sivistyneen keskustelun merkeissä. Tarkoitus on selvittää ja sopia pariskuntien samanikäisten pojanviikareiden tappelunnujakka. Kohtelias tapaaminen mutkistuu pitkittyessään. Sanailu kärjistyy kipakaksi sivalteluksi. Kun isäntäperhe alkaa tarjoilla viskiä, meno yltyy verbaaliseksi verilöylyksi, niin pariskuntien välillä kuin oman kumppanin kanssa.

22 helmikuu 2008

A college professor travels to New York City to attend a conference and finds a young couple living in his apartment.

26 heinäkuu 1996

A nice guy has just moved to New York and discovers that he must share his run-down apartment with a couple thousand singing, dancing cockroaches.

Two out-of-work actors -- the anxious, luckless Marwood and his acerbic, alcoholic friend, Withnail -- spend their days drifting between their squalid flat, the unemployment office and the pub. When they take a holiday "by mistake" at the country house of Withnail's flamboyantly gay uncle, Monty, they encounter the unpleasant side of the English countryside: tedium, terrifying locals and torrential rain.

15 syyskuu 1989

In a rundown area of Buenos Aires, at the dawn of the 1980s, Adrian LeDuc owns both a struggling movie theater and a shabby apartment building filled with eccentric, squabbling tenants. To make ends meet, Adrian takes in a roommate, Jack Carney, but soon begins to suspect that the quiet American is responsible for a series of political assassinations that are rocking the city.

Herra Hoppy on jo pitkään ollut ihastunut herttaiseen naapuriinsa, mutta ei ole uskaltanut tehdä aloitetta. Löytyisikö tie hänen naapurinsa sydämeen kuitenkin tämän lemmikki-kilpikonnan kautta? Rakkautta vain ja Notting Hill -suosikkikomedioiden käsikirjoittajana tunnettu Richard Curtis tarttuu valloittavasti Roald Dahlin rakastettuun Annok iplik -kirjaan kahdesta ujosta rakastavaisesta ja ovelasta suunnitelmasta. Lopputuloksena on ihastuttava romanttinen komedia, jonka pääosissa nähdään Dustin Hoffman ja Judi Dench.

Isa and Marie bond while working in a French sweatshop and soon begin sharing an apartment that Marie is watching for a hospitalized mother and daughter. Marie, hoping to avoid a life of struggle and poverty, takes up with Chriss, a nightclub owner whose most attractive asset is his money. Isa recognizes the ultimate futility of the relationship and tries to keep Marie away from him, but her interference puts their friendship at risk.

3 syyskuu 2021
21 marraskuu 2001

Tanguy is 28 years old and still living with his parents. They think it's time he moves out. He doesn't, so they hatch a plan.

Martial is discharged from a mental insitution where he spent a few years due to a serious nervous breakdown. Upon his return he finds his mother, a busy business woman who owns a supermarket chain, convinced that her son will be able to find himself again if tasked with some responsibilities. Soon enough, he's sent to Limoges on a business trip to check on one of their stores in the hope to reinvigorate the failing business. Once he arrives, Martial is faced with responsibilities he had never imagined, including dealing with the store's personnel.

Inken and Lucy are facing hard times when their parents' money is radically cut off. Together with Lena, who is fed up with her boyfriend, they desperately search for money, an apartment and love. But because each individual point is difficult to realize on its own, the girls decide to kill all three birds with one stone for the sake of simplicity. The solution: they need rich, nice boys with suitable living space - and they need them now! But until then, horrendous rents, false identities and sleazy neighbors put their friendship to the test.

27 syyskuu 2008

As a decades-old state-run aeronautics munitions factory in downtown Chengdu, China is being torn down for the construction of the titular luxury apartment complex, director Jia Zhangke interviews various people affiliated with it about their experiences.

Flama and Moko are fourteen years old; they have been best friends since they were kids. They have everything they need to survive yet another boring Sunday: an apartment without parents, videogames, porn magazines, soft drinks and pizza delivery.

28 maaliskuu 1983

A young couple have settled in a new flat. Soon somebody begins watching them and they receive great amounts of money from an unknown sender.

13 maaliskuu 2008

A lonely woman's prank phone call leads to an unexpected friendship with a grieving widow.

Garment exporter Gopakumar, with the help of his fashion designer Kamala and broker Immanuel, brings together three couples who are on the verge of separation.

Preman (Fahad fazil)is the caretaker of a flat at Cochin. Everyone in the flat calls him 'Natholi'. He faces some unfortunate events in the flat and begins to write a story with the same characters in his real life and plays with their lives in his story. The film revolves around the story of the conflict between Preman and the character he creates. He has lost his control over the character he creates and the movie plots ahead with the interaction between them.

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