214 部电影



2008 年 01 月 25 日

蘭保在越戰和阿富汗戰爭之後,因為對美國軍人生活絕望,於泰緬邊界過着與世無爭、靠捕蛇販賣為生的歸隱生活。某日總部設於科羅拉多州的泛亞洲牧師團(Pan-Asian Ministry)的一群義工來請蘭保幫忙作船夫帶路,好讓義工能供給河川上游的克倫族人藥品、醫療、祈禱書及補給品。早就看穿世事的蘭保以「沒有武器就沒有改變」為由拒絕,但是最終被義工莎拉·米勒(Sarah Miller)說服。牧師團一行人在渡河過程中遭遇水匪,蘭保為了保護莎拉不得不出手將匪徒集體擊斃,但是卻遭到了牧師團領隊米高·伯奈特(Michael Burnett)的敵視而被拒絕僱用。 義工團抵達克洛卡貝羅(Klaw Kbe Lo)村莊後遭受當地軍閥攻擊,村民盡遭屠殺,義工團則遭受俘虜。義工團所屬教會在失去義工們的回訊之後不得不僱用一隊傭兵前往救援,這次的派遣也讓蘭保擔任船夫。當傭兵抵達遭受屠殺的村落時因看見如此殘破的場景對於要不要繼續搜索時起了爭執,這時正好一輛緬甸軍隊的卡車進來虐待殺人質取樂,傭兵們因怕暴露而躲起來無法插手,而這時蘭保出現用弓箭射殺了緬軍並救出將要被殺死的村民。爾後蘭保說服傭兵們冒險救人,在夜晚潛入山林內的緬軍軍營營救義工隊員與當地被俘村民,在殺了幾個巡邏的士兵後成功逃逸。但蘭保因去救莎拉而延遲了腳步,因而未與其他成員會集,兩人只能和另一名外號「學童」的傭兵狙擊手另尋別路逃脫。 清晨時緬軍查覺俘虜被救,於是開始傾巢出洞抓人。雖然蘭保引爆了叢林中的大型未爆高腳櫥炸彈(Tallboy Bomb,二戰時的英國武器)而使身旁的兩名同伴脫險,但是分散的另一隊人卻因為誤觸地雷而被緬軍在岸邊追上並捉住。就在所有人將被槍決之時,蘭保劫持了一輛裝有.50口徑白朗寧M2重機槍的吉普車用來掃射並大量殺傷緬軍。然而敵方具有人數優勢,並依靠河面炮艇的火力開始壓倒蘭保一方。此時卡倫叛軍趕到參戰協助殲滅緬軍,蘭保在緬軍少校試圖逃跑時用弯刀剖腹殺死了他。 在聽取了莎拉的建議後,蘭保抱着重新一試的心情返鄉美國。最後一個場景就是他走過農村公路、馬場,在一個名為「R. Rambo」的郵箱旁停下來並走向遠處的一座小屋,蘭保終於回到了家

愛情是瘋魔,也是心魔。安娜(狄高達莊遜 飾)嘗試為格雷(占美杜倫 飾)踏足自己從未預料的性愛疆界,可是格雷迷戀暴力性愛的癖好,令她疲累不已。她希望了解格雷的秘密,建立新的關係模式。當二人開始培養出信任,一切看似漸入佳境,格雷封閉的過去和深藏內心的陰影卻慢慢浮現,摧毀這對情侶一起走下去的希望…

2016 年 05 月 13 日

在近未來的反烏托邦社會中,單身男女會被關進城中酒店,規定他們在45天之內要找到另一半,否則將被變成一種動物,流放於森林之中。 大衛 (歌連法路 飾) 被妻子拋棄後變回單身男,於是被送到配對中心,在那裡他的個人財物被沒收,所有人吃的穿的都一樣。如果在45天內無法找到跟自己擁有共同特徵的異性作配對,就會被變成一種動物流放到森林。 大衛其貌不揚,肥胖內向,早已作好要變成動物的準備,甚至已想好要當一隻龍蝦,因為龍蝦既長壽,而且性能力還不會因衰老而退化。大衛在酒店內與瘸腿男 (賓韋沙 飾) 及口吃男 (尊列尼 飾) 因處境相同而成為好友,瘸腿男為了與一個常常流鼻血的女孩配對成功,打傷自己的鼻子假裝慣性流鼻血,成為三人之中最早配對成功的人。 為了不想被變成動物,大衛逃到森林中去,在那裡有很多逃亡的單身者藏匿,他們組織成判軍,有首領 (蕾雅絲端 飾) 領導,而判軍團體中最重要的規條就是嚴禁成員談戀愛,一經發現就將面臨殘酷的刑罰。大衛在森林中遇上同樣配對失敗的近視女 (麗素慧絲 飾),二人找到對方的共通點並墜入愛河,但這件事被首領發現後,二人面臨最殘酷的懲罰…



1991 年 07 月 18 日

Bored with her marriage to burnt out poet turned corporate executive Thierry, Zandalee falls prey to an old friend of her husband, the manipulative and egotistical Johnny and becomes enmeshed in a sensual, passionate and destructive affair.

1980 年 07 月 18 日

On the Caribbean island of Matul, white doctor David Menard is trying to stem the tide of cannibal zombies that are returning from the dead. Arriving on the island are Anne and reporter Peter West who are looking for Anne's missing father. The pair soon find themselves under attack from the zombies.

2014 年 12 月 12 日

In Los Angeles at the turn of the 1970s, drug-fueled detective Larry "Doc" Sportello investigates the disappearance of an ex-girlfriend.

1993 年 01 月 01 日




1953 年 09 月 02 日


1997 年 06 月 13 日

A disgruntled former employee hijacks the Seabourn Legend cruise liner. Set on a fixed course, without any means of communication and at the mercy of the hijacker, it's up to the one cop on vacation, and his soon to be fiancé (hopefully) Annie, to regain control of it before it kills the passengers and causes an environmental disaster. Insurmountable and daunting tasks awaits them on their perilous journey throughout the ship trying to fend off the hijacker and save the passengers.

2015 年 05 月 15 日

A sudden loss disrupts Carol’s orderly life, propelling her into the dating world for the first time in 20 years. Finally living in the present tense, she finds herself swept up in not one, but two unexpected relationships that challenge her assumptions about what it means to grow old.

2018 年 06 月 01 日

塔美(莎蓮活莉 飾)和理察(森加芬 飾)是一對航海的狂熱份子,也是情投意合的戀人。他們有愛萬事足,準備好好享受這趟跨越太平洋之旅,卻預料不到自己會不幸遭遇歷史上其中一個最具破壞力的颶風。被暴風雨和驚濤駭浪震懾過後,塔美甦醒過來,理察受了重傷,而兩人眼前剩下的只有一隻爛船。身處海洋中心的他們已經救援無望,塔美只可憑著意志和信念,保住自己性命,幫助身旁的一生至愛脫離險境。

Jason ships out aboard a teen-filled "love boat" bound for New York, which he soon transforms into the ultimate voyage of the damned.

2021 年 11 月 12 日

With his best friend Luca away at school, Alberto is enjoying his new life in Portorosso working alongside Massimo – the imposing, tattooed, one-armed fisherman of few words – who's quite possibly the coolest human in the entire world as far as Alberto is concerned. He wants more than anything to impress his mentor, but it's easier said than done.

2008 年 03 月 14 日

When Ann, husband George, and son Georgie arrive at their holiday home they are visited by a pair of polite and seemingly pleasant young men. Armed with deceptively sweet smiles and some golf clubs, they proceed to terrorize and torture the tight-knit clan, giving them until the next day to survive.

1956 年 06 月 27 日

In 1841, young Ishmael signs up for service aboard the Pequod, a whaler sailing out of New Bedford. The ship is under the command of Captain Ahab, a strict disciplinarian who exhorts his men to find Moby Dick, the great white whale. Ahab lost his his leg to that creature and is desperate for revenge. As the crew soon learns, he will stop at nothing to gain satisfaction.

1955 年 08 月 26 日

In Depression-era West Virginia, a serial-killing preacher hunts two young children who know the whereabouts of a stash of money.

2020 年 07 月 28 日

Dr. Emma Collins and her team are spending their third summer on the island of Little Happy studying the effect of climate change on the great white sharks who come to the nearby nursery every year to give birth. Along with the last two inhabitants of this former fishing village, their peaceful life is disrupted when a "scientific" team led by her ex-boyfriend and marine biologist Richard show up looking for three bull sharks who we soon learn aren't just any bull sharks.



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