19 filmų

Kai Ahkmenros plokštelės stebuklingosios galios ima nykti, Larry Daley apkeliauja visą pasaulį, suvienydamas mėgstamus ir naujus veikėjus ir leisdamasis į epinę užduotį išgelbėti magiją, kol ji neišnyko visiems laikams.

2008 rugpjūčio 15

Jaunas prancūzų kilmės režisierius Alexandre Aja, kino žiūrovams pažįstamas kaip siaubo trilerio "Ir kalnai turi akis..." kūrėjas, pristato dar vieną šiurpinančią istoriją: ekspolicininkas ir jo šeima tampa blogųjų jėgų taikiniu, kurios naudojasi veidrodžiais kaip vartais patekti į šį pasaulį. Pagrindinis filmo herojus, kurį suvaidino aktorius Kiefer Sutherland, turi apsaugoti savo artimuosius nuo neapaaiškinamo, klaikaus blogio... Per amžius veidrodžiai būdavo lyg vartai į kitus pasaulius: jie apsaugoja mus nuo blogų dalykų, jie pasako mums ateitį ir... jie pasako mums tiesą. Veidrodžiai atspindi į juos žvelgiančio žmogaus sielos švytėjimą. Istorijose, visame pasaulyje pasakojamose iš kartos į kartą, susipynusiomis su pasakomis ir mitais, veidrodžiai būdavo vartai į kitus pasaulius - karalystes, apgyvendintas angelų, demonų ir mirusiųjų sielų.

2016 rugsėjo 30

Jūs, tikriausiai, nieko negirdėjote apie didžiausią ir kvailiausią Amerikos istorijoje banko apiplėšimo operaciją bei jos dalyvius, bet tai ištaisoma – šios istorijos pagrindu jau sukurtas filmas. Komedijų apie nevykėlius meistras, režisierius Jaredas Hessas ėmėsi 1997 metais nutikusio tikro įvykio atkūrimo, su visomis keistai kvailomis jo detalėmis.

Styvas Čembersas, operacijos „smegenys“, pasiūlė koledžo laikų draugei Keli Kempbel apiplėšti banko saugyklą. Pagal sumanymą, viskas turi įvykti be jokio vargo – Keli, dirbusi banko apsaugos kompanijoje, įtikina ten pat dirbantį savo draugą, slapčia apie žygdarbius svajojantį Deividą Gantą tiesiog susikrauti pinigus į apsaugos kompanijos furgoną ir išvažiuoti. Paprasta kaip dukart du! Deividas, įsimylėjęs gundančiąją Keli ir nusprendęs palikti nepakenčiamą žmoną, pasiryžta gyvenimo nuotykiui – pavogti… 17 milijonų dolerių!

Tik visiškai naivūs machinatoriai gali manyti, kad su 17 milijonų pasiplaus nepastebėti.

1998 balandžio 17

A law student takes a job as a night watchman at a morgue and begins to discover clues that implicate him as the suspect in a series of murders.

The third in a series of films featuring François Truffaut's alter-ego, Antoine Doinel, the story resumes with Antoine being discharged from military service. His sweetheart Christine's father lands Antoine a job as a security guard, which he promptly loses. Stumbling into a position assisting a private detective, Antoine falls for his employers' seductive wife, Fabienne, and finds that he must choose between the older woman and Christine.

2002 gruodžio 20

An undocumented immigrant finds a human heart in one of the toilets of the west London hotel where he works with other undocumented immigrants.

1994 vasario 25

Martin, a law student, takes up a job as a nightwatchman at a mortuary to fund his studies. But the mortuary harbours a dark secret, and he has to find the truth before he is implicated in a serial murder case.

Outcast by his co-workers and living alone, Koistinen is a security guard who works the night shift in a luxury shopping mall in Helsinki. But when icy blonde Mirja approaches him, the lonely Koistinen falls helplessly for her, unaware she is manipulating him for her criminal boyfriend.

2008 liepos 11

Adela, a former radio personality, celebrates her 80th birthday. Alone, and without support, she longs for the family and stability of years gone by. Mundane events take on heightened meaning as Adela gauges her life against those of the sea of humanity. Adela is about the quiet moments in life that can fill us with either joy or sorrow.

1962 liepos 30

A lonely nightwatchman at a department store develops a fixation on one of the store's mannequins. He soon steals her and takes her to his home, where he can be with her all the time. One day, she comes to life...

2005 kovo 17

Second-hand car sales man Willenbrock has everything that he could ever wish for. He is married, has two lovers, a cottage in the German city Grünen, and a BMW. Yet one day while at his cottage he gets mugged and his life is drastically changed. Little by little the world he once felt safe in falls apart around him.

1939 spalio 5

An embittered Louie Peronni returns from prison to find that his sister, Juli Peronni, is engaged to policeman Eddie Farrell, and also finds that his secret wife Annie Qualen has placed their baby girl in a foundling home. With his old gang again, Louie plans a robbery of a fur warehouse. Louie shoots down the night watchman and is trailed home where his father Guiseppe Peronni persuades him not to fight it out with the police. Determined to let Louie take the full rap, the gang kidnaps the district attorney's daughter.

2024 sausio 18

Janneke has been working as a volunteer in palliative terminal care for over twenty years, both in the hospice and in people's homes. In The Night Watchman we see Janneke both in her daily life and while waking. Scenes in which surprising parallels and paradoxes show Janneke's position in her life and how they seem to embrace death at first sight.

1984 birželio 9

CORDUROY (Live Action--Based on the book by Don Freeman) Corduroy longs for someone to take him home from the department store. He thinks that finding his lost button may help, so he searchers the store when no one is around. Will Corduroy find the button on his adventure?

1938 lapkričio 18

A little cat must take his sick father's place as night watchman, but is bullied by a tough mouse and his gang, leaving the rest of the mice free to eat all the food and stage a musical floor show.

1939 sausio 13

In 1923, Gregory Vance, a widower with two children, is a former scholar who has turned from book to bottle. He works, slightly, as a night-watchman, and his children, who know him for what he is and what he isn't, are his only admirers. Then, it is discovered that he is the only registered voter in a key precinct and the politicians, from both parties, arrive in droves bearing inducements. What he does about this situation, and the relatives who want to take his children away from him make up the story.

An unemployed youth tries different jobs such as waiter, hairdresser, porter, salesman and when desperate, he goes to sleep in a flop-house, where he finds a job as a night watchman.

1935 gruodžio 12

A Black night watchman at a chemical factory finds the body of a murdered white woman. After reporting it, he finds himself accused of the murder.

1933 balandžio 15

In this musical short, two night watchmen hear songs performed in a haunted pawn shop.

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