10 部电影

1974 年 08 月 07 日

李小龍唯一自編自導自演的作品,外景遠赴義大利實地拍攝。 唐龍(李小龍飾)是一位武功高強,樸實無華的青年,受朋友之託,遠赴歐洲協助解決一宗餐館的產業問題並暫住在業主陳清華小姐的寓所。惡勢力集團老闆覬覦餐館,逼其出讓,何泰遂率領幾名洋流氓來搗亂。 唐龍大怒,把洋漢打得天旋地轉,但掌櫃王叔卻認為這樣會使事情擴大。後台老闆欲僱神槍手加害唐龍,幸為清華發覺,唐龍冒險追逐,神槍手墮樓身亡,但清華被擄失去蹤。唐龍直闖惡勢力集團,挾後台老闆為人質救出清華。何泰獻計請後台老闆邀請美國國際空手道冠軍引唐龍等至古競技場決戰,空手道冠軍不敵而死,但掌櫃王叔原來與後台老闆勾結,終中彈身亡,何泰亦中彈斃命,後台老闆亦束手就擒。 片中李小龍與西洋高手羅禮士在古羅馬鬥獸場的一場生死戰,是許多武俠片倣傚的經典動作場面。

Astérix and Obélix have to win the Olympic Games in order to help their friend Alafolix marry Princess Irina. Brutus uses every trick in the book to have his own team win the game, and get rid of his father Julius Caesar in the process.

Obelix falls for a new arrival in his home village in Gaul, but is heartbroken when her true love arrives to visit her. However, the lovers are kidnapped by Romans; Asterix and Obelix set out to rescue them on a dangerous journey that will involve gladiators, slavers and beauracracy - and a personal encounter with the Emperor himself, Julius Caesar...

1957 年 02 月 08 日

When the first manned flight to Venus returns to Earth, the rocket crash-lands in the Mediterranean near a small Italian fishing village. The locals manage to save one of the astronauts Colonel Calder, the mission commander. A young boy also recovers what turns out to be a specimen of an alien creature. Growing at a fantastic rate, it manages to escape and eventually threatens the city of Rome.

1952 年 12 月 01 日

George Bernard Shaw’s breezy, delightful dramatization of this classic fable—about a Christian slave who pulls a thorn from a lion’s paw and is spared from death in the Colosseum as a result of his kind act—was written as a meditation on modern Christian values. Pascal’s final Shaw production is played broadly, with comic character actor Alan Young as the titular naïf. He’s ably supported by Jean Simmons, Victor Mature, Robert Newton, and Elsa Lanchester.

1968 年 09 月 16 日

In 1960s Paris, an American boxer stumbles upon an international fascist conspiracy that aims to create a new world order.

2017 年 08 月 09 日

The Colosseum is often depicted as a bloody stadium of gladiators with violence and murder! Is it all in the Colosseum? In fact, the 'Colosseum' in Roman times was a thorough political stage in which the emperor was able to show off the power of the emperor and to meet and communicate directly with the citizens. The emperor was a political space that was not an original one that gained the support of the Roman people and the people were actively exchanging their demands. The fact that even the Roman emperor, who was a symbol of absolute power, did politics through communication with the Roman people would be a valuable lesson for us to live in modern society beyond 2000 years.

Sea battles in the morning and gladiator fights in the afternoon with wild beasts magically appearing in the arena? A subterranean archaeologist investigates tunnels to see how the Colosseum could be flooded; and architects, engineers, and builders construct a lift and trap door system to attempt the release of a wolf into the most famous amphitheater in the world for the first time in 1500 years.

2016 年 01 月 19 日

How did the Romans produce some of the most impressive gladiatorial games ever seen in Europe? How did the Colosseums mysterious roof really work? And how does the mighty Colosseum compare to the popular sports venues of the 21st century? Structural engineer Steve Burrows and his team of laser-scanning experts head to Rome on a quest to answer these questions and uncover some of the oldest mysteries of the ancient stadium.



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