17 部电影

2018 年 01 月 19 日

將數億現金紙鈔從市面上停止流通並銷毀,是美國聯準會(Fed)每日標準程序,一群手法高超的搶匪看上這個例行公事,計畫將這筆鉅款奪為己有。前科累累的他們,早已被不擇手段、屢破大案的警探尼克福藍根(傑哈巴特勒 飾)盯上,在這樣風聲鶴唳的狀況下,他們有可能完成這筆「生意」嗎?最黑的警探遇上最狂的搶匪,黑白兩道超激火拼,誰才能制霸世界?這「絕對不可能被搶」的銀行又是否會被攻破? 搶,就要搶最大的!

2010 年 10 月 14 日

改編自DC Comics暢銷漫畫,警探代言人布魯斯威利升級挑戰CIA幹員角色,片中再展風趣又暴烈的演出。 法蘭克(布魯斯威利飾)是一位退休CIA幹員,過著枯燥養老生活的他,每天藉由電話和聯邦假釋官莎拉(瑪麗露易絲派克飾)閒聊,藉以排遣無聊…,直到有一天,三個職業殺手闖進他家,企圖謀害性命,法蘭克雖身敏矯捷、驚險脫困,但棘手還在後頭… 原來,追查後,法蘭克逐漸發現,之後還將有更多的殺手接踵而至,其目標,除了他一條命,更包括所有和他有關連的人! 隨著危機層層逼近,法蘭克不得不帶著莎拉一邊逃亡、一邊追兇…,而驚人的真相是,追殺他的組織,竟是CIA當局中的神秘官員! 法蘭克終於忍無可忍,他號召了昔日的老搭檔們,組成一支老而彌堅的特種部隊,準備要跟新世代特務殺手展開一場血肉橫飛的城市激戰…


電影改編自紐約時報暢銷作家米歇爾祖考夫(Mitchell Zuckoff)同名小說《13小時》(13 Hours:The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi),媒體稱為「班加西慘案」的真實事件,講述2012年9月11日利比亞班加西美國領事館前發生的一起反美示威事件,入夜後數十名武裝分子衝入領事館,讓示威演變為暴力衝突,最終導致包括大使在內4人死亡的流血事件。這也是美國33年以來第一位遇襲殉職的在任美國大使。駐紮於班加西中情局的影子部隊,6名士兵在艱困時刻勇敢地選擇做正確的事,在事件中誓言保衛班加西的美國同胞。13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi/13小時:班加西無名英雄/危機13小時/13小時

2005 年 06 月 10 日


2016 年 02 月 26 日


李強(周潤發)是一位中國移民,曾為職業殺手的他,對於過去殘暴凶狠的日子深感悔恨與不安,但是他卻是黑道份子眼中最佳的刺客人選。為了將家人接到美國來過安全的生活,他被迫接下黑社會老大魏先生所派的一個艱鉅任務,魏先生要求李強刺殺警探史丹萊柯夫(麥可路克)! 但是,當他看見警探史丹的七歲兒子時,內心開始掙扎不已,他寧願面對魏先生報復,也無法殺害一個無辜的孩子。魏先生發覺李強無法完成任務時,派出了一群替身殺手追趕李強,幸好在文件偽造專家梅格(蜜拉索維諾)的幫助下,李強在千鈞一髮之際,逃過了魏先生的追殺,但是梅格卻不幸也成為黑道的目標...。 如今,為了梅格與家人,李強必須使出看家本領與非凡身手,在緊迫的時間之內,打敗魏先生的一幫殺手,防止悲劇發生在摯愛的家人身上。

2006 年 09 月 21 日

Macbeth, loyal to his crime boss, Duncan, is told by witches that he will one day take over. Driven by their prophecy, he and his wife plot to kill Duncan, and takes the leadership of the gang for himself. Maintaining his power will require more murder and violence, finally driving his surviving enemies to unite and destroy him. A sexy, high octane retelling of this classic story.

Golgo 13, Japan's most celebrated and notorious assassin, meets his match in Queen Bee, the leader of a South American liberation army, whom he must kill before she can assassinate a popular presidential candidate. However, once Golgo 13 penetrates the Queen's hive, he realizes that the machinations behind the planned assassination are more complex than he could have imagined.

Duke Togo (codename: Golgo 13) is a ruthless assassin who's accepted a tricky assignment from an American drug syndicate. His mission is to "rub out" Hong Kong's underworld kingpin. His main obstacle is the relentless Detective 'Smitty' Smith, determined to stop Togo no matter the cost. The result is an explosive adventure through the seamy, violent streets of Hong Kong.

2022 年 12 月 12 日

A stranger with a mysterious past witnesses an airplane crash, and sets out to save the only survivor...a nine year old girl. Out-numbered, out-gunned, and relentlessly hunted for a crime he did not commit, the stranger must escape an army of blood-thirsty bounty hunters, as he desperately searches to save the injured child.

A Korean riff on The Terminator.

2011 年 11 月 01 日

Whether Military, Law Enforcement, responsible armed citizen or a competitor, this Adaptive Carbine training video is the first step in increasing a shooter's survivability. The basis comes from the history and evolution of weapons manipulation in disruptive environments and the adaptation of disruptive technologies. Any person that takes their shooting lifestyle seriously has to understand these disruptions and needs to keep an open mind in order to prevent an absolute mindset and/or negative training inertias.

2008 年 08 月 30 日

With extensive combat experience around the globe, instructors Travis Haley and Chris Costa cover not only the basic fundamentals and "how to" aspects of the carbine but also the "mindset" required to employ a carbine effectively in dynamic stress situations.

2011 年 11 月 01 日

The Kalashnikov Rifle - misunderstood and underestimated by the media, often portrayed as inaccurate and unwieldy - is so widely adopted across the world it deserves fairer treatment by end users. The Adaptive Kalash training video introduces the viewer to the proper handling and usage of this rifle.

2010 年 01 月 01 日

Jerry Miculek Practical Rifle helps you get the most out of your rifle and build your shooting skills. Learn how to shoot your AR-15 smarter, better, and faster from one of the world’s fastest, most knowledgeable, and “winningest” shooters, Jerry Miculek. He provides over two hours of expert one-on-one instruction that covers everything about shooting the AR-15, from how to set up your rifle like his, to the stance, grip, and trigger technique used by the pros. Plus, he'll take you through plenty of basic and advanced drills that’ll improve your shooting. Learn how to reload and clear malfunctions quickly, move and acquire targets faster, engage multiple and moving targets, and shoot from behind cover and in different positions.

2010 年 02 月 01 日

Magpul Dynamics brings the basic building block of Aerial Platform Operations. Whether you are a Law Enforcement, Military, Park Services, Coast Guard, etc… you can utilize this training tool to build the blocks required to increase your success and build your unit or agency standard operation procedures. Instructors Travis Haley and Chris Costa address everything from budgeting issues, mission planning, recon, surveillance, search and rescue, maritime operations to actually having to take a shot from an aerial platform.



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