177 部电影

1988 年 10 月 19 日


2005 年 06 月 29 日

雷費里亞(湯告魯斯飾演)是新澤西州的碼頭工人,跟第一任妻子瑪利安(美蓮達奧圖飾演)離了婚,兩個孩子里曹和羅比(分別由狄高達芬寧和賈斯汀查特文飾演) 跟他關係疏離,只是在週末才由他照顧。在一次週末探訪中,他照顧孩子上特別感困難,因為雷的住所附近發生連串怪異的雷電交作,事後他發現附近出現一支死光機械太空船隊,是外星人對地球進行全面侵襲的第一波。雷將孩子從紐約送到波士頓,讓他們安全留在瑪利安的父母家中。雷必須學習如何當保衛者和供給者,他未離婚時並不懂如何擔當這兩個角色。

2014 年 10 月 31 日

雙失青年Louis(積佳蘭賀 飾) 求職處處碰壁後,偶然得悉自僱突發記者收入高、成本低、工作更富彈性,繼而躍躍欲試。Louis立即招募拍檔力克(列斯艾文 飾),準備在新聞界大展拳腳!秘密竊聽、危險駕駛、踐踏私隱...... 為追訪獨家猛料,Louis無所不用其極。電視新聞主管蓮娜(雲妮羅素 飾) 慫恿配合下,他的事業更是一帆風順。深諳暴力血腥在傳媒市場奇貨可居的Louis利慾薰心,決定出賣人性,策劃一宗引人入性的「頭條殺機」……

1995 年 12 月 29 日

在1996年時人類被致命病毒侵襲,直到2035年地球上只有在地底存活下來少數的人類。科學家們為了追查當年病毒擴散的原因,讓囚犯占士·科爾(James Cole,布斯·韋利士飾演)作為志願者透過時間旅行回到1996年去調查,線索是該年一則提及「12猴子軍團」的電話留言錄音,並設法阻止事件的發生。 第一次傳送出現錯誤,科爾被送到1990年的巴爾的摩。因為他向人們描述6年後將有50億人口死於一場病毒災難,而被精神病醫生嘉芙蓮·雷莉診斷為精神思·裂和妄想症,並送入了精神病院。幸好科學家們將他傳送回了2035年。隨後,科學家們又一次將他傳送回1996年,科爾發現病毒的發源地是在費城。他挾持了嘉芙蓮開車送他到費城,並找到了12猴子軍團。起初,嘉芙蓮不相信他的話,但是隨着一些事件的發生,她逐漸相信並愛上科爾,並決心幫助他挽救人類的命運。 他們發現12猴子軍團原來是個動物解放運動協會,它的組織者是六年前科爾在精神病院的病友謝菲(Jefferey Goines,畢·彼特飾演),謝菲之父為著名的病毒專家科蘭德。科爾一度以為是自己當年在精神病院中關於病毒襲擊的談話啟發了謝菲毀滅世界的靈感,嘉芙蓮也偶然間留下一段電話留言警告12猴子軍團的可能威脅(這就是前述被未來科學家反覆研究的線索)。 然而,後來謝菲及其12猴子軍團成員的大行動其實只是將科蘭德捆送動物園囚禁以抗議其動物活體實驗,並釋放關在動物園的動物任牠們在費城四處遊蕩。當科爾發現那場致命的病毒根本與12猴子軍團無關後,他和嘉芙蓮決定不再理會,並打算飛離費城享受平淡美好的生活。在機場兩人卻發現科蘭德博士的助手彼得斯才是世界末日的罪魁禍首,當時他正準備運送病毒到最早爆發疫情的幾個城市。但是正當科爾準備開槍阻止彼得斯時,他卻被趕到的警察當場擊斃,而彼得斯則已開始了散佈病毒的行動。在科爾臨死時,幼年的科爾正好經過此處,老科爾才發現自己被殺的這一幕原來就是自己經常在夢中夢到的場景。

1996 年 02 月 09 日

狄坚上尉是美国空军一名十分出色的机师,他英勇善战,屡获殊荣,却始终得不到升职。他的好友希尔中 尉是他的副手, 但在拳台上, 希尔每次打赌均输给狄坚。在一次执行飞行任务时,狄坚计划劫持隐型战机上 的两枚核导弹,他将希尔打出了机舱,投下核弹,飞机在自然公园坠毁。 希尔的降落伞救了他一命,但他却遭到公园巡警泰 莉的拘捕,经过打斗与说服,他终于让泰莉相信了他。   狄坚早已有内应和接应,他成功地找到了两枚核弹。希 尔和泰莉击毁了直升机,并机智地劫持了运载核弹的汽 车,将核弹藏到了一个废铜矿之中。但在慌乱之中,核 弹被启动了。狄坚一伙赶到,抢走了另一枚核弹,却将 希尔他们关在矿井下,试图让他们被核弹炸死。希尔和 泰莉从地下河逃出矿井。地下核爆产生了巨大破坏力, 白宫与国防部震惊之余,不得不答应狄坚要求巨款的威 胁。 希尔与泰莉分头追踪狄坚,泰莉跟上了狄坚的火车, 却被抓住.........

2013 年 03 月 14 日

911緊急熱線中心接線生Jordan(荷爾芭莉 飾)因一次失誤,意外令少女慘遭連環殺人犯毒手, Jordan更與兇手直接通話,留下無法抹掉的慘痛陰影。 Jordan又再收到少女Casey(艾碧姬比絲蓮 飾)的來電求救,說正被一名陌生人綁架困在開行中的汽車車尾箱內。Jordan隔空指引Casey自救,差點助Casey逃脫成功,這時兇手竟用Casey手機與Jordan直接對話,其聲線正是當日的連環殺人犯! 警方與Jordan合力,成功追查出兇手身分及住址,前往營救,卻不見Casey和兇手蹤影…Case y命懸一線,Jordan誓要把握最後機會,衝出報案中心,救她逃出魔掌。 究竟Jordan能否趕及在兇手完成對Casey加害之前,成功把她救出,同時把這名連環殺人犯緝拿歸案?

2005 年 05 月 27 日

A tale about a strange young man, Bulcsú, and the fellow ticket inspectors on his team who work aboard the subterranean Budapest Metro. A tale about racing along the tracks, and about a mysterious serial killer. And a tale about love.


1999 年 02 月 26 日

A small, seemingly innocuous plastic reel of film leads surveillance specialist Tom Welles down an increasingly dark and frightening path. With the help of the streetwise Max, he relentlessly follows a bizarre trail of evidence to determine the fate of a complete stranger. As his work turns into obsession, he drifts farther and farther away from his wife, family and simple life as a small-town PI.

2015 年 09 月 15 日

A family takes refuge in a fallout shelter to avoid a dangerous outbreak.

2008 年 03 月 04 日

Jake, full of anger after his father's death, is just starting to find a place for himself at his new Orlando high school - until Ryan, head of an underground MMA fight club, picks Jake out as a prime opponent. After being trounced by Ryan in front of the entire school, Jake begins training under the firm, moral guidance of a MMA master, where he learns how to fight... and how to avoid a fight. But it becomes obvious that a rematch will be inevitable if Jake wants to stop Ryan and his bullying, once and for all.

Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.

2012 年 08 月 24 日


2003 年 04 月 18 日

Lilja lives in poverty and dreams of a better life. Her mother moves to the United States and abandons her to her aunt, who neglects her. Lilja hangs out with her friends, Natasha and Volodya, who is suicidal. Desperate for money, she starts working as a prostitute, and later meets Andrei. He offers her a good job in Sweden, but when Lilja arrives her life quickly enters a downward spiral.

2023 年 02 月 11 日

In a surreal universe where bananas fire laser beams and soup cans are used as grenades, a wacky cast of gangsters are thrown into a deadly game to battle it out over a mystical longboard in this trippy take on the Tarantino crime genre.

1990 年 03 月 09 日

Wimpy young executive Michael is about to get pulverized by a jealous boyfriend in a bar when a handsome, mysterious stranger steps in—and then disappears. Later that night, Michael runs into a stranger on a pier, who wheedles his way into Michael's life and turns it upside down.

A continuation of the epic adventure of plucky Riko and Reg who are joined by their new friend Nanachi. Together they descend into the Abyss' treacherous fifth layer, the Sea of Corpses, and encounter the mysterious Bondrewd, a legendary White Whistle whose shadow looms over Nanachi's troubled past. Bondrewd is ingratiatingly hospitable, but the brave adventurers know things are not always as they seem in the enigmatic Abyss.

1992 年 04 月 03 日

In a post-apocalyptic world, the residents of an apartment above the butcher shop receive an occasional delicacy of meat, something that is in low supply. A young man new in town falls in love with the butcher's daughter, which causes conflicts in her family, who need the young man for other business-related purposes.

2007 年 03 月 16 日

In 1920s Ireland young doctor Damien O'Donovan prepares to depart for a new job in a London hospital. As he says his goodbyes at a friend's farm, British Black and Tans arrive, and a young man is killed. Damien joins his brother Teddy in the Irish Republican Army, but political events are soon set in motion that tear the brothers apart.

1972 年 04 月 12 日

A swinging, hypocritical college student cat raises hell in a satirical vision of the 1960s.

Second compilation movie of the TV series which covers episodes 9-13. Riko and Reg descend to the third and fourth layer where Riko has her first experience of the Curse.



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