63 部电影

1975 年 06 月 20 日

艾米蒂島是一個旅遊度假勝地,有大批的遊客來這裡游泳。 然而,大白鯊的出現卻改變了這一切。 事故從一對情侶開始,他們下海游泳,女的不幸成為了第一個犧牲者,支離破碎的屍體令人慘不忍睹。 當地官員卻不願意封場調查,他們怕影響旅遊收入,於是請來了生物學家布朗(理查•德萊福斯Richard Dreyfuss飾)。 布朗斷定,這是一隻非比尋常的巨大白鯊。 他的提醒並沒有引起當局的足够重視,緊接著又有人死於非命,事態才變得越發嚴重。 當地一個熟練捕魚手、警詧和布朗一共三人,决心要捕殺大白鯊,兇險重重的搏鬥開始了,誰才是最後的勝者? 要獲得這場戰鬥的勝利,又要付出怎樣的代價?

1998 年 11 月 09 日

蘿拉(Lola,安娜·阿密拉地飾)是寡婦 莎拉(Zaira,莎蓮娜·格蘭迪飾)的女兒,是個生活在1950年代波河河谷的倫巴第平原一個小鎮的十來歲少女(電影於蓬蓬埃斯科及多索洛兩個河谷內的 市鎮取景)[1]。 當年的她,已經與年輕的馬錫圖(Masetto,馬里奧·帕羅迪飾)訂婚,而且很快就要結婚了。然而,對性愛感到非常好奇的她,再加上其浪蕩的繼父安德烈 (André,派屈克·莫厄爾飾)的推波助瀾,令她的好奇心更加重。然而,保守的馬錫圖堅決認為女生在結婚前應該保持童貞。這大大影響了二人的關係。

1979 年 03 月 15 日

改編自同名百老匯的劇作,農家子弟克勞德(約翰賽維奇 飾),為了從軍報國來到紐約,卻誤打誤撞的來到嬉痞的大本營…中央公園,他愛上了美麗的席拉,並與嬉痞反戰領袖伯格結為好友。為了表達對席拉的愛,克勞德決定破壞一場正式的宴會,他的冒險之旅讓他身陷囹圄,最後仍調往越南戰場,伯格決定要把克勞德從戰場救出,引發了一連串的驚人結局。

2011 年 09 月 30 日

艾莉(安娜費莉絲飾)是一個人緣極佳的上班族單身女性,不過她很快就要面臨失業,但仍然保有「單身女性」的頭銜,但是她在愛情方面,雖然一直有桃花,但是沒有一個是可以開花結果的對象。 某日,她在報章雜誌讀到一篇文章,上面提到「女人只要睡超過20個男人,一輩子就可能單身…」的理論,這件事讓她心驚,所以她決定要回去找之前的床友…就在思索策略的同時,鄰居柯林(克里斯伊凡飾)因為要逃避女人情債而躲進艾莉家,因此兩人就達成協議,只要柯林幫艾莉從過去的床友找到理想的另一半,她讓出家裡的空間讓柯林躲女人! 於是,柯林便開始積極安排艾莉的行程,讓她和過去床友們約會,而他自己也同時在每一次的一夜情中成功落跑,然而這樣的關係,就在兩人朝夕相處中起了變化…。

本片是在1969年舉行了四天的伍德斯托克音樂節的大型紀錄片,曾榮獲翌年的金像獎最佳紀錄片獎。在那個嬉皮當道,搖滾有理的年代,這壹場高達四十萬人參與的戶外馬拉松演唱會,匯集了當時最走紅和最有影響力的流行樂團和個人輪番表演,臺下則盡情發揮無拘無束的時代氣息。觀眾除了可以欣賞到很多精彩的音樂表演外,也可透過此片認識那個已經逝去的美好時代。導演邁克爾.沃德利采用多銀幕手法來呈現這場盛會的逼人氣勢,當時剛出道的馬丁.斯科塞斯也協助剪輯工作,使本片在映象上的表現與音樂同樣出色。 1969年8月在紐約郊外舉行的胡士托(Woodstock)音樂藝術節。這場標榜“愛與和平”(Love & Peace)的演唱會,這是人類歷史上最重要的壹場搖滾音樂會,共有三十幾萬人(或者更多?)參加,他們全為了音樂而來。道路阻塞、食物飲水嚴重櫃乏,美國政府宣布此地為災區,壹整個世代年輕人的茫然不知所終,全在這三天三夜釋放… 1969年8月15日-17日,全世界40多萬音樂迷、嬉皮士和音樂家聚集在美國紐約伍德斯托克鎮(Woodstock),舉行規模空前的反越戰音樂會。35年過後,那場盛大的音樂節給人們留下的東西已經不多。伍德斯托克音樂節的黯然失色,反映出美國反戰文化已經失去了它在上世紀60年代那種濃厚的氣息,取而代之的是缺乏內容的框架。 在35年前的那3天,大雨傾盆,交通堵塞長達20英裏,汙穢遍地。在伍德斯托克鎮,青年人用富有反叛意味的搖滾樂、毒品和性與國家機器、政權和體制進行“直接”對抗,用這種方式表達他們對美國發動越南戰爭的不滿和憤怒。伍德斯托克音樂節從此以它的通俗性、平民化和非道德性而世代相傳。

1975 年 10 月 31 日

Loredana is a schoolgirl who takes advantage of her fellow students and teachers by using her innocent schoolgirl beauty. After she loses her virginity to an older man she soon realizes there are more important things to life than teasing men.

1986 年 03 月 07 日


At a cruising spot near a lake, Franck falls in love with Michael, a handsome and lethally dangerous man. Even though Franck is aware of this, he chooses to follow his passion.

1972 年 05 月 03 日

《血之海灘》是馬里奧巴瓦執導的懸疑片,克勞迪娜‧奧格爾、里奧普爾多‧特裡斯特、Luigi Pistilli主演。


1991 年 09 月 30 日

Maureen Trant and her younger sibling Dani share a strong connection, but local boy Court Foster threatens to throw their bond off balance. Dani and Court meet first and have a flirtatious rapport -- but when he meets Maureen, he falls hard and they begin a passionate affair. The new couple try to keep their love hidden from Dani, but she soon learns the truth, disavowing her sister. But a heartbreaking accident later reunites the girls.

2017 年 03 月 14 日

In an early 20th century village, a painter with an unusual commission finds two pretty girls two model for him. The girls slowly come of age while exploring their sexuality and finding liberation in a repressed society.

2004 年 01 月 30 日

A small-time con artist and a Hawaiian real estate developer's mischievous, enterprising mistress team up for a potential $200,000 score.

2002 年 06 月 25 日

At his bachelor party, Jason has a one-night fling with Nikki, a radiant beauty with whom he forms an immediate bond. They agree to keep their secret locked away forever. Two years later, Jason, his wife, Andy and his fiancee plan a reunion weekend. Jason is shocked to discover that Andy's fiancee is Nikki. Now, secret and passionate affairs are played out.

1946 年 12 月 31 日

Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad.

1961 年 12 月 27 日

Newspaper editor Arthur Sherwood is on a hunting trip when he accidentally stumbles upon a nudist camp in the woods. He is very much shocked by this and decides to send reporter Stacy Taylor to the camp so she can write an expose on the camp and have it shut down. However, much to her surprise, Stacy finds that she enjoys the nudist lifestyle and writes some very positive articles on her experiences, which doesn't sit well with Arthur. Arthur then decides to join the camp himself and write his own story.

1980 年 04 月 11 日

Seven former college friends, along with a few new friends, gather for a weekend reunion at a summer house in New Hampshire to reminisce about the good old days, when they got arrested on the way to a protest in Washington, D.C.

1986 年 04 月 18 日

A coming-of-age story about a young brother and sister whom spend a pivotal summer in the country with their grandparents.

2016 年 03 月 04 日

When hitchhiker Jack rescues Véronique from a road rage altercation, the twosome decide to travel together for safety’s sake after learning a serial killer is cutting a murderous swathe through the region. Tired and hungry, they decide against their better judgment to take up an offer to stay the night at a mysterious elderly couple’s mansion…

14-year old Erik gets sent to live with his older brother, Henry, during the summer as his mother is dying in cancer. Henry starts dating Ewa, who is married to Berra. A few days after Ewa shows up battered and bruised from an altercation with Berra, he is found dead on a nearby parking lot.

2022 年 06 月 17 日

Link and his brother flee their abusive father and embark on a journey where Link discovers his sexuality and rediscovers his Mi’kmaw heritage.



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