47 Serien

5. Oktober 2006

Examining the quality crisis in our health-care system and exploring innovative solutions, this four-part PBS documentary provides a comprehensive look at the state of medicine in America today. Topics include patient safety, medical and medication mistakes, hospital-acquired infections, family-centered care and effective management of chronic disease. Moving personal stories highlight the problems and the people who are working to solve them.

15. Juli 2010

Victorian Pharmacy is a historical documentary TV series in four parts, first shown on BBC Two in July 2010. It was made for the BBC by independent production company Lion Television. It was filmed at Blists Hill Victorian Town in Shropshire. It is a historical documentary that looks at life in the 19th Century and how people attempted to cure common ailments. Since some of the ingredients of Victorian remedies are now either illegal or known to be dangerous, Nick Barber often uses his modern pharmaceutical knowledge to produce similar products without those ingredients. The other main presenters are Tom Quick, a PhD student, and Ruth Goodman, a domestic historian who also appeared in Tales from the Green Valley, Victorian Farm and Edwardian Farm.

Menschen mit außergewöhnlichen Beschwerden oder körperlichen Merkmalen stehen im Mittelpunkt der sechsteiligen Serie. Mit ihrer Hilfe gelingt es internationalen Wissenschaftlern, bahnbrechende medizinische Entdeckungen zu machen. Eine Frau, die die Parkinson-Krankheit riechen kann. Ein Patient, der keinen Schmerz empfindet. Ein Freitaucher, der neun Minuten ohne Sauerstoff unter Wasser atmen kann. Ein Mädchen, dessen Herz außerhalb der Rippen gewachsen ist. All diese Menschen zeigen, welch unerschöpfliche Fähigkeit der menschliche Körper trotz vieler Widrigkeiten hat, sich anzupassen und zu überleben.

The series investigates Paolo Macchiarini’s claims to have invented a ground-breaking method to create new organs. His method using plastic tracheas sown with stemcells has been operated on patients in the US, Russia, Sweden and the UK. So far, unfortunately, the track record of his plastic organs is not very good. Almost all patients are dead. And several of his former surgeon colleagues in Sweden claim that not only does the method not work, but that his scientific claim to fame is based on falsified and misrepresented data. Some even claim that his patients have been used as human guinea-pigs.

Die Dokumentation nimmt das Publikum mit auf eine überaus faszinierende Reise zu den Ursprüngen der modernen Medizin. Bemerkenswerterweise erstreckt sich der Ausflug in die Vergangenheit lediglich auf einen Zeitraum von zirka 200 Jahren. Denn noch gegen Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts befand sich das Niveau der Heilkunst etwa auf jenem der Antike. Erst die bedingungslose Opferbereitschaft und der unstillbare Erkenntnisdrang visionärer Forscher ebneten den Weg zum Eintritt in eine neue Ära der Schmerz- und Krankheitsbekämpfung.

A fascinating insight into the evolution of modern medicine as we explore the medical treatments for certain issues from past to present, seeing just how much we have learned through trial and error. The series is also a chance to see how medical advancements are currently used to treat problems in the fields of oncology, ophthalmology, dentistry, neurology, obstetrics and orthopaedics, and to see what the future may hold.

From the pioneering work of Galen on Roman gladiators to the latest advances in plastic surgery, this five-part series illustrates the evolution of surgical techniques—a story as much of mishaps and misadventures as it is of successes and amazing advances. Filmed in America and Europe and presented by the charismatic and medically trained Michael J. Mosley. Contains surgical scenes of a graphic nature. A BBC Production. 5-part series.

Michael Mosley embarks on three journeys to understand science's last great frontier - the human mind - as he traces the history of the attempts to understand and manipulate the brain.

1. Januar 2003

100 trillion cells. 280 days. One human life. A BBC Science series, produced in partnership with The Open University, exploring the making of you.

14. November 1975
23. September 2012

This historical drama is about the life of the physician Lee Je Ma (1837-1900), who was the founder of Sasang Constitutional Medicine.

25. Oktober 1990

A long journey in 8 episodes to discover the human body, with Piero Angela who closely observes our organism, focusing each time on a theme: the eye, the ear, taste and smell, the stomach and the intestine, liver, bones, lungs and heart. How does our "wonder machine" work? To make each explanation direct and clear, the program uses films, animations and photographs developed with the scanning electron microscope.

6. November 1978

The Body in Question is a landmark British medical documentary series of 13 shows made for the BBC. It was a groundbreaking show, being the first to ever televise an autopsy (in the final show on 29 Jan 1979). Dr Jonathan Miller considers the functioning of the body as a subject of private experience. He explores our attitudes towards our bodies, our ignorance of them, and our inability to read our body's signals. The first episode starts with vox populi asking where various organs in the body are located. By the final episode we are left in no doubt. Taking as his starting point the experience of pain, Dr Miller analyses the elaborate social process of "falling ill", considers the physical foundations of "disease" and looks at the types of individuals humankind has historically attributed with the power of healing. The series was nominated for two 1979 BAFTAs: Best Factual Television Series and Most Original Programme/Series.

Origins würdigt die Geschichte, wie der Mensch modern wurde, in einem Zeitreiseabenteuer, das tief in die Geschichte eindringt, um die entscheidenden Ursprungs-Momente zu finden, die unseren evolutionären Aufstieg beflügelten. Der Zukunftsdenker Jason Silva erkundet mit uns diese wichtigen Entwicklungen wie Feuer, Medizin, Krieg, Geld und Kommunikation, die unser modernes Leben grundlegend und unwiderruflich geprägt haben.

17-year-old Aoi came to Yui Obstetrics and Gynecology clinic as a part-time nurse apprentice in Summer 1997. Right after her entry, she is shocked after witnessing an abortion surgery. However, she also met staff members like Yui, the head of the clinic who is careful about everything, Sayako, a reliable and experienced nurse, and Sakaki, the gentle head nurse, who face each pregnant patient and support them after surgeries. Fumika, Aoi's mother, is worried about her clumsy nature and poor communication skills, but Aoi's unique compassion and kindness draws patients' hearts. "I wonder what's life..." Aoi matures while looking at the newborn babies' overwhelming life and asking herself that question.

A brilliant general medicine doctor dreams only of becoming a famous dancer. He returns to Japan to make a name for himself in the entertainment industry only to find out the agency he signed up with was a sham. He stays in Japan and works part-time in a run-down GM center solving baffling medical mysteries. All the while he plans for his dancing comeback.

9. Oktober 2012

Merhaba Hayat is a Turkish series broadcast on Fox. It is a licensed adaptation of Private Practice and jointly produced by Med Yapım Productions. Ended February 13, 2013.

19. Oktober 2022

Life Today is a medical and drama Turkish television series signed by O3 Medya, the first episode of which was broadcast on October 19, 2022, directed by Çiğdem Bozali and written by Ayça Üzüm and Cansu Çoban. Adapted from the 2018 American TV series New Amsterdam. The leading roles are shared by Ulaş Tuna Astepe, Hazar Ergüçlü, Tansel Öngel and Hande Doğandemir. The series ended with its 8th episode, which was broadcast on December 7, 2022.

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