43 部电影

2021 年 06 月 18 日

一個充滿陽光、海灘和笑聲的難忘夏天,兩個對人類世界充滿好奇的小海獸,決定上岸變成人類外表,遊走在意大利里維埃拉(Italian Riviera)的臨海小鎮,但偏偏這個小鎮是以捕捉海獸馳名,二人要隱藏身份的祕密,不能碰水,否則一秒打回原形,陷入危險境地。他們與新結識的朋友組織了三人小隊,一起展開精彩刺激的追夢歷險。

金自鴻(車太鉉 飾)是個正直、盡責的消防員,不幸在一次拯救任務中殉職。地獄使者「老大」江林 (河正宇 飾)、「護衛」解怨脈 (朱智勛 飾)、「助手」李德春(金香起 飾)奉命引領金自鴻到地府,接受七大地獄,七七四十九天的審判。唯有盡過七關的亡魂,方可轉世前託夢給在世的人。為了見年邁母親最後一面,金自鴻決心勇闖「背叛、暴力、不孝、殺戮、怠惰、欺騙、不義」七大地獄,與閻羅王(李政宰 飾)終極對峙…改編自大熱韓國同名網絡漫畫,帶你進入一個空前未見的神幻國度!

忽男、忽女,變成小朋友、老人、甚至化身為外國人——宇振每天起床都會變成另一個人,每天一副新臉孔新軀體。某天 在傢俬店裡,遇上迷人親切的伊秀(韓孝珠 飾),孤獨活了廿多年的宇振,決定鼓起勇氣向她表白!

2022 年 02 月 15 日

死的前特工閔奇憲 (孔劉 飾) 接受了國家級機密任務,將史上第一個複製人徐福(朴寶劍 飾)由研究所護送至安全地方。年僅十歲、身懷人類永生秘密的徐褔,在奇憲的陪伴下,首次踏進真實世界,即要面對四面八方的追殺,二人更被情報局列為恐怖分子!奇憲將如何保護徐福,在驚險中殺出重圍?

Jae-ho, who aims to become the number one in a crime organization, gets to build up trust with Hyun-su, an ambitious newbie in the prison. While they try to take over the organization after the prison release, their ulterior motives starts to emerge.

秀雅(孫藝眞 飾)臨終前留下她親手畫的繪本,並跟丈夫宇振(蘇志燮 飾)和兒子智昊(金志桓 飾) 約定,在下個雨季會回到兩人身邊。一年後,隨著一場大雨的降臨,秀雅真的重現他們眼前,但卻失去往日的記憶。在朝夕相處下,夫妻再次陷入熱戀,智昊也體會到失而復得的母愛……不過當雨季即將結束,秀雅能否繼續留在摯愛身邊?奇蹟會否再現?

2015 年 12 月 12 日

A girl mysteriously receives advice from her future self and as a result her group of friends, along with a newly arrived, troubled classmate, learn how to be better friends and a better community.

2020 年 04 月 10 日


2017 年 08 月 09 日

兩位新進學警(朴敘俊及姜河那 飾)在學堂一拍即合成為好友。一次機緣巧合,兩人目擊一宗綁架案。兩人遂遵從學堂所得,從速報警,有見警方沒有即時行動,兩位熱血學警決定要英雄救美…

The street fighters of Oya High and the delinquent brawlers of Housen Academy face off against each other when both seemingly attack each other.

《3個特攻美少年》(偉大的隱藏者)根據網絡人氣漫畫改編,由《盜賊門》金秀炫、《致美麗的你》李玹雨和《浪漫滿屋TAKE 2》朴基雄三位新紮男星主演,《煉獄島》導演張喆洙執導。劇組還邀請孫賢周、金成均、高昌錫、張光等實力演員加盟,令影片自籌備以來備受矚目,上映兩個月後更推出加長版。


2022 年 05 月 13 日

Val has reached a place where he feels the only way out is to end things. But he considers himself a bit of a failure—his effectiveness lacking—so he figures he could use some help. As luck would have it, Val’s best friend, Kevin, is recovering from a failed suicide attempt, so he seems like the perfect partner for executing this double suicide plan. But before they go, they have some unfinished business to attend to.

2018 年 05 月 18 日

在美國洛杉磯夜店工作的Mark(馬東石 飾),一直夢想在腕力比賽中成為世界冠軍,被自認是他經紀人的晉基(權律 飾)說服,回到韓國參加全國腕力大賽。

2016 年 11 月 24 日



Set in the capital city of Badon one year after the events of the TV anime, Jean and the rest of the ACCA department are preparing for the one-year anniversary of the establishment of the new order. For the characters — caught between rumors of unrest, unchanging days, new crossroads, gazes remembered in memories, and days of new beginnings — time once again begins to move forward.

The year is 2148. Two years have passed since the world was defended from the mysterious Festum, leaving the world in peace. Soushi promised Kazuki that he would one day return to Tatsumiya Island but instead he still keeps himself hidden, living his life in the peace that he created. But one day a mysterious ship arrives at Tatsumiya Island... a ship with nobody but a single sleeping girl on board. The peace isn't going to last as long as everyone might hope...

2020 年 11 月 25 日

Daekwon is the team leader of the surveillance team on the verge of getting a demotion. His mission is to be as an unemployed head of a household and monitor the politician's family who's been house arrested right after arrival from abroad for 24 hours a day with his team. Members of the surveillance team, who have moved into the next door disguised as a neighbor, discover secrets one by one, through monitoring all the sounds and behaviors of suspicious family members, from requests for a radio show to midnight rustling noises…

2015 年 09 月 24 日

Nam-bok, a middle-aged South Korean farmer is conscripted and assigned a mission to deliver a classified military document that may decide the fate of the war. After losing it while under attack from the enemy, he then faces a teenage North Korean soldier named Yeong-gwang who happens to acquire the secret document on his way to the North.

Two different students—a successful but aloof academic and a rebellious but kindhearted delinquent—form a friendship through their love of jazz music.

2022 年 10 月 30 日

Ray (Tanner Presswood) and Paul (Simon Elias) are best friends and co-best men in their buddy’s wedding. But when they lose the ring just days before the wedding, their fateful road trip to get it back accelerates into a loud exploration of life, love, and how to not die.



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